Organization Groups ABA - American Bar Association ACF - Action Against Hunger ACTED - Agency for Technical Cooperation and Development AdsInvest Adyan Foundation AGIAMONDO AIIB - Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank ALIMA - Alliance for International Medical Action AMF - Against Malaria Foundation APHRC - African Population and Health Research Center Avaaz BRC - British Red Cross CARE CBM - Christian Blind Mission CDB - Caribbean Development Bank CDRI - Coalition for Disaster Resilient Infrastructure CEB - Council of Europe Development Bank CESVI CHAI - Clinton Health Access Initiative CHI - Child Helpline International Child's Dream CI - Children International CIEL - Center for International Environmental Law CIFOR - Center for International Forestry Research CIMMYT - International Maize and Wheat Improvement Center CIP - International Potato Center COE - Council of Europe Colored Qollective Concern Worldwide Connell CR - Conciliation Resources Crisis Management Association CTBTO - Comprehensive Nuclear Test Ban Treaty CTG - Committed To Good DAI - International Development Company Deutsche Welthungerhilfe Dexis Consulting Group DRC - Danish Refugee Council DRK - Deutsches Rotes Kreuz (German Red Cross) DW - Deutsche Welle ECB - European Central Bank ECF - European Climate Foundation ECMWF - European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts Educify Inc. Elucid Social Ghana ESA - European Space Agency ESO - European Southern Observatory EU Careers by EPSO eu-LISA European Union Agency for the Operational Management of Large-Scale IT Systems in the Area of Freedom, Security and Justice FAO - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations FBA - Folke Bernadotte Academy FSC - Forest Stewardship Council GAIA - Global Alliance for Incinerator Alternatives Gavi, Vaccine Alliance GCA - Global Center on Adaptation GCF - Green Climate Fund Geneva Call GGGI - Global Green Growth Institute GICHD - Geneva International Centre for Humanitarian Demining Girl Effect GiveDirectly GPE - Global Partnership for Education H2air HCWC | Health Care Without Harm HFHI - Habitat for Humanity International HI - Humanity & Inclusion - Handicap International HIAS IACA - International Anti-Corruption Academy IADB - Inter-American Development Bank IAEA - International Atomic Energy Agency ICAO - International Civil Aviation Organization ICC - International Criminal Court ICIMOD - International Centre for Integrated Mountain Development ICMP - International Commission on Missing Persons ICMPD - International Centre for Migration Policy Development ICRAF - The World Agroforestry Centre ICRC - International Committee of the Red Cross ICRISAT - The International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics IDEA - International Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance IDLO - International Development Law Organization IDRC - International Development Research Center IFAD - International Fund for Agricultural Development IFC - International Finance Corporation (World Bank Group) IFRC - International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies ILO - International Labour Organization IMO - International Maritime Organization Interpol IOM - International Organization for Migration IOM Qatar - International Organization for Migration Ipas IRC - International Rescue Committee IRENA - International Renewable Energy Agency Iron Sharpens Iron Mentoring, Inc. IRRI - International Rice Research Institute IRW - Islamic Relief Worldwide IsDB - Islamic Development Bank Islamic Development Bank IsraAID ITC - International Trade Centre IUCN - International Union for Conservation of Nature Jhpiego Jhpiego - Johns Hopkins Program for International Education in Gynecology and Obstetrics KAICIID LMH - Last Mile Health Malteser International Mastercard Foundation Maya's Hope MDM - Médecins du Monde Medair Mercy Corps Mercy Ships MFO - Multinational Force & Observers MINUSCA - United Nation's Multidimensional Integrated Stabilization Mission in the Central African Republic MSB - Myndigheten för samhällsskydd och beredskap MSF - Médecins Sans Frontières (Artsen Zonder Grenzen) - Netherlands MSF - Médecins Sans Frontières (Doctors Without Borders) - Canada MSF International - Médecins Sans Frontières (Doctors Without Borders) myAgro NDB - New Development Bank NEF - Near East Foundation NORCAP Nordiska rådet och Nordiska ministerrådet NP - Nonviolent Peaceforce NRC - Norwegian Refugee Council OEC - Organisation of Educational Cooperation OECD - Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development OPCW - Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons