OpenIGO | International Careers Development Network
Minimum Requirements

Minimum Requirements

The minimum requirements to be a World Bank YPP 2024-2025 candidate are as follows:

In pursuit of its mission, the OpenIGO network has prepared a comprehensive eBook and support and guidance services with the aim of highly increasing your chances of success in this competitive process. 

Our comprehensive eBook will introduce you to the complex world of the World Bank Group and its approach towards international development; it will teach you how to prepare each of the documents required in detail, and will also get you ready for the interview and assessment center. This eBook was written and revised by a team of professors, human resources specialists and former young professionals with a great deal of diligence.

The eBook is divided into 12 (twelve) chapters and one attachment, and contains more than 190 pages.

We also offer a range of packages that combine our eBook with different services. These services include reviewing your application documents and a mock interview as per the WBG model. Our packages are the best option for you regarding cost-benefit! They will guide you through every stage of the selection process and teach you how to succeed in each of them. Purchasing our packages, you can also save up to $30!

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This article is only a small sample of the extensive content present in our excellent ebook.

The majority of candidates usually exceed the minimum eligibility requirements. Therefore, it is important to observe that additional qualifications are also desirable in order to excel in the selection process and meet the World Bank YPP’s minimum requirements, such as:

  • Showing a commitment and passion for international development;
  • Having excellent academic credentials;
  • Having experience with international development in developing countries;
  • Having professional experience, with broad and in-depth technical knowledge;
  • Being motivated to relocate and take on assignments in other countries;
  • Total proficiency in one or more of WBG’s working languages: Arabic, Chinese, French, Portuguese, Russian and Spanish.
  • Presenting excellent engagement with clients, team leadership and communication skills; 
  • For IFC & MIGA placement: Strong analytical and credit assessment skills, as well as solid understanding of accounting and financial statement analysis;
  • For IFC & MIGA placement: Knowledge of relevant industry sector trends, sound business judgment and problem solving, negotiation and commercial skills;
  • For IFC & MIGA placement: Holistic approach to risk management; scenario building and resource prioritization skills.


Nationality Requirements

Diversity, global mobility and international experience are elements in a young professional’s work routine. Therefore, it is strategic for the World Bank YPP to ensure international coverage in its selection process.

Individuals from non-WBG member countries can apply for the new WB YPP 2024-2025. However, candidates whose nationality is from a World Bank Group member country or countries of operations are preferred in the selection process. It is important to point out that there are no nationality quotas on the program. Selection is based on merit, meeting the minimum requirements and the WBG’s needs.

Age Requirements

Age is a minimum requirement of the Young Professionals Program. There is no flexibility regarding this criterion, even if it is a single day. For the 2024-2025 edition of the WBG YPP, candidates must be born on or after October 1, 1992. The minimum age is 18 years old.

Academic Qualifications

A criterion that defines a candidate’s eligibility for the Young Professionals Program is holding a Master’s or doctorate (PhD) degree in areas relevant to the Bank. In other words, holding a first-level university degree is not sufficient and s/he should have also obtained a Master’s (MSc) or MBA qualification, as a minimum, on application.

You can apply to the YPP if you meet the following minimum requirements and criteria:

For World Bank and MIGA placement:

  • Holding a Master’s (MSc) qualification with a minimum of three years of: a) relevant professional experience related to development, or; b) continued academic study at doctorate level;
  • Holding a doctorate (even if you do not have any professional experience).

Please note that for WB and MIGA placement, candidates must complete a relevant master’s degree by September 2024 or a PhD before September 2025. The Fields of study should be related to one of the World Bank or MIGA Business Areas.

For IFC placement:

  • Holding a graduate degree or a MA/MBA (or equivalent) with a minimum of four years of relevant professional experience in areas relevant to those organizations, including but not limited to Economics, Finance, International Relations, Science and Engineering.
  • Please note that for IFC placement, candidates must complete a relevant graduate degree by September 2024.

