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World Bank Internship

Internship Programs

World Bank Internship

Paid Internships

Are you planning to apply for the World World Bank Internship Program (BIP)? In this article, we’ll cover everything you need to know about the selection process. You’ll know about the BIP’s salary, application documents, requirements, and much more.

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The World Bank Internship Program (BIP) seeks candidates interested in a highly diversified work environment conducive to the development of their skills. The WB internship program is a great opportunity for those interested in building a career in the institution. The number of selected applicants varies annually according to the Bank’s needs and the available budget; however, generally, around 150-200 interns are given the chance to work in this important organization.

In pursuit of its mission, the OpenIGO network has prepared a comprehensive eBook and support and guidance services, with the aim of highly increasing your chances of success in this competitive process. These services include revising your WB internship application documents (curriculum vitae and statement of interest) and a mock interview, as per the World Bank model. We also offer a range of packages that combine the eBook with different services.

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Our comprehensive eBook will introduce you to the complex world of the World Bank Group and its approach towards international development; it will teach you how to prepare a perfect Curriculum Vitae and an outstanding Statement of Interest, and will also get you ready for the interview. This eBook was written and revised by a team of professors, human resources specialists and former young professionals with a great deal of diligence.

The eBook is divided into 9 (nine) chapters and one attachment, and contains more than 130 pages. The Chapter 7 (Curriculum Vitae), for example, assists candidates to construct a quality curriculum vitae (CV), which is essential to reinforce their chances of success in this competitive selection process and for them to stand out from the others. In this chapter, subjects such as the content and structure of an effective CV, visual aspects and common mistakes will be covered and various tips provided. A sample CV of a candidate who was successful in the World Bank Internship Program is also included. The Chapter 8 assists candidates in the process of writing an effective Statement of Interest for the World Bank Internship Program. Writing an effective Statement of Interest is a major challenge, since attention should be paid to its content, the vocabulary, the correct use of written language, its structure and organizing ideas. Additionally, this chapter also provides samples of Statements of Interest from candidates who were successful in the selection process. 

Download your free sample!

This article is only a small sample of the extensive content present in our excellent ebook.

World Bank Overview

The World Bank Group (WBG) is one of the world’s leading organizations in support to international development. It has 189 member countries and a diverse staff with professionals from over 170 nations. Its main goal is to create integrated development solutions to fight poverty and promote shared prosperity among nations. The organization comprises five agencies, of which the two main ones are the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development and the International Development Association, which provides funding and technical support for development projects in middle- and lower-income countries.

World Bank‘s main focus: To foster international development and fight poverty, especially in developing nations.

Themes addressed by the World Bank:

  • Climate change
  • Disaster management
  • Education
  • Financial crisis
  • Food crisis
  • Fragile and conflict states
  • Growth and renewable energy
  • Health systems
  • Land reform
  • Public-private parterships
  • Public sector
  • Water resources

Description of the World Bank Internship

What are the fields of study required for the World Bank Internship?

The World Bank Internship for graduate students includes individuals from the most diverse fields of knowledge. The areas of study with the highest demand in this program are:

  • Economics
  • Finance
  • Human Development (Public Health, Education, Nutrition, Population)
  • Social Science (Anthropology, Sociology)
  • Agriculture
  • Environment
  • Private Sector Development

What are the tasks performed by the selected for the WB Internship?

The activities performed vary according to the opening and the requirements of the different departments to which interns are allocated. However, generally speaking, the main duties are:

  • Data analysis;
  • Preparation and administration of surveys;
  • Support in organizing events;
  • Discussion of articles;
  • Analysis and research;
  • Administrative support;
  • Participation in meetings and training sessions.

What is the duration of the WB Internship?

The internship period ranges from a minimum of 4 weeks to 11 weeks at most.

What is the weekly workload of the WB Internship?

The internship programs are full-time. Interns shall therefore work between 35 and 40 hours per week. Work on weekends may be required.

 Where are the locations of the WB Internship?

Most openings are for the WBG headquarters in Washington D.C., but there are also opportunities in the other offices around the world.

 When does the WB Internship start?

The initial date of the internship shall be coordinated between the intern and the organization.

 Is there any feedback following the completion of the WB Internship?

At the end of the internship, the supervisor is in charge of preparing an assessment report of the intern’s performance.

Subsequent employment:

Participation in the World Bank Internship is not related to future employment with the agency. During the internship period and within six months immediately after the program you will not be eligible to apply for or be appointed to any effective position in the organization. However, the World Bank Internship experience will be a distinctive feature in your curriculum, which may facilitate your hiring by other organizations inside or outside the UN System.

World Bank Internship Salary

The average salary of the World Bank Internship ranges from $ 20 to $ 30 per hour of work, based on applicants’ educational background and experience. In general, there is no payment on holidays and weekends, unless interns are required to work during such periods in special cases. Therefore, the World Bank Internship payment is among the highest of Intergovernmental organizations.

World Bank Internship Requirements

What is the education requirement of the World Bank Internship Program?

  • Be enrolled in a graduate study program (Master’s or Ph.D.).

Having completed the first year of a Master’s degree or being a Ph.D. student may be advantageous in the selection process.

 What is the language requirement of the WB Internship Program?

Fluency in English is required. Knowledge of French, Spanish, Russian, Arabic, Portuguese and Chinese may be advantageous in the selection process.

What is the age requirement of the WB Internship Program?

Applicants must be at least 18 years old at the time of enrollment.

What is the Nationality requirement of the World Bank Internship Program?