OPEC Fund for International Development OSCE - Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe Oxfam International Pacific Institute Palladium PEJ - Project Expedite Justice PureCode Software RefugePoint RP Professional Services, LLC Save the Children SCA - Swedish Committee for Afghanistan SEED Madagascar SEforALL - Sustainable Energy for All Shanti Bhavan - Children's Project SNV - Netherlands Development Organisation SOS Children’s Villages International SPC - Pacific Community Street Child Swiss Working Group Talk to Loop Tara Climate Foundation The Green Rooftop Club The HALO Trust TNC - The Nature Conservancy Transparency International Triangle Trócaire UN - United Nations UNAIDS - The Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS UNAMA - United Nations Assistance Mission in Afghanistan UNCTAD - United Nations Conference on Trade and Development UNDGC - United Nations Department of Global Communications UNDMSPC - Department of Management Strategy, Policy and Compliance UNDOS - United Nations Department of Operational Support UNDP - United Nations Development Programme UNDRR - United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction UNDSS - United Nations Department of Safety and Security UNECA - United Nations Economic Commission for Africa UNECE - United Nations Economic Commission for Europe UNEP - United Nations Environment Programme UNESCO - United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization UNFCCC - United Nations Climate Change UNFPA - United Nations Population Fund UNGSC - United Nations Global Service Centre UNHABITAT - United Nations Human Settlements Programme UNHCR - United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees UNICEF - United Nations Children’s Fund UNIDO - United Nations Industrial Development Organization UNITAR - United Nations Institute for Training and Research UNJSPF - United Nations Joint Staff Pension Fund UNMISS - United Nations Mission in South Sudan UNOCHA - Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs UNODC - United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime UNOG - United Nations Office at Geneva UNON - United Nations Office at Nairobi UNOPS UNOPS - United Nations Office for Project Services UNOV - United Nations Office at Vienna UNRWA - United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestinian Refugees UNSMIL - United Nations Support Mission in Libya UNV - United Nations Volunteers UNWOMEN - United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women UPU - Universal Postal Union USAID | LEAP Global - Long-Term Exceptional Technical Assistance Project Voluntas VSO - Voluntary Service Overseas War Child WaterAid WCS - Wildlife Conservation Society WeWorld WFP - World Food Programme WHO - World Health Organization WIPO - World Intellectual Property Organization WLW - Women's Link Worldwide WTO - World Trade Organization WVI - World Vision International YCI - Youth Challenge International ACBF - African Capacity Building Foundation ActionAid AEA - Ayuda en Accion (Help in Action Foundation) AfDB - African Development Bank AHAH - All Hands and Hearts AKADEMIYA2063 Amnesty International Ashoka Asylum Access Banyan Global Berghof Foundation Bernard van Leer Foundation Bodhi Global Analysis CHS Alliance Civil Society Organizations (CSO) Common Goal Compensate Foundation COOPI - Cooperazione Internazionale CRS - Catholic Relief Services Development Banks Diakonia Dorcas - Relief & Development Earthworm Foundation ECDC - European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control ECHA - European Chemicals Agency EDA - European Defence Agency EEA - European Environment Agency EFSA - European Food Safety Authority EIGE - European Institute for Gender Equality EIOPA - European Insurance and Occupational Pensions Authority ELA - European Labour Authority EMA - European Medicines Agency Epicentre - Médecins Sans Frontières’ ERCEA - European Research Council Executive Agency ESMA - European Securities and Markets Authority eu-LISA - European Agency for the operational management of large scale IT-systems EUIPO - European Union Intellectual Property Office EUISS - European Union Institute for Security Studies EUMETSAT - European Organisation for the Exploitation of Meteorological Satellites EUROCONTROL - Supporting European Aviation EuroHPC JU - European High-Performance Computing Joint Undertaking EUROJUST - European Union Agency for Criminal Justice Cooperation EUROPARAT European Union EUROPOL EUSPA EUSPA - European Union Agency for the Space Programme Evidence Action FH - Food for the Hungry Food Planet Prize Foundation FRONTEX-EU - European Agency for Border Management