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How To Find, Hire and Manage Freelancers for Your Small Business

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How To Find, Hire and Manage Freelancers for Your Small Business

August 5, 2021

Estimated reading time: 4 minutes

Article by Tina Martin of Ideaspired.

freelancers small business

If you run a startup, hiring the right freelance professionals can be extremely advantageous. Finding people who mesh with your company, however, can be a daunting task, particularly if you’ve never hired a freelancer for a job before.

Once you have located the right individuals, handling the duties of a boss is another hurdle that must be overcome.

In this article, I’ll show essential tips for dealing with independent contractors and putting their talents to work for you!

Where To Look

There are scores of websites that offer remote freelancers. Job boards are another online resource. In many cases, having someone remotely contributing to your enterprise outside of your office is ideal. In other situations, you need workers who are physically available, such as for tasks auditing inventory on-site.

In these instances, the more traditional route of temp agencies may help you find a short-term solution.

How To Interview

Interviewing job candidates is a skill that comes with time. Remember the basic questions, such as experience level and desired pay rate. If applicable, ask to see the individual’s portfolio or request the execution of a work-related responsibility for evaluation purposes.

Don’t simply pick the first person you deem acceptable. Hold out for people who inspire confidence in their abilities and that you can imagine working well with.

How To Make the Right Selection

When sifting through resumes, learn to read between the lines. There may be clues buried within that tell an applicant’s true story. Not everyone is honest.

As PLOS cites, psychologists have conducted studies that indicate certain personalities are more prone to deception than others. If you lack confidence in your ability to spot a fibber, conduct a background check to help evaluate a candidate’s suitability.

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What To Communicate

It’s critical that you be on the same page as your freelancers. According to experienced managers, independent contractors require as much communication as full-time employees.

Make sure they completely understand the nature of your business: what you do and how you operate. Go over every expectation and stress that you are always available to answer questions.

How To Manage Payroll

Now that you’ve hired the right people, you need to make sure payroll is handled right. Independent contractors need to be classified correctly and separately from employees. You also must be certain that payments are accurate and delivered on time, and that taxes are correctly deducted.

There are payroll software solutions available for small businesses that handle all these things and more. Find the one that’s best for you by researching your options and reading online reviews.

How To Let Someone Go

Not every freelance situation works out. The good news is that independent contractors are independent, so fall under less strict rules than when terminating a full-time employee.

There are many reasons for ending a contract. Especially if it is due to temporary budget concerns or a change in your business’s priorities, communicate this clearly to part ways amicably. You may want to hire the freelancer again in the future and so should take care to stay on good terms.

For many small business owners, there always seems to be more work to get done. Knowing how to hire freelancers can take off some of this load and free your time to focus on the most important aspects of your business’s success.

Do you have an interest in an international career at the UN? In pursuit of its mission, the OpenIGO network has prepared a comprehensive eBook and support and guidance services with the aim of highly increasing your chances of success in the UN YPP selection process!

Our comprehensive eBook will help you perform successfully in the United Nations YPP selection process. It will introduce you to the complex world of the United Nations and it will guide you through all the stages of this competitive selection process. This eBook was written and revised by a team of professors, human resources specialists, and former young professionals with a great deal of diligence.

In addition, we have developed support and guidance services. These services include revising your UN YPP application documents (essay, curriculum vitae, and thesis/dissertation short summaries) and a mock interview as per the United Nations YPP model.

Having a mock interview with a professional who has extensive experience and knowledge of the UN YPP interview model will help you be better prepared for this phase, greatly increasing your chances of being selected for the desired vacancy.


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