OpenIGO | International Careers Development Network
World Bank Internship Program: Products & Services

World Bank Internship Program: Products & Services

Do you want to be the next World Bank Intern? We can help you!

Landing an internship at the World Bank Internship Program is a dream for many! Understandably, since the World Bank combines good remuneration and a wide range of benefits with meaningful work that can help billions of people around the world. In addition, interning at the World Bank (WB) means developing a global career with a global reach, in a multicultural and pleasant environment; you will be able to construct influential networks and receive encouragement to develop professionally.

OpenIGO can highly increase your chances of being selected in the competitive World Bank Internship selection process:



The World Bank Internship Program is a highly competitive selection process. Approximately 8,000 people apply every year but only about 200 are recruited (depending on the needs of Bank managers and their budget circumstances).

It is essential that candidates meet all of the program’s minimum requirements in order to be one of the selected few. But this is not everything. It is acknowledged that people who have connections with Bank staff and previous experience at this organization have advantages in the World Bank Group Internship Program selection process. This is not because there are predetermined candidates. However, since these people have previous knowledge which facilitates their navigation through the complex World Bank Group, they are better prepared for the competitive WBG Internship selection process.


In pursuit of its mission, the OpenIGO network has developed a comprehensive ebook and support and guidance services, with the aim of highly increasing your chances of success in this competitive selection process. These services include revising your World Bank Internships application documents (curriculum vitae and Statement of Interest) and a mock interview, as per the World Bank Internships model. We also offer a range of packages that combine the ebook with different services.

OpenIGO Overall services are extremely well-rated by those who bought them! These are some of the testimonials we’ve had for our products:


We have already helped dozens of candidates become World Bank Interns and we can also assist you in passing this competitive selection process. Besides the World Bank Internships team, we are the ones who best understand the World Bank Internships selection process around the world.

In this article, we are going to present each of these services. You will understand why each of them are worth every cent.

Make sure you also browse our website. We have created the most comprehensive website on the World Bank Internship Program.


WB Internship eBook

Our comprehensive eBook will introduce you to the complex world of the World Bank Group and its approach towards international development; it will teach you how to prepare a perfect Curriculum Vitae and an outstanding Statement of Interest, and will also get you ready for the interview. It does not matter whether you intend to apply this year or next year, it will enable you to strategically develop your career and equip you for each of the World Bank Internship selection phases.

The eBook is divided into 9 (nine) chapters and contains more than 130 pages. This eBook was written and revised by a team of professors, human resources specialists and World Bank staff with a great deal of diligence.

It is important to point out that when purchasing the eBook, you are also acquiring 30 days of support to clarify any queries about its content through an exclusive channel available on the OpenIGO Store “My Account” page.

Download a free sample

 Why is it worth buying the World Bank Internship: The Complete Guide eBook?

  • The eBook was under development for one year by an extremely qualified team of professors, human resource specialists and intergovernmental organization staff for a small and distinct group of readers.
  • It was extremely well evaluated by those who bought it.
  • It will provide all the details for you to qualify for the World Bank Internship selection process.
  • It contains more than 130 pages.
  • It will teach you how to prepare a perfect Curriculum Vitae and an outstanding Statement of Interest, and will also get you ready for the interview.
  • We will put you in direct contact with the authors who wrote the manual for one month, in order to clear up any doubts.
  • Your satisfaction is guaranteed!

Would you like to know more about our eBook? Click the link below!


Buy our e-Book – WB Internships

WB Internship Application Review

In the first round of the World Bank Internship selection process, you must fill out an online application form and send documents (Curriculum Vitae and Statement of Interest). These documents are decisive for your success in this competitive selection process. Therefore, it is of fundamental importance that your documents are carefully reviewed. This is exactly what our award-winning team will do for you.

At OpenIGO, we have analyzed documents from dozens of World Bank Internship candidates. This service is confidential and your files will be deleted from our systems when the service has been completed.

A review of your documents will be carried out in two stages:

  1. Proofreading – highly qualified native English proofreaders will check your writing, formatting, correct errors and suggest improvements;
  2. Technical review – a team formed of PhD professors with vast experience at intergovernmental organizations will carry out a technical review of the documents that you submit to the World Bank Internship selection, offering feedback for improvement. The fit of your documents with the World Bank Internship policies and strategies will be evaluated. However, we also highlight that our team will not write your CV or Statement of Interest nor prepare any other documents for you. Our aim is to enhance your application. The merit of passing the selection process is all yours.

 Why is it worth buying an application review?

  • It is a service of extremely high quality and care. A professor, with extensive knowledge of the World Bank Internship program, carries out a technical review that, on average, takes 3.5 hours. In addition, a proofreader spends an additional hour checking your documents.
  • These documents are evaluated in all the different rounds of the WB Internship selection process. If you really want a strong application, it is essential that you prepare your documents with extreme care.
  • Our service is extremely well evaluated by those who have bought it.
  • Your satisfaction is guaranteed!

Would you like to know more about our application review service? Access:

WB Internships – Application Review

WB Internship Mock Interview

The World Bank Internship Program selection cycle includes an interview phase, whose main aim is to find out more about the candidate, and analyze their knowledge, competences and experience. It is widely understood and disseminated by the World Bank that the WB Internship interview model is the behavioral event interview (BEI) but, in fact, it is mixed, combining this model with others: the traditional interview and the brainteaser interview (or puzzle interview).

Having a mock interview with a professional who has extensive experience and knowledge of the World Bank Internships interview model will help you be better prepared for this phase, greatly increasing your chances of being selected for the desired vacancy.

World Bank Internship mock interviews are held via Skype (preferably), WhatsApp, Facetime or Hangouts, conducted by an interview specialist and last around 60 minutes. If you have arrived at this point in the selection process, you cannot afford to miss the opportunity for additional qualification. The value invested is nothing compared to the energy you have invested up until now, and with the benefits you will obtain when you are approved!

The World Bank Internship mock interviews are held via Skype (preferably), WhatsApp, Facetime or Hangouts, conducted by an interview specialist and last around 60 minutes. In the same model that is carried out by the World Bank.

If you have arrived at this point in the selection process, you cannot afford to miss the opportunity for additional qualification. The value invested is nothing compared to the energy you have invested up until now, and with the benefits you will obtain when you are approved!

 Why is it worth buying the mock interview?

  • On average, the interviewer (a professor with a Ph.D. who is a specialist in the World Bank Internship) spends approximately two hours reading all your documents and preparing a script to be used in your interview, plus around one hour in a mock interview with you. Every interview is personalized and unique.
  • It is extremely well evaluated by those who bought it. 100% of the mock interview clients evaluate the mock interview as 5/5.
  • A thorough feedback is provided regarding your performance.
  • Your satisfaction is guaranteed!

Would you like to know more about our mock interview service? Access:

WB Internships – Mock Interview

WB Internship Packages

In addition to being able to purchase the ebook or each of the guiding services individually, you can also buy different preparatory packages for the World Bank Internship selection process. OpenIGO offers three types of packages: the World Bank Internship Full Package, World Bank Internship Initial Package and World Bank Internship Interview Package.

World Bank Internship – Full Package

This package includes:

+ eBook “World Bank Internships: The Complete Guide”

+ one month of support to clarify any queries about the eBook’s content

+ Application Review of the documents required by the World Bank Internship selection process (CV and Statement of Interest)

+ Mock Interview for the World Bank Internship selection process.

It is our most comprehensive package – it was designed to those who want to qualify themselves for all the different rounds of the World Bank Internships selection process. Upon purchase, the total value saved is more than US$30.00. Access:

WB Internships – Full Package

World Bank Internship – Initial Package

This package includes:

+ the eBook “World Bank Internships: The Complete Guide”

+ one month of support to clarify any queries about the eBook’s content

+ Application Review of the documents required by the World Bank Internship selection process (CV and Statement of Interest).

Purchasing this package, you will significantly increase your chances of being selected in the first round of the World Bank Internship selection process. Upon purchase, the total value saved is more than US$10.00. Access:

WB Internships – Initial Package

World Bank Internship Interview Package

This package includes:

+ the eBook “World Bank Internships: The Complete Guide”

+ one month of support to clarify any queries about the eBook’s content

+ Mock Interview for the World Bank Internship selection process.

This package was specially designed for candidates that have moved on to the second round (interview) of the World Bank Internship selection process. Upon purchase, the total value saved is more than US$10.00

If you have already purchased the eBook and would like to acquire the Mock Interview, you do not need to buy this package but only the mock interview. However, if you have not purchased the eBook, we strongly recommend that you buy this package, instead of only buying the Mock Interview, since reading the book will help you perform better both in the mock and real interviews.

If you have been invited to the interview stage, this investment is essential for your preparation and it is quite small compared to the benefits it offers. Access:

WB Internships – Interview Package

World Bank Internship Essential Package

This package includes:

+ Application Review of the documents required by the World Bank Internship selection process (CV and Statement of Interest).

+ Mock Interview for the World Bank Internship selection process.

This package is the best option for you if you have already purchased our eBook and want to strengthen your application and increase your chances of success in the selection process! In addition, it’s the perfect opportunity to save some money by acquiring the Application Review + the Mock Interview with a special discount!

Service Review

We have MANY clients from all over the world. Our satisfaction rate is really high!  96% of our clients would recommend our products and services to those who are interested in a career at the World Bank Group.

Take a look at the results of a survey we carried out with our clients in 2018:

How would you rate our application review service? 1 (Poor) to 5 (Excellent)

81% – Excellent (5)          13% – Good (4)                          6% – Average(3)

Would you recommend OpenIGO products and services to a friend applying for the World Bank?

Yes – 96%                       No – 4%

How would you rate our World Bank mock interview? 1(poor) to 5 (Excellent)

87% – Excellent (5)           13% – Good (4)

We have received a wide range of testimonials about our services. We have provided some of these below:

“The World Bank YPP selection process is arduous, emotional and long! So, do yourself a service and invest in the wonderful services provided by OpenIGO. Their ebook is extremely informative and a very easy read. Using it, I was able to put forth a strong application and made it all the way through to the interview in this very competitive selection process. The book helps you to familiarise yourself with the WBG, and guides you to be able to write the strongest essay, CV and dissertation abstracts possible, given its chapters dedicated to them. Having made it so far with their help, I signed on to the mock interview service, and likewise, was not disappointed! Getting stuck on the first question the interviewers asked me helped me to realise that I had not focused enough on the basics, and with this knowledge, I prepped more efficiently for the final few days before and I passed! Thanks to OpenIGO. To all those who will embark on this journey, invest well!”

“Great service! The mock interview and book significantly improved my performance at the interview”

“Very happy I heard about OpenIGO during my application proces, even though it was only once I started preparing for the interview/assessment stage. I doubted at first because of the cost, but I’m extremely happy I made the investment, because both the ebook and mock interview proved very useful. The mock interview was with two people who took almost 1,5 hours AND they came prepared, which is much more than the 40 mins I expected. Thanks a lot!”

“The mock interview was really useful. Particularly John Tude gave many advice which really help me to be more confident”.

“Definitely worth it. As someone who went in without a clear idea of what would be expected, the ebook and mock interview were incredibly informative. I particularly appreciated the feedback at the end”.

“The application review service was essential for me to go on to the next rounds and be interviewed by the YPP team.  It’s true I was not selected this time, but OpenIGO really helped me reach where I did in this competitive selection. Thank you to the OpenIGO team.”

Our services are accredited and known in many regions of the globe! Take a look at the different countries that are part of our network and that have already purchased our services and products.


openigo clients



WB Internship Program Website

We have created the most comprehensive website on the World Bank Internship Program.

A wide range of information is available on this website. The first step for anyone who would like to apply is having a solid knowledge of the program’s characteristics.

Candidates need to know about the different selection process phases; be sure that they meet the minimum application requirements; as well as the features of the assignment which will be offered to them.

Access the website here

OpenIGO hopes that this website will be of great assistance during the World Bank Internship selection process and that you will soon become an international civil servant who is committed to a better world for everyone.

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