GFI - The Good Food Institute Global EverGreening Alliance Global Vision International (GVI) GOAL Government Organization GWP - Global Water Partnership Henry Jackson Foundation of Medicine IHI JU - Innovative Health Initiative Joint Undertaking IMC - International Medical Corps iMMAP Impact Business Impact Consultancy firms IMPACT Initiatives Impactpool Indigo Volunteers INSO - International NGO Safety Organisation INTERSOS - Humanitarian Organization Invisible Children IRI - International Republican Institute ISD - International School of Dakar Islamic Relief Istituto Oikos IWA - Intiwawa en Acción Karuna-Shechen KIVUHUB Limited Laterite Macro-Eyes Medic Misión Mexico MSF - Médecins Sans Frontières (Doctors Without Borders) Multilateral Organizations Nathan Associates NDI - National Democratic Institute NIRAS Non-Governmental Organizations Non-Governmental Organizations (NGO) NooraHealth OBI - Operation Blessing International Options - Consultancy Services Pact World PATH Pathfinder International PATRIR - Peace Action Training and Research Institute of Romania Private Sector PSI - Population Services International REEEP - Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Partnership Research and Scientific Institutions RET Internacional Room to Read SDDirect - Social Development Direct Seedstars International Ventures SELCO Foundation SoCha Start Network Teach A Man To Fish Tetra Tech - Modern Cooking for Healthy Forests The New Humanitarian TNI - The Network Inc UNECLAC - United Nations Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean UNESCWA - United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia UNFPA ESARO United Solar Investment Development UNOHCHR - Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights UNOOSA - United Nations Office for Outer Space Affairs We Effect Where There Be Dragons WINGS WMO - World Meteorological Organization World Renew Yazda
Occupational Groups Academic Degree/Course Accounting (Audit, Controlling) Administration/Finance Administrative support Advocacy/Communications Agriculture and Forestry Animal Health and Veterinary Architecture, Building and Property Management Aviation Aviation and Air traffic (planning/management/services) Aviation and Air traffic management/services (ATM/S) Banking and Finance Biology and Chemistry Border and Customs Call for Papers Cash-Based Interventions Children's rights (health and protection) Civil Society and Local governance Climate Change Communication and Public Information Conference Services Conference/Lecture Conflict prevention Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Criminology, Extremism, Police Affairs and Anti-Corruption Criminology, Police Affairs and Anti-Corruption Culture and Sport Customer services Democratic Governance Design (digital, product, graphics or visual design) Development Cooperation and Sustainable Development Goals Disability Rights Disarmament, Demobilization and Reintegration (DD&R) Disaster management Disaster Management (Preparedness, Resilience, Response and Recovery) Documentation and Information Management Donor Relations/Grants Management Drugs, Anti-Money Laundering, Terrorism and Human Trafficking Drugs, Crime and Human trafficking Ebola Economics Education, Learning and Training Elections Emergency Aid and Response Energy sector Engineering Environment External Relations, Partnerships and Resource mobilization Fair trade, Artisans and Handcraft Finance and Banking Fire Safety, Fire Protection and Firefighting Fire Satefy, Fire Protection and Firefighting Fisheries Food Security, Livestock and Livelihoods Food technology (Food tech) Gender-based violence Grant writing HIV and AIDS Human Resources Human Rights Human Settlements (Shelter, Housing, Land, Property) Humanitarian Aid Humanitarian Aid and Coordination Impact assessment Impact investing, Social venture capital Information and Communications Technology Information Management Information Technology and Computer Science Infrastructure and Urban-Rural development Innovations for Sustainable Development Internal audit, Investigation and Inspection International Relations Labour Market Policy Leadership Legal - Broad Legal - International Law LGBTQ+ rights Library Science Livestock, production and veterinary Logistics Logistics/Procurement Malaria, Tuberculosis and other infectious diseases Management, Administration and Finance Managerial positions Maritime Marketing (Digital, Advertisement, Brand, Promotion) Mechanics and Electronics (Engineering) Medical Doctor Medical Practitioners Medical Technology (Med Tech) Medicine Meteorology, Geology and Geography Migration Mine Action and Weapon Contamination