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Common UN Jobs Interview Questions: learn how to tackle them!

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Common UN Jobs Interview Questions: learn how to tackle them!

April 28, 2021

Estimated reading time: 6 minutes

UN jobs interview questions

Planning for questions that may be asked during the UN Jobs interview is one of the best ways for candidates to prepare for this stage. In order to facilitate the preparation of answers to interview questions, candidates can prepare a list with questions on the competencies to be investigated and prepare answers for each one.

To help you with this task, this article will provide you lists of questions that are related to the values and competencies sought by the United Nations. It’s just a small sample of all the information covered by our eBook “Landing your dream job at the United Nations“. Get a copy today!

In pursuit of its mission, the OpenIGO network has developed a comprehensive eBook, as well as support and guidance services, with the aim of highly increasing your chances of success in these competitive selection processes. These services include revising your UN Jobs application documents (Curriculum vitae/Resume, Cover Letter) and a mock interview, as per the original UN Jobs model.

We have already helped dozens of candidates become UN Professionals and we can also assist you in passing this competitive selection process!

For more info, access:

UN System Jobs: Products & Services



Positive Indicators: Upholds the principles of the United Nations Charter; demonstrates the values of the United Nations, including impartiality, fairness, honesty and truthfulness, in daily activities and behaviors; acts without consideration of personal gain; resists undue political pressure in decision-making; does not abuse power or authority.

Negative Indicators: Interprets principles and ethics flexibly without justification; seeks personal gain; compromises too readily when under pressure; is not reliable; may be dishonest.


  • Tell me about the last time that you were faced with a professional or ethical dilemma at work (in the recent past). For this question, you should focus on answering these subquestions: How did you feel? What was the specific situation? How did you resolve the dilemma?
  • Have you been asked to “bend the rules” by a colleague/client (person)? For this question, you should focus on answering these subquestions: How did you manage the situation? What pressures were you under? What factors did you have to consider? What was the outcome?

The selection cycle of UN Jobs includes an interview phase, whose main aim is to find out more about the candidate, and analyze their knowledge, competencies, and experience. Having a mock interview with a professional who has extensive experience and knowledge of the UN interview model will help you be better prepared for this phase, greatly increasing your chances of being selected for the desired vacancy!

Would you like to know more about our mock interview service? Access:

UN Jobs Mock Interview


Positive Indicators: Shows pride in work and in achievements; demonstrates professional competence and mastery of subject matter; is conscientious and efficient in meeting commitments, observing deadlines and achieving results; is motivated by professional rather than personal concerns.

Negative Indicators: Is less motivated than others to achieve; appears less knowledgeable to others about subject matter or field; is complacent about achievements; sets easy targets and personal objectives; tends to find it hard to bounce back after setbacks and difficult challenges.


  • Give me an example of when it has been important for you to appear knowledgeable about your area of specialty. For this question, you should focus on answering these subquestions: Why was this so important? How did you go about establishing credibility? When has your approach been less successful?
  • Give me an example of when you have experienced a setback. For this question, you should focus on answering these subquestions: Describe what happened. How did you react to the problem? To what extent did others see how you were feeling?


Positive Indicators: Works effectively with people from all backgrounds; treats all people with dignity and respect; shows respect for, and understanding of, diverse points of view and demonstrates this understanding in daily work and decision-making.

Negative Indicators: Is unable to relate to people from other backgrounds; is insensitive to the needs of individuals with different perspectives; may offend people from different backgrounds.


  • What experience have you had with working with people from diverse backgrounds? For this question, you should focus on answering these subquestions: Describe a specific situation where you have had to relate to others from a different background to yourself. How could you improve how you interact with people from different backgrounds?
  • Describe an occasion when you found it difficult to work with someone from a different background. For this question, you should focus on answering these subquestions: What caused the problem? How did you respond? What was the outcome?
UN Jobs Interview Questions



Positive Indicators: Speaks and writes clearly and effectively; listens to others, correctly interprets messages from others and responds appropriately; asks questions to clarify, and exhibits interest in having two-way communication.

Negative Indicators: Lacks confidence when talking; produces writing that is vague or wordy; uses inappropriate language; tends to stick to one style of communication; lacks expression during the interview.


  • How would other people describe your communication skills? For this question, you should focus on answering these subquestions: What positive things have people said about your ability to communicate with others? What development areas have been highlighted for you (e.g., speaking skills, listening skills)?
  • Give me an example of when you had to explain something difficult to someone who did not have your background/knowledge. For this question, you should focus on answering these subquestions: What information did you need to get across? What did you consider when explaining the concept? What was the most difficult aspect of giving the explanation?


Positive Indicators: Works collaboratively with colleagues to achieve organizational goals; solicits input by genuinely valuing others’ ideas and expertise; is willing to learn from others; places team agenda before personal agenda.

Negative Indicators: Rarely offers support to colleagues; prefers to work alone; emphasizes achieving personal goals; shows limited consideration of the ideas and input of others; prefers to act alone.


  • Tell me about the last time you worked as part of a team. For this question, you should focus on answering these subquestions: What was the purpose of the team? What did you like about working in the group? What did you dislike? How did you get the team members to cooperate?
  • When have your personal objectives been at odds with those of the team? For this question, you should focus on answering these subquestions: How did you react? What was the outcome? How do you balance competing personal and team goals?

By having access to this information and much more from our eBook, you will certainly have a head start over other candidates!

With that in mind, check out our eBook, “Landing your dream job at the United Nations”, which will show you many more questions and tips for lots of competencies and help you land your dream job at the United Nations System. It will introduce you to the complex world of the United Nations and it will guide you through all the stages of the selection process. Access:

eBook – Landing your dream job at the United Nations

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