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Organization: Croix-Rouge Française
Location: Guadeloupe (France)
Occupational Groups:
Closing Date: 2025-02-11
1.1. PIRAC
Created in 2005, the Regional Intervention Platform of the Americas-Caribbean (PIRAC) is the international delegation of the French Red Cross (FRC) for the Caribbean region, based in Guadeloupe, as well as its operational mechanism for humanitarian action and regional cooperation. PIRAC helps people throw emergency responses in case of major disasters and supports resilience- building in the Caribbean in French territories, as well as in the countries of the Caribbean island arc and the Guyana Plateau.
1.2. READY 360° program
PIRAC started the READY 360° program in January 2023, co-funded by the INTERREG Caribbean program, the French Development (AFD) and the CMA CGM foundation. The READY 360° program aims to build global and greener resilience in Caribbean territories by strengthening disaster preparedness and response capacities at all levels: from the individual and family, to entrepreneurial and institutional levels. It aims to achieve 4 main objectives: (i) Strengthen regional coordination and legislative frameworks for disaster management; (ii) Prepare, anticipate and respond to disasters and crises with more environmentally preparedness measures; (iii) Improve information, awareness and preparedness of citizens for disasters and crises; (iv) Develop technical studies and research on disaster management with experts and academic stakeholders.
The READY 360°/3 Oceans program is part of the 3 Oceans project financed by the French Development Agency (AFD) and carried out collectively by all the French Red Cross Regional Intervention Platforms (PIR). The main aim of this project is to reduce the impact of disasters, health crises and the effects of climate change on the populations of the three ocean basins covered by the PIRs (Americas-Caribbean, Indian Ocean, South Pacific).
The program’s operational partners are the Organization of Eastern Caribbean States (OECS) and the Caribbean Disaster Emergency Management Agency (CDEMA). The National Red Cross Societies of 8 Caribbean territories are also involved in the program: Antigua & Barbuda, Dominica, Grenada, Guadeloupe, Martinique, Saint Kitts & Nevis, Saint Lucia, Saint Vincent & the Grenadines.
1.3. The regional awareness campaign
One of the main outcomes of the READY 360° program is to raise awareness of disaster risks and the effects of climate change in the Caribbean through a regional public awareness campaign. The
campaign focuses on the role of citizens in their own preparedness and safety. Messages cover a wide range of topics and are disseminated on a large scale via a variety of media supports.
2.1. General objective
The main objective of the service is to maximize the visibility of the awareness campaign by ensuring strategic broadcasting of content to the general public, in particular family, through digital and participative media (e.g. purchase of advertising space on social networks, viral challenge and press release).
2.2. Specific objectives of the mission
More specifically, the service will consist of :
● The transmission of awareness-raising messages through appropriate channels, to reach a wide audience.
● Promoting citizen participation through interactive initiatives such as the viral challenge, to encourage proactive behavior, facing natural hazards and climate change.
2.3. Target audience and territories
The service does not target a specific audience, the regional campaign will be widely distributed to the Caribbean population. The supports will be aimed primarily for a public wishing to be informed.
The territories targeted for this service are as follows: Antigua & Barbuda, Dominica, Grenada, Guadeloupe, Martinique, Saint Kitts & Nevis, Saint Lucia, Saint Vincent & the Grenadines.
2.4. How we work
In general, the contractor will benefit from the technical support of the French Red Cross, which will provide all technical content. The PIRAC project team consists of the DRR Activity Manager, the Regional Projects Manager and the Programs Coordinator.
A scoping meeting will be organized between the PIRAC team and the service provider at the start of the assignment to confirm the specifics and timetable of deliverables. This meeting can be held remotely or face-to-face.
Regular exchanges between the service provider and the DRR Activity Manager will enable the general content of the service to be validated on an ongoing basis. Preliminary versions of each deliverable will be submitted to PIRAC for comments and suggestions, which should be incorporated into the final versions of each deliverable. Validation time should be included in the schedule for review before submission of the final version.