Minority Rights (National or ethnic, religious and linguistic) Monitoring and Evaluation Natural Resource Management Non-Proliferation of Chemical, Biological, Radiological, and Nuclear weapons Nuclear Technology Nutrition Office Management, Administration and Finance Ombudsman and Ethics Operations and Administrations Outer space and satellite technology Patent and Intellectual property Peace and Development Pharmacy Physics and Mathematics Political Affairs Population matters (trends and census) Poverty Reduction Prison and Correctional Services Procurement Program/Project Management Project and Programme Management Protection Officer (Refugee) Public Health and Health Service Public Policy and Administration Public, Private Partnership Refugee rights and well-being Renewable Energy sector Safeguarding and Accountability Sales and Customer Service Sales and Marketing Sales, Marketing and Customer Service Scientist and Researcher Security and Safety Security policy Sexual and reproductive health Social Affairs Social Entrepreneurship Social studies Space and satellite technology Statistics Supply Chain Supply Chain and Service delivery Sustainable Business Development Sustainable Growth and Growth hacking Sustainable Tourism Sustainable trade and development Sustainable use of oceans, seas and marine resources Technology, Electronics and Mechanics Trade and Development Training/Workshop Translations and Languages Transport and Distribution Urban Development, planning and design Volunteerism Waste Management Water Resource Management Water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) Women's Empowerment and Gender Mainstreaming Youth
Organizations 360 Health Systems Diagnostics and Correction 3iSolution 5Rights Foundation 6-pm 7Hills Skatepark 8Fold Capacity Limited A Drop in the Ocean A Glimmer of Hope Foundation A M Qattan Foundation AACCES Support en Développement AAN Associates ABA - American Bar Association ABAAD – Resource Center for Gender Equality Abdul Jameel Latif Poverty Action Lab Abdul Latif Jameel Poverty Action Lab (J-PAL) Ability for Human Investment Abjad Educational Initiative Abortion Support Network Abt Associates Abundant Water Academy for Conflict Transformation Academy of the Ruhr-University Bochum ACAPS Acasus - Consultancy ACBF - African Capacity Building Foundation Acceso Access Accountability Access Aid Foundation Access Center for Human Rights Access Now Access to Nutrition Initiative Acción contra el Hambre España Accord Worldwide Accountability Counsel Accountable Now ACDI/VOCA ACER - Agency for the Cooperation of Energy Regulators ACEUM Advisors and Search ACF - Action Against Hunger ACHAP ACK International ACOGUATE ACRA - Cooperazione Rurale in Africa e America Latina ACT Alliance Act Change Transform Act for Peace ACTED - Agency for Technical Cooperation and Development Acting for Life Action Africa Help - International Action Against Hunger Action Against Hunger Germany Action Against Hunger UK Action Against Hunger USA Action Against Hunger-CANADA Action Contre la Faim Action Contre la Faim France Action Education Action for Education Action for Humanity Action for People in Need Organization - APINO Action Institute for Professional Studies Action Network for the Disabled ActionAid ActionAid Ireland Active in Development Aid ACY Group Companies Adam Smith International Adapt Peacebuilding ADB - Asian Development Bank ADD International Adeso ADPC - Asian Disaster Preparedness Center ADRA Denmark ADRA Deutschland e.V. AdsInvest Adventist Development and Relief Agency International AdvocAid Advocates Abroad Adyan Foundation AEA - Ayuda en Accion (Help in Action Foundation) AESA Hungary AFC - Agriculture & Finance Consultants AFD - Agence Française de Développement AfDB - African Development Bank Afghanaid Afghanistan Development and Welfare Services Organization Afghanistan Research and Evaluation Unit Aflatoun Africa Capacity Alliance Africa Educational Trust Africa Enterprise Challenge Fund Africa Platform for Social Protection Africa Research and Data Ltd Africa's Voices Foundation African Agricultural Technology Foundation (AATF) African Capacity Building Foundation (ACBF) African Centre for Justice and Peace Studies African Centre for Technology Studies African Centre for the Constructive Resolution of Disputes African Child Policy Forum African Christian Health Association Platform African Economic Research Consortium African Initiatives for Relief and Development (AIRD) African Institute for Development Policy African Network for the Prevention and Protection against Child Abuse and Neglect African Palliative Care Association African Parks