Further relevant information on this requirement is:

  • If you hold a Master’s with three years’ relevant work experience and are taking the first year of a doctorate program, you may apply for the WB or MIGA placement;
  • The area of study for the Master’s and doctorate do not have to be the same;
  • The Bank confirms that it does not have an a priori preference for candidates who hold a doctorate to the detriment of those who hold a Master’s and relevant work experience;
  • The WB YPP considers face-to-face or distance qualifications from any university recognized by one’s national government to be valid. In addition, Master’s programs which do not require a final project (such as a dissertation or thesis) are also valid, as well as doctorates with no coursework.
  • If the candidate is invited to start work and is still undertaking a doctorate program, the qualification must be completed while s/he works at the Bank.
  • Having taken a Master’s program is not required to achieve a doctorate qualification in a number of countries;
  • It is emphasized that information suggesting that only professionals with Ivy League academic qualifications are employed is erroneous. Professionals with qualifications awarded by a broad range of universities are selected by the WB YPP.

Do you want to make sure your academic qualifications section is a fit with the WBG’s strategies and policies?

Then check out our application review service:


Language Requirements

Fluency in English is a minimum requirement for the Young Professionals Program (YPP). Although there is no language test, nor will any proficiency certification be required on application, the entire selection process is conducted in English and a command of this language is an element across all stages. A command of one or more of the World Bank Group’s working languages (which are Arabic, Chinese, French, Portuguese, Russian and Spanish) is not compulsory (nor a minimum requirement) but is a desired additional qualification for a program candidate.

Professional Experience Requirements

One of the minimum requirements for someone to apply to the World Bank Group YPP is professional experience. The candidate must have at least three years’ relevant professional experience linked to development or continued academic study at doctorate level for a WB or MIGA placement; or, in the case of the IFC placement, hold at least four years’ relevant professional experience. However, the average relevant professional experience for YPs is 6 years.

This requirement, specifically related to relevant professional experience, raises a number of queries, which we seek to clarify here:

  • Relevant work experience includes any professional activity which is related to international development and public policies. In other words, work in the field of economics, public policies, analysis of public policies or in sectors, such as agriculture, climate change, education, energy, gender, finance, environmental resources, public health, poverty, water, transport, public-private partnerships, development of the private sector, social protection and the World Bank’s other areas of activity;
  • In the case of applications for the IFC and MIGA, professional experience in areas such as finance, international law, political risk insurance and credit enhancement, project/program development, private equity, economic development and/or consulting might be expected;
  • The following, among others, can be considered professional experience: internships, part-time work, temporary work, voluntary work, full-time work, consultancy, teaching and research;
  • Experience at government organizations, in the private sector, at non-governmental organizations and other inter-governmental organizations is relevant;
  • Work performed both in the field and the office is considered, as long as it is related to areas relevant to international development;
  • The length of relevant professional experience should be counted considering intermittent experience. In other words, non-continuous professional experience can be added together. For example, imagine that you worked for 24 consecutive months (in an internship) in 2014 and 2015 but you only worked for the first six months of 2016 (as a volunteer at a NGO) and only the last six months of 2017 (as a government consultant). In this case, you have three years’ relevant professional experience and meet the minimum requirement;
  • Your professional experience does not need to be in a developing country. However, professional experience in developing countries is an advantage.


Do you want to make sure your professional experience section is a fit with the WBG’s strategies and policies?

Then check out our application review service:


Relevant fields to the World Bank Group

Candidates’ academic qualifications should be in areas that cover questions relevant to international development. Since the new WBG YPP will be accepting applications on behalf of three of their institutions: The World Bank, IFC and MIGA. The WBG YPP will recruit and develop future leaders to collaborate effectively across its institutions on joint WBG solutions to development challenges. Hence, to be eligible for the WBG YPP, candidates must demonstrate experience in at least one of the topics listed below, that represents priority areas of the WBG business.

This academic focus can be shown through your dissertation or thesis topic, or through participation in research and extension activities. Academic experience which combines different areas is also valued by the WBG, especially when it includes a mixture of studies in technical (such as engineering, health, education, statistics and social sciences, etc.) and management areas (economics, public administration and planning, etc.), while retaining the central thread of international development.

Experience in Developing Countries

The WBG’s work focuses on reducing extreme poverty in developing countries. Therefore, the YPs will frequently carry out field work in these regions. For this reason, professional experience in these regions, with topics related to international development, is considered a competitive differential on the WB YPP candidates’ curriculum vitae. This is not a mandatory requirement but a desired differential.

Work experience abroad is an excellent opportunity to learn new languages, develop intercultural skills and leave your comfort zone; it presents you with new challenges and is also a form of practical learning. The experience in developing countries sought by the WBG refers to real life activities in these locations, with issues related to the different international development topics covered by the World Bank. This may be part-time or full-time work, internships or volunteering with government, non-governmental organizations or companies.

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