Revisions may therefore be requested from the service provider, and should be included in the methodology and initial budget.
The Regional Projects Manager and the Program Coordinator will be involved in the process of validating the final deliverables.
The following elements must also be taken into account:
● The materials will have to be inclusive and adapted to the specificities of the different groups targeted by the campaign: teenagers, young adults, adults, seniors, caregivers and people with disabilities.
● All deliverables must comply with READY 360° communication guidelines.
● Deliverables must be consistent with the graphic charter of the campaign, the READY 360°/3 Oceans program, the French Red Cross and the visibility requirements of financial partners (Interreg Caraïbes, AFD and CMA CGM).
2.5. Service provider commitment
The service provider may delegate part of the mission to his team or to a collaborator of his choice, but he remains the sole hierarchical and disciplinary authority over his team members, and must ensure the quality of the deliverables provided.
The service provider undertakes to comply with the following clauses:
– Ethical clauses and founding principles of the French Red Cross
– Image rights and privacy rules
The visual creations and any other element produced during this service will be the property of the French Red Cross and may not be distributed by the service provider without the prior agreement of the French Red Cross.
Press relations
● Distribution of 4 press releases prepared in advance by PIRAC, and monitoring of press coverage.
● Press releases will be issued in April 2025, October 2025, April 2026 and October 2026.
Digital promotion
● Organization of a targeted advertising campaign to ensure the visibility of audiovisual content (22 short videos) and graphic media (12 infographics) on social networks such as Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, and LinkedIn.
● Purchase of advertising space to boost the 10 infographics and 22 videos as posts on social networks.
● The digital promotion will take place monthly from April 2025 to October 2026.
Challenge viral (optionnel).
PIRAC wants to set up an interactive initiative to motivate and generate the general public commitment on a specific theme: preparing the emergency kit.
To achieve this, the service provider must propose the implementation of a viral challenge that is simple to understand, and easy to reproduce, via a social network, and why not by mobilizing an “ambassador” for massive participation.
The service is due to start on March 03, 2025, with completion scheduled for October 15, 2026. Schedule dates and deliverables are subject to change.
The total estimated cost of this service is proposed by the service provider and may not exceed EUR 17,000. The successful contractor will be responsible for all costs incurred in carrying out the assignment. A detailed budget per deliverable is requested.
7.1 Consultant profile
● Academic training in communications, marketing, advertising, public relations or journalism.
● Proven experience (3 to 5 years minimum) in managing communications or awareness campaigns, or in carrying out similar projects (distributing press releases to local and international media, managing advertising campaigns on social networks, launching and running viral challenges or online participative campaigns.
● Technical expertise in media relations, digital marketing, community engagement and budget management for media buying.
● Ability to work to tight deadlines, responsiveness and flexibility.
● Good analytical and reporting skills.
● Knowledge of accessibility standards for communications.
● Experience in multicultural contexts: ideally in the Caribbean region or in island environments.
● Fluent written and spoken English and French.
● Experience with the Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement and/or one of our partners is an asset.
7.2 Bid evaluation criteria
● Quality/cost evaluation: weighting of technical score (70%) / financial score (30%)
● Provider’s skills, experience and expertise
● Ability to deliver on time and available over the required period
● Understanding and interpretation of the terms of reference (proposed methodology and work schedule in relation to the objectives to be achieved)
● Portfolio quality and relevance
● Consistency and relevance of the financial offer
● Sustainable development in service provision (social and environmental dimensions)
● Inclusive approach (professional integration of people with disabilities and inclusive design)
How to apply
We invite companies and persons wishing to tender to download the Terms of Reference at this link or, if they have expired, to request them from the e-mail addresses below.
Applications must be submitted to the French Red Cross before 11/02/2025 inclusive with the reference « PF_272_ABY_ABY_2025_0003 » » in the subject line :
● cc:
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