African Population and Health Research Center (APHRC) African Refugee Development Center African Technology Policy Studies Network African Union - InterAfrican Bureau for Animal Resources African Visionary Fund African Water Association (AfWA) African Wildlife Foundation AfriKids AFSC - American Friends Service Committee Aga Khan Agency for Habitat Aga Khan Foundation Age UK Agence européenne pour le Développement et la Santé Agencia Española de Cooperación Internacional para el Desarrollo Agency Coordinating Body for Afghan Relief and Development AGIAMONDO AGRER AgriClima AgriTechTalk Africa AHAH - All Hands and Hearts AHC - Angkor Hospital for Children AICS - Italian Agency for Development Cooperation Aid for Aid Workers Aid Gate Organization Aid Works Aide et Action Aidspan aidTrain AIFO Liberia AIIB - Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank AIMS - African Institute for Mathematical Sciences AIRD - African Initiatives for Relief and Development AKADEMIYA2063 Akili Dada AKOU Akros Research Aktion Deutschland Hilft Akvo Al Ameen Al Mezan Center for Human Rights Al Sham Foundation Al Sharq Forum Al-Haq Al-Hussein Society Al-Khair Foundation Al-Shabaka Aldeas Infantiles SOS Internacional Algarve University Alianza por la Solidaridad Alight ALIMA ALIMA - Alliance for International Medical Action Alinea International All For Peace And Dignity All Hands and Hearts - Smart Response All Survivors Project Foundation All We Can - Methodist Relief and Development Fund Alliance for Financial Inclusion Alliance for Peacebuilding Alliance for Responsible Mining Alliance of Bioversity & CIAT Alliance to End Human Trafficking Alliance2015 Alma Research ALNAP ALSEERAJ for Development and Healthcare Altai Consulting Altamont Group Alternative Asean Network on Burma Amal Alliance Amal Organization for Relief and Development Amala Amani Children's Home Amani Institute Amazi Water Amazon Frontlines Amel Association International AMERA International America-Mideast Educational and Training Services, Inc. American Friends Service Committee American Institutes for Research American Jewish World Service American Near East Refugee Aid American Red Cross American University in Cairo American University of Afghanistan Americares AmeriCorps St. Louis AMF - Against Malaria Foundation Amideast Amna Amnesty International AMPLIFY Girls Amref Health Africa Ana Aqra Association Anahata United Efforts Foundation Ananta Mind LLP Andrew Goodman Foundation ANESVAD Foundation Animal Equality India Animals Asia Foundation Anna Lindh Foundation Annapurna Finance Pvt Ltd AnnieCannons Anti-Racism Movement Anti-Slavery International APHRC - African Population and Health Research Center APO - Asian Productivity Organization APOPO APT Action on Poverty Arab Reform Initiative Arab Renaissance for Democracy and Development Arbeiter-Samariter-Bund Deutschland e.V. ARC - American Refugee commitee arche noVa Architects Without Frontiers ARCS Arci Culture Solidali ArdenVent ARFADA for Development and Consultations Arid Lands Development Focus Kenya Aries Consult Arizona State University Ark Group Armed Conflict Location & Event Data Project Article 19 Artisanal Gold Council Ascend: Leadership Through Athletics ASEAN Coordinating Centre for Humanitarian Assistance ASEAN Parliamentarians for Human Rights ASEAN REGIONAL MINE ACTION CENTER ASF - Avocats Sans Frontières Ashinaga Ashoka Ashoka Scandinavia ASI - Assurance Services International Asia Pacific Forum of National Human Rights Institutions Asia Pacific Forum on Women, Law and Development Asia Pacific Leaders Malaria Alliance Asia Pacific Refugee Rights Network Asia Society for Social Improvement & Sustainable Transformation Asian Disaster Reduction Center Asian Forum for Human Rights and Development (FORUM-ASIA) Asian Productivity Organization (APO) Asian Resource Foundation Asmae Asociación Solidaria Andaluza de Desarrollo Aspire International Assessment Capacities Project Assistance Association for Political Prisoners Assistance Coordination Unit Association for Aid and Relief Japan Association for Inclusive Peace Association for Strengthening Agricultural Research in Eastern and Central Africa Association for the Prevention of Torture Association for Women's Rights in Development Association of German Development Non-Governmental Organisations Association of Southeast Asian Nations Associazione Amici dei Bambini Associazione Italiana Amici di Raoul Follereau Associazione Volontari per il Servizio Internazionale Asylos Asylum Access Asylum Seekers Information Services Team Ataa Humanitarian Relief Association ATAF - African Tax Administration Forum ATIA Atlas Corps