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Полевой офицер безопасности


Полевой офицер безопасности

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Организация: БАПОР - Агентство Организации Объединенных Наций для помощи палестинским беженцам и организации работ

Местонахождение: Сектор Газа

Оценка: Средний уровень, С-3, международный специалист — должность, набираемая на международной основе

Профессиональные группы:

Охрана и безопасность

Дата закрытия: 2024-04-13

Org. Настройка и отчетность
UNRWA, the largest United Nations operation in the Middle East with over 30,000 staff working across five areas of operation, is looking for highly committed personnel wishing to make a change. If you are looking for a rewarding opportunity to make a tangible difference for one of the most vulnerable communities in the world, UNRWA would like to hear from you. The Field Security Officer reports to the Senior Field Security Officer (FSFO) and receives technical guidance and advice from the Director of Security and Risk Management (DSRM)- HQ (Amman)..
Security Risk Assessment Develops, as required, security risk assessments outlining potential risks and recommends cost effective prevention and mitigation strategies towards improving the safety and security of the front-line Area Staff and the installations in the respective Field. Prepares comprehensive and context specific threat analysis and security risk assessments to include all area staff, locations, installations and activities in the assigned Field. Performs security risk assessments, both routine and exceptional, as required, to ensure optimal prevention and mitigation measures are in place, including personal security risk assessment preparation for the Field Director and alternate official on an annual and ad-hoc basis. Assists/provides inputs in coordination with Department of Security and Risk Management (DSRM), HQ (Amman) in the implementation, further development and monitoring and evaluation (M&E) of the security and risk management system with the objective to minimize risk in the contextual, programmatic and professional work-place risk categories for front line Area staff. Reports on UNRWA security incidents as required and ensures that the Agency Security Incident Management System (SIMS) is fully implemented, kept up-to-date and reports filed properly; participates in the upgrading of the SIMS to provide critical information for analysis at the Field level and encourage incident reporting at the Camp and Area level in coordination with assets on the ground. Participates in and provides safety and security inputs to operational and planning documents such as the Headquarters/ Field Implementation Plan and the Security and Risk Management Best Practices Guide; supports the identification of existing best practices on the ground on her/his Field of operations. Security Plan and Safety and Security Requirements: Reviews safety and security arrangements for all offices and identified at most risk installations and maintains instructions such as security, contingency, emergency and evacuation plans as required; engages and builds office and installations managers’ capacity in relation to security arrangement of their pertained offices/installations. Prepares, maintains and updates the Field specific safety and security contingency plans in accordance with the United Nations Security Policy Manual that governs International staff and UNRWA risk management system for Area staff; coordinates and organizes emergency medical evacuation and convoy security procedures. Supports and supervises the implementation and adherence to the Camp Security Plan and coordinates capacity building efforts for relevant front line staff; guides and supervises Mobile Safety Officers in the completion and follow up of the same. Ensures that all new International and Area staff personnel receive briefings upon arrival, local security training as necessitated by changes in the security environment, and are kept informed of matters affecting their security. Supports the design and supervises implementation of the front line staff capacity building plan in the assigned Field, including SSAFE training programme for front line staff and Professional work-place risk training to identify at most risk categories of staff; Supports the International staff warden/information systems as required. Ensures that UNRWA Field Office procedures conform to the UNSMS and UNRWA policy and standards as appropriate, and that UNRWA personnel are included in the Security Plan comprising International staff with dependents and the Area staff. Assists her/his supervisor in assessing and implementing SRM measures with a view towards SRM compliance for UNRWA personnel and supports the development and implementation of operational procedures and standards about contextual, programmatic and professional work-place risk categories for front line Area staff based on best practices in the Field. Office Security Develops and implements office security requirements in UNRWA installations; oversees access control mechanisms (visitors/vehicle screening) in UNRWA premises. Conducts office security surveys and recommends physical security measures to her/his supervisor. Assesses fire safety arrangements (fire extinguishers, smoke detectors, etc.) in UNRWA premises and makes recommendations to responsible units regarding fire safety arrangements; prepares fire/building evacuation plans and conducts periodical drills. Develops a plan to engage front line Area Staff, beneficiaries and community further into the installation security. Emergency Communications System (ECS) Ensures that all security and communications equipment are functioning and in good condition including radio