OpenIGO | International Careers Development Network

Do you want to be the next World Bank Intern?

We can help you!

Watch this video to learn more about the program and if you are eligible to participate!

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How can we help you?

We have already helped dozens of candidates become World Bank Interns and we can also assist you in this competitive selection process!

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World Bank Internship: The Complete Guide + 1 month support

Book Description: Working in the World Bank Group (WBG) is a dream for many. Understandably, since the Bank combines good remuneration and a wide range of benefits with meaningful work

Original price was: $ 30,00.Current price is: $ 19,90.
World Bank Internships Application Review

Use Code ⭐WBINTERN⭐ for 12% OFF on this service  Service Description: Landing an Internship at the World Bank is a dream for many. Understandably, since the World Bank Internship Program

$ 79,90
World Bank Internship Mock Interview

Service Description: Landing an internship at the World Bank is a dream for many. Understandably, since the World Bank Internships Program combines good remuneration and a wide range of benefits

$ 109,90

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OpenIGO is an extensive network formed of professors and researchers from the best universities in the world, professionals from international organizations and Human Resources specialists.

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