ATR Consulting ATT - Arms Trade Treaty Secretariat Australian Agency for International Development Australian Federation of AIDS Organisations Austrian Centre for Peace Austrian Development Agency Austrian Red Cross Austrian Study Center for Peace and Conflict Resolution Avaaz AVAZ Association Avocats sans frontières Canada Avocats Sans Frontières France Awareness Against Human Trafficking AWO International Ayuda en Acción AZ Azim Premji Philanthropic Initiatives Baan Dek Foundation Baastel Babban Gona Farmer Services Badael Bahar Organization Bala Vikasa Banyan Global Banyaneer Consulting Baptist World Alliance Barcelona International Peace Center Barefoot College Basel Agency for Sustainable Energy Basel Institute on Governance Basic Needs Basic Rights Kenya Basma for relief and development Basmeh and Zeitooneh Baylor College of Medicine Children's Foundation Uganda Baylor College of Medicine Children’s Foundation Malawi - Tingathe Program Baylor International Pediatric AIDS Initiative Baytna Syria BBC Media Action Beacon of Hope Uganda BeDataDriven Beit Al Karma Consulting Belgian Red Cross-Flanders Bellicum Pharmaceuticals Bénévolat pour l’Enfance Berghof Foundation Bernard van Leer Foundation BETS Consulting Services Ltd. Better World BEYAZ ELLER YARDIMLAŞMA DERNEĞİ Beyond Borders Media Bibliothèques Sans Frontières Big Heart Foundation Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation BINAA Bioforce Bioversity International Biovision Biovision Africa Trust BIS - Bank for International Settlements Blood:Water Blossom Trust Blue Ventures Bluespear Blumont Bodhi Global Analysis Bonn International Center for Conversion Bonsucro Bonyan Organization BoP Innovation Center Border Violence Monitoring Network BOSCONET Boston College Bousla Training and Innovation Boxtribute BRAC USA BRC - British Red Cross BRC Trust Bread for All Bridge International Academies British Council British Medical Journal Brooke East Africa Brooklyn Economic Consulting Build Africa BUILD Boston Build Change Build Health International Build up Nepal Engineering Business and Human Rights Resource Centre C40 Cities Cadasta Foundation CADUS – Redefine Global Solidarity e.V. Cairo Institute for Human Rights Studies Caliburn International CALP Network Camara CAMELEON Association Campaign for Tobacco-Free Kids Campaign to Stop Killer Robots CAMRIS International, Inc. CANADEM Canadian Foodgrains Bank Canadian Lutheran World Relief Canadian Red Cross CAP Youth Empowerment Institute Capital for Good Cardno Emerging Markets CARE CARE - Australia CARE - Canada CARE - USA Care 2 Communities Care Bangladesh Care Best Initiative CARE Danmark CARE Germany CARE International in Pakistan CARE International UK CARE Nederland CARE Österreich CARE Palestine (West Bank/Gaza) Caritas Austria Caritas Czech Republic Cáritas Española Caritas France - Secours Catholique Caritas Germany Caritas International Belgium Caritas Luxembourg Caritas Marsabit Caritas Polska Caritas Switzerland Carleton University Carolina for Kibera Carter Center CartONG Cash Learning Partnership Catalan Agency for Development Cooperation Catholic Agency for Overseas Development Catholic Medical Mission Board Catholic Relief Services CAUSE Canada Cause Première CBM - Christian Blind Mission CBM Global Disability Inclusion CBM Ireland CBM Kenya CCFD-Terre Solidaire CDA Collaborative Learning Projects CDAC Network CDB - Caribbean Development Bank CDRI - Coalition for Disaster Resilient Infrastructure CDT - Translation Centre for the Bodies of the European Union CEB - Council of Europe Development Bank CEB - Council of European Development Bank CEDEFOP - European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training. Center for Civil Society and Democracy Center for Civilians in Conflict Center for Climate Crime Analysis Center for Defending Freedom of Journalists Center for Disaster Philanthropy Center for Domestic Training and Development Center for Evaluation and Development Center for Human Rights Defender Association Center for International Health, Education, and Biosecurity Center for International Peace Operations Center for International Private Enterprise Center for Operational Analysis and Research Center for Public Health and Development Center for Reproductive Rights Center for Social Integrity Center for Victims of Torture Center of Public Health and Development Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Central Asia Institute Central Asian Regional Environmental Center Centre Canadien d'Études et de Coopération Internationale Centre de Recherche sur l’Anti-Corruption Centre for Agriculture and Biosciences International Centre for Civil