communications. Ensures that radio communication training is provided to staff that are required to use various communications means. Ensures that adequate communication system is in place at the Area-Camp level and that front-line staff engages and relates to it. Reporting and liaision Updates her/his supervisor, DSRM at HQ(A) and UNDSS country offices on relevant security developments; participates as a member of the country/area security cell; attends the Area Security Management Team (ASMT) meetings in support of her/his supervisor as required. Establishes a flow of accurate and timely security related information to management and staff. Establishes and maintains contacts with area and programme staff, Chiefs of Area Offices, Camp Service Officers and programmatic front line area staff as appropriate. Guides and supports frontline Area staff in establishing community based security platforms. Establishes and maintains contacts with national security and law enforcement agencies and authorities, and security officials of diplomatic missions and international organizations to obtain/share the best information pertaining to protection for UNRWA staff and operations. Establishes and maintains communication links with designated Official, Security Management Team, Area Security Coordinators and other Field security personnel. Develops a strategy to further engage with beneficiaries, community and host governments (and de facto authorities) to increase coordination, collaboration and acceptance. Supports the implementation of clear reporting lines and strength communication channels between the HQ- Field-Area-Sub Area- Camp levels. Where applicable, the incumbent may provide overall supervision of the close protection team working directly with the close protection team leader. Ensuring that requisite standards are planned and met for close protection team members including but not limited to training standards, equipment/systems safety and storage, and qualification renewals. Implements Residential Security Measures (RSM), conducts residential security surveys of UNRWA international staff and recommends physical security measures to Area staff members; prepares justification for residential security measures as required.
UN Core Values of Integrity, Professionalism and Respect for Diversity, and Core Competencies of Communication, Working with People and Drive for Results apply by default. -Demonstrated competence in management, problem solving skills and excellent interpersonal and supervisory skills; -Understanding and demonstrated application of security planning, security risk management as related to staff, installations and programmes; -Demonstrated technical skills in fire and road safety and communication equipment; -Ability to establish and maintain effective working relationships with others in a team environment and with people of diverse backgrounds, culture and nationalities; – A high level of written and verbal communication skills and practical report and proposal writing experience; – Basic paramedic knowledge/skills; – Judgment and decision-making skills; – Promotes learning environment in the office/field; provides constructive coaching and feedback to others; -Creates an empowering and motivating environment; -Good command of MS Office applications. -Ability to manage units, sections and teams; -Demonstrates experience in community engagement initiatives; -Ability to identify best practices and to build SOPs accordingly. For guidance on how to prepare for competency-based interviews: https://careers.un.org/lbw/home.aspx?viewtype=AYI
Высшая университетская степень (магистр или ее эквивалент) аккредитованного учебного заведения в области политологии, международных отношений, гуманитарного права, прав человека, изучения конфликтов, социальных наук или международного права с упором на безопасность и управление рисками. Вместо высшего университетского образования может быть принята степень первого уровня с упором на управление безопасностью или смежные дисциплины в сочетании с двумя дополнительными годами квалификационного опыта работы.
Работа - особая квалификация
Additional management, programme and project management qualifications is desirable. In possession of UN Security Certification Programme (SCP) certificate is desirable.
Опыт работы
A minimum of five years of progressively responsible and relevant work experience in security management with the UN Security Management System (UNSMS) or International Organization (IO) Security Management or International Non-Governmental Organization (INGO) Security Management and/or experience in police or military is required. Unless already serving as an international staff member in the UN Common System, at least two continuous years of relevant international experience outside UNRWA, and outside the country(s) of which the candidate is a national or holds citizenship, a passport, or a national identity number is required. Progressively responsible practical experience at the Field/country level in moderate to high risk security environments within UNSMS, IO security management, INGO Security Management is required. An advanced university degree (Master’s or equivalent) from an accredited educational institution in political science, international relations, humanitarian law, human rights, conflict studies, social sciences or international law with a focus on security and risk management. A first level degree with a focus on security management or related disciplines, in combination with two additional years qualifying work experience may be accepted in lieu of the advanced university degree is required. International relations, humanitarian law, human rights, conflict studies, social sciences or international law with a focus on security and risk management is desirable. Additional technical certification in relation to security and risk management such as security management, community security, civilian-military coordination, human rights & protection, close protection, counter-terrorism, intelligence management, hostage management, operational planning and investigation, crisis management and emergency or disaster planning is desirable. Senior Staff College (military or police) training is desirable. Knowledge of UN field security operations/ UN Field Security Coordination Officer/Adviser or INGO Security management experience is desirable. Knowledge of UN policies, procedures and operations relating to security is desirable. Familiarity with UNRWA, its mandate, programmes and delivery modality and Knowledge of humanitarian operations, humanitarian, human rights, and/or international refugee law is desirable.
Отличное владение письменным и устным английским языком.
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Специальное уведомление
Type of Contract and duration: 1 years, with the possibility of further extension subject to need and performance. Gaza is a non-family duty station. The incumbent will be required to travel in the Agency’s area of operations. Applicants have to complete the Personal History Profile (PHP) in inspira in order to be considered. The PHP should be completed with full relevant work experience as per the requirements in the Job Opening, in order to be considered. UNRWA welcomes applications from qualified candidates with disabilities. A roster may be created from the selection exercise, and successful candidates may become eligible for appointment to the same post or a similar post. Join our eco-friendly organization dedicated to environment sustainability and targeting to be plastic free by 2025. NB: work experience alone or formal qualifications with no relevant work experience are not considered an acceptable combination. UNRWA is funded almost entirely by voluntary contributions from UN member states, regional bodies, business foundations and individual contributions. The mission of UNRWA is to help Palestine refugees achieve their full potential in human development under the difficult circumstances in which they live. For more details on UNRWA, please visit: https://www.unrwa.org
Соображения Организации Объединенных Наций
Сотрудники подчиняются Генеральному комиссару БАПОР и назначаются им или ею. БАПОР стремится к достижению гендерного паритета на всех уровнях укомплектования штатов в рамках текущей гендерной повестки дня в масштабах всей ООН и настоятельно рекомендует подавать заявки от квалифицированных кандидатов из недопредставленных групп. В БАПОР при наборе и найме персонала первостепенное внимание уделяется необходимости обеспечения высочайших стандартов эффективности, компетентности и добросовестности с должным учетом географического разнообразия. Все решения о приеме на работу принимаются на основе квалификации и организационных потребностей. БАПОР привержено созданию разнообразной и инклюзивной атмосферы взаимного уважения. Разумное приспособление для соискателей с ограниченными возможностями может быть предоставлено для поддержки участия в процессе приема на работу, если это необходимо и указано в заявке. Соображения БАПОР Ожидается, что персонал БАПОР будет придерживаться самых высоких стандартов эффективности, компетентности, нейтральности, беспристрастности и добросовестности. Это включает уважение и приверженность правам человека, разнообразию и ненасильственным средствам разрешения всех видов конфликтов. Только люди, которые полностью и безоговорочно привержены этим ценностям, должны подавать заявление о приеме на работу в БАПОР. Кандидаты не будут рассматриваться для приема на работу в БАПОР, если они совершили нарушения международного права прав человека, нарушения международного гуманитарного права, сексуальную эксплуатацию, сексуальное насилие или сексуальные домогательства, или если есть разумные основания полагать, что они были причастны к совершение любого из этих действий. Кандидаты, совершившие преступления, кроме незначительных нарушений правил дорожного движения, не могут быть приняты на работу. Агентство может дисквалифицировать кандидатов, которые уволились из-за проступка, покинули агентство ООН в то время, когда рассматривались дела о ненадлежащем поведении, или которые фигурируют в санкционном списке ООН. В БАПОР курение запрещено. Кандидатам настоятельно рекомендуется тщательно следовать всем инструкциям, доступным на онлайн-платформе для набора персонала inspira. Для получения более подробных инструкций кандидаты могут обратиться к Руководству для кандидата, доступ к которому можно получить, щелкнув гиперссылку «Руководства» в правом верхнем углу главной страницы владельца учетной записи Inspira. Оценка кандидатов будет проводиться на основе информации, представленной в заявке, в соответствии с критериями оценки открытия рабочих мест и действующим внутренним законодательством Организации Объединенных Наций, включая Устав Организации Объединенных Наций, резолюции Генеральной Ассамблеи, Положения и правила о персонале, административные вопросы и руководящие принципы. Кандидаты должны предоставить полную и точную информацию, относящуюся к их личному профилю и квалификации, в соответствии с инструкциями, содержащимися в Inspira, чтобы их можно было рассматривать для текущей вакансии. В поданные заявки нельзя вносить поправки, добавления, удаления, исправления или модификации. Кандидаты, находящиеся на серьезном рассмотрении для отбора, будут подвергнуты проверке рекомендаций для проверки информации, указанной в заявке. Вакансии, рекламируемые на портале вакансий, будут удалены в 11:59.

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