OpenIGO | International Careers Development Network

If you are looking for an International Career opportunity, you have come to the right place!

OpenIGO is here to help you achieve your career dreams!

We are an extensive network formed of professors and researchers from the best universities in the world, professionals from international organizations and Human Resources specialists.
Get to know us!

Did you know that there are thousands of opportunities in social impact organizations inside and outside the UN System?

We have created a system to provide you with all the opportunities that the most prestigious intergovernmental organizations and the UN System have to offer:

Job Opportunities

Internship Opportunities

Even with so many options...

many eager applicants still end up not getting their dream job for a number of reasons:

...this is where OpenIGO can help you!

Our award-winning team has developed a series of products and services that will help you in all steps towards your dream job!

Hear what our customers say about us!


*Names and pictures were hidden to preserve the client’s privacy

If you are still not convinced that OpenIGO is the best option for you, take a look at some of the universities that many of our satisfied clients come from:

Countries OpenIGO Services and products have already reached:

Present in all five continents

Hundreds of customers around the world

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Who are we?

OpenIGO is an extensive network formed of professors and researchers from the best universities in the world, professionals from international organizations and Human Resources specialists.

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World Bank Internship Application Process

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