and Political Rights Centre for Global Equality Centre for Global Health Security & Diplomacy (CGHSD) Centre for Health Solutions – Kenya Centre for Humanitarian Action Centre for Humanitarian Dialogue Centre for Humanitarian Dialogue (HD) Centre for Humanitarian Leadership Centre for Infectious Disease Research in Zambia Centre for Non-Traditional Security Studies Centre for Peace and Justice Brac University Centre for Public Impact Centre for Safety and Development Centre for Sport and Human Rights Centre for Training and Networking in Nonviolent Action Centre of Competence on Humanitarian Negotiation Centre on Integrated Rural Development for Asia and the Pacific (CIRDAP) CEPOL - European Police College CERN - European Organization for Nuclear Research CESAL CESVI CESVI - Cooperazione e Sviluppo Onlus CFI CFK Africa CGIAR System Organization CGIAR-The Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research CHAI - Clinton Health Access Initiative Chance For Childhood Chance to Change ChangeX charity: water CHASE Africa Chatham House Chatteris Educational Foundation Chemonics Cheshire Services Uganda CHI - Child Helpline International Child Helpline International Child Rights Connect Child Watabaran Center Nepal Child's Dream Child's Dream | Impactpool DEMO and Training Environment Child's Dream Foundation Child's i Foundation ChildFund Alliance ChildFund Australia ChildFund Deutschland ChildFund International Childline Kenya Children International Sahay Children of Africa Children's Future International Children’s Mission Africa Christian Aid Mission Christian Democratic International Center Christian Health Association of Kenya Christian Mission Aid Christian Rural and Urban Development Association of Nigeria CHS - Comprehensive Health Services CHS Alliance Church World Service CI - Children International CIAT - International Center for Tropical Agriculture CIEL - Center for International Environmental Law CIFOR - Center for International Forestry Research CIMA Research Foundation CIMMYT - International Maize and Wheat Improvement Center CIP - International Potato Center Citizens' Charter National Priority Program City Cancer Challenge CIVICUS Civil Forum for Asset Recovery Civil Rights Defenders Civil Society Scaling-Up Nutrition in Nigeria Civitas Maxima Clean Air Asia Clean Air Fund Clean the World Foundation CLEAR Global CLEO Climate Action Network Climate Alliance Climate and Development Knowledge Network Climate Catalyst Clingendael Clinton Health Access Initiative Club de Madrid Co-Impact Co-operation for the Development of Emerging Countries Co-operative Development Foundation of Canada Coalition for Disaster Resilient Infrastructure Coalition for Peace in Africa Coalition for the International Criminal Court Coalition on Violence Against Women Coalition PLUS CodeYourFuture COE - Council of Europe Coffey Cohere Collaborative Center for Clinical Epidemiology & Outcomes Research Collateral Repair Project Collectif des Familles de Disparus en Algérie Collective Aid College of Ophthalmology of Eastern Central and Southern Africa Colleges and Institutes Canada Colored Qollective Columbia Global Centers in Eastern and Southern Africa Columbia University Comic Relief Comitato Collaborazione Medica Comitato Internazionale per lo Sviluppo dei Popoli Comité Catholique contre la Faim et pour le Développement Comité de Coordination des ONGI en RCA Comité français pour une Intervention Civile de Paix Commission de l’océan Indien Common Goal Commonwealth Human Rights Initiative Commonwealth of Learning Commonwealth Parliamentary Association UK Community and Family Services International Community Centre for Integrated Development Community Consortium Uganda Community Health Impact Coalition Community Organized Relief Effort Community Partners International Compass Working Capital Compassion International Compassionate Carbon Compensate Foundation Comunità Volontari per il Mondo (CVM) Concern Worldwide Concordis International Conducive Space for Peace Conflict Dynamics Conflict Management Consulting Conflux Center Connect by Music Connecting Research to Development Connell Conservation Alliance of Kenya Conservation International Consilient Consortium for Street Children Consuelo Foundation Contech International Health Consultants Contra Nocendi International Control Arms Convention Against Torture Initiative Cooperation Canada COOPERMONDO COOPI - Cooperazione Internazionale Coordinadora Latinoamericana y del Caribe de Pequeños Productores y Trabajadores de Comercio Justo Coordinamento delle Organizzazioni per il Servizio Volontario Coral Triangle Initiative on Coral Reefs, Fisheries and Food Security Coram Children's Legal Centre Cordaid - Catholic Organisation for Relief and Development Aid Cordoba Peace Institute - Geneva Corduene International Foundation CORE Group Cornell Alliance for Science CorpsAfrica CORUS International CoST The Infrastructure Transparency Initiative Council of the Baltic Sea States Counter Trafficking Network Counterpart International Coventry University Cowater International CPVO - Community Plant Variety Office CR - Conciliation Resources Craftizen Foundation Creative Associates International Crest Point for Consultancy and Development CRIMEDIM - Università del Piemonte Orientale CRIN Crisis Action Crisis Management Association CRISP e.V. Croix-Rouge de Belgique Croix-Rouge Française Croix-Rouge Genevoise Croix-Rouge luxembourgeoise Cross Border Talents Cross International Crown Agents USA CRS CRS - Catholic Relief Services Cruz Roja Española CSDC - Curry Stone Design Collaborative CTBTO - Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty CTG - Committed To Good CUFA Cure Blindness Project CureCervicalCancer Cuso International Cynara D-tree International Dahari DAI - International Development Company DAI Global DAI-Policy LINK Dala Institute Damnok Toek Dana Asia DANIDA, The Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs Danish Committee for Aid to Afghan Refugees Danish Demining Group Danish Institute for Human Rights Danish Institute for Parties and Democracy Danish International Development Agency Danish International Development Assistance Danish Red Cross Danmission Data Friendly Space Dataville Research LLC Dawlaty DCA DCA - DanChurchAid DCAF - Geneva Centre for the Democratic Control of Armed Forces Deakin University Defence for Children International – Belgium Democracy Reporting International Democratic Progress Institute Department of Field Support Department of Global Communications Department of Operational Support Department of Political Affairs and Peace-building Depaul International Derandein Fundazioa Design for Social Impact Lab Deutsche Gesellschaft fuer Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH Deutsche Welle Deutsche Welthungerhilfe Deve Consult Development Alternatives Development Gateway Development Initiatives Development Media International Development Pathways Development Pathways Ltd DevLearn Consultancy LTD DevWorks International Dexis Consulting Group Diakonia Diakonia International Humanitarian Law Centre Diakonia Sweden Diakonie Katastrophenhilfe Dialogue Advisory Group Dienste in Übersee - Brot für die Welt Digital Freedom Fund Digital Opportunity Trust DIGNITY - Danish Institute Against Torture Dimagi DiploFoundation Disability Rights Fund DisasterReady Disasters Emergency Committee DKT International Doctors of the World UK Doctors of the World USA Doctors with Africa CUAMM Doctors Worldwide Donkey Sanctuary Dorcas Dorcas - Relief & Development Dorcas Aid International Douleurs Sans Frontières Dr. Denis Mukwege Foundation DRC - Danish Refugee Council DRK - Deutsches Rotes Kreuz (German Red Cross) Drugs for Neglected Diseases initiative DT Global Duke University DW - Deutsche Welle E Co. E-enhancement Center E-enhancement Centre EAGLE Network EAHR - Emergency Architecture & Human Rights Earth Island EarthEnable EarthRights International Earthworm Foundation EASA - European Aviation Safety Agency EASO - European Asylum Support Office East-West Management Institute Eau et Vie Eawag EBA - European Banking Authority EBRD - European Bank for Reconstruction and Development ECB - European Central Bank ECDC - European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control ECF - European Climate Foundation ECHA - European Chemicals Agency ECHR - European Court of Human Rights ECMWF - European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts Ecodit Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne Economic Commission for Africa Economic Commission for Europe Ecorys ECPAT France ECPAT International Ecumenical Pharmaceutical Network EDA - European Defence Agency Eden Reforestation Projects edge performance Edmaaj for Development and Social Responsibility Consulting Educaid Educate! Education Above All Education Cannot Wait (ECW) Education Development Center Education Development Trust Education Sub-Saharan Africa Educify Inc. Educo Edukans EEA - European Environment Agency EFSA - European Food Safety Authority EGAM - European Grassroots Antiracist Movement Egyptian Center for Women's Rights Egyptian Red Crescent eHealth Africa EIB - European Investment Bank EIGE - European Institute for Gender Equality Eight Fold Capacity Limited EIOPA - European Insurance and Occupational Pensions Authