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UN Internships Locations: 3 types of places to take a UN Internship

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UN Internships Locations: 3 types of places to take a UN Internship

March 26, 2020

UN Internships LocationsUN Internships Locations

Be selected for a UN Internship Program is a dream for many! Understandably, since working at the UN combines prestigious and a wide range of benefits with meaningful work that can help billions of people around the world. In addition, interning at the UN means developing a global career with a global reach, in a multicultural and pleasant environment; you will be able to construct influential networks and receive encouragement to develop professionally.

In this article, we will take a look at the places to take a UN System Internship

In pursuit of its mission, the OpenIGO network has prepared a comprehensive eBook (available soon) and support and guidance services, with the aim of highly increasing your chances of success in these competitive processes. These services include revising your UN internships application documents (curriculum vitae/resume and cover letter) and a mock interview, as per the United Nations model. We also offer a range of packages that combine the eBook with different services.

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Places to Take a UN System Internship

Usually, when you think of a place to take an internship, the first choice for the majority of candidates is the USA or European countries. If you also think along these lines, it is important to know that internship opportunities are not restricted to these locations. A large number of UN System internship vacancies are distributed throughout the various units and offices, located in practically every region of the planet. For example, organizations the size of the World Bank and United Nations Development Program (UNDP) have more than 100 offices, spread throughout their Member States.

There are three types of the most common units: i) headquarters; ii) field/country offices and iii) liaison/representative offices.

  • Headquarters: are the main UN System agency locations. These offices are usually linked to developing strategic activities and coordinating the operations undertaken. A significant part of the UN System headquarters is located in North America or Europe, as is the case of the World Bank, WIPO and UNWTO, with headquarters in the USA, Switzerland and Spain, respectively. This does not mean there are no headquarters in developing countries, such as UNEP`s, which are based in Kenya.
  • Field offices: in some cases, they are called country/regional offices. These offices/units are linked to field work, to resolve specific local demands. These offices are spread over every continent and region, including: Africa, North America, Latin America and the Caribbean, Asia, the Pacific, Europe, Central Asia, and the Middle East.
  • Representative/liaison offices: These offices provide support to the headquarters and carry out less complex activities, operating as a type of “embassy” for the agency in a given country. The FAO, IAEA and UN Women, among others, are examples of organizations with representative offices.

The following table presents the UN System organizations` most common regions and countries of activity that offer internship programs, and are divided into the three categories mentioned above.  

Most common locations for UN System Internships
Headquarters (Countries)Field/Regionnal OfficesRepresentative/Liaison Office (Countries)
Republic of South Korea
United States
North America
Latin America and the Caribbean
Asia and the Pacific
Europe and Central Asia Middle East
African Union
United States

Therefore, it is important to have an open mind when venturing into a country with a different culture. How about taking an internship in a developing country away from the major urban centers? The experience may be even more rewarding, since you will see in practice the importance and impact of the United Nations` work.

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