Applicants must be citizens of a WBG member country. Every year the World Bank Internship Program receives applications from different regions and countries worldwide, such as Chennai in India, Ghana (Africa), Australia (Oceania), Malaysia (Asia), Brussels (Europe), Bangladesh (South Asia), Azerbaijan, Bangkok (Thailand), Beijing (China), Dhaka, New Delhi (India), Canada (North America) and much more.

What are the competencies required for the World Bank Internship Program?

The main competencies required are: communicative and group work skills, good computing and language skills, knowledge of the institution’s performance and keeping abreast of its goals and projects.

Other requirements of the World Bank Internship Program:

Although IFC (WBG private sector-oriented agency) shares the same recruiting system with WBG, some specific skills are required:

  • For investment positions, work experience (3-6 years) in international finance, which could include corporate finance, investment banking, financial consulting, private equity, credit analysis, or commercial banking;
  • Knowledge of sectors relevant to IFC and emerging markets experience preferred;
  • Strong analytical, communication and negotiation skills;
  • Business development and client relationship skills;
  • Enthusiasm for working in multicultural teams and across borders;
  • Commitment to sustainable private sector development.

What are the Restrictions of the World Bank Internship Program?

An applicant may not be a child or sibling of a World Bank staff member.

World Bank Internship - Application process

When to apply for the World Bank Internship Program?

The application period for the World Bank Internship Program (BIP) in 2025 is from January 15 to February 12. There’s an average of 5000 applications. It also offers a wider range of opportunities for interns, despite much competition.

How to apply for the World Bank Internship Program?

The application process is done via WBG’s e-recruitment system and comprises the following steps:

  • Initial registration with the Member Center;
  • Filling out the candidate profile (Personal History Form);
  • Searching for internship openings offered in the application period;
  • Filling out the World Bank Internship Application Form;

Tip: In this application process many managers appreciate receiving references that attest to your skills in some specific area of the Bank.

What are the phases of the selection process for the WB Internship?

The World Bank Internship selection process may vary depending on the department or office to which the intern is applying, but generally comprises the following steps:

  1. Creating a profile and preparing an application;
  2. Submitting the application;
  3. Evaluation of the application;
  4. Competency-based interview;
  5. Selection notifications.

How is the World Bank Internship interview?

Usually, only selected applicants will be contacted for the World Bank Internship interview, which is normally conducted by video conference. The main points covered in the interview vary according to the opening of choice. In general, however, there is a focus on questions that demonstrate your knowledge on the Bank’s performance and international development.

OpenIGO offers the mock interview service to get you prepared for this important phase!

Having a mock interview with a professional who has extensive experience and knowledge of the World Bank interview model will help you be better prepared for this phase, greatly increasing your chances of being selected for the desired vacancy. World Bank Internships mock interviews are held via Skype (preferably), WhatsApp, Facetime or Hangouts, conducted by an interview specialist and last around 60 minutes.

If you have arrived at this point in the selection process, you cannot afford to miss the opportunity for additional qualification. The value invested is nothing compared to the energy you have invested up until now, and with the benefits you will obtain when you are approved! Access:

Mock Interview

What are the documents to submit for the World Bank Internship Program?

The application process requires you to submit:

  • Curriculum Vitae (CV);
  • World Bank Internship Statement of Interest;
  • Proof of Enrollment in a graduate degree.

It is of fundamental importance that your documents are carefully reviewed. This is exactly what our award-winning team will do for you.

At OpenIGO, we have analyzed documents from dozens of World Bank internship candidates and know precisely what is required for your application to stand out from the thousands of others received by the World Bank team every year.It is important to highlight that this service is confidential and your files will be deleted from our systems when the service has been completed.

A review of your documents will be carried out in two stages:

  1. Proofreading – highly qualified native English proofreaders will check your writing, formatting, correct errors and suggest improvements;
  2. Technical review – a team formed of PhD professors with vast experience at intergovernmental organizations will carry out a technical review of the documents that you submit to the World Bank internship, offering feedback for improvement. The fit of your documents with the World Bank policies and strategies will be evaluated. However, we also highlight that our team will not write or prepare any documents for you. Our aim is to enhance your application. The merit of passing the selection process is all yours.

Would you like to know more about our application review service? Access:

Application Review

What is the evaluation criteria of the World Bank Internship Program?

Recruiters will seek to identify whether applicants’ academic and professional experience is relevant to the Bank’s activities, as well as evaluate their job expectations and level of knowledge about the institution’s work.

Other information about the World Bank Internship Program:

It is important to submit your application in advance, observing the deadline of the online system and according to the time zone defined by the organization. You will not be able to make any further changes once your application has been submitted.

The World Bank Internship application status will change over time as the phases of the selection process progress.

World Bank Internship - Costs

The organization offers financial aid to cover only costs related to the travel expenses for doing the internship. However, you may request financial aid from a sponsoring institution, for example, a university and/or government agency in your country.


You or your sponsoring institution will be responsible for the costs and arrangements of obtaining the visa (if needed to do the internship).


You or your sponsoring institution will be responsible for the costs of enrolling in a valid global medical insurance plan.


You or your sponsoring institution will be responsible for accommodation expenses during the internship period.


An allowance may be provided for travel expenses related to the internship.


To help you with this highly competitive selection process, everything you need to be prepared are provided by our ebook “The World Bank Internships: the complete guide”.

Do you want to know more details about the World Bank Internship Selection Process? Do you want to become the next World Bank Intern? We can help! OpenIGO is an extensive network composed of former young professionals, professors and researchers from the best universities in the world, international civil servants and Human Resources specialists.

Read our unique eBook about the World Bank Internship! We guarantee your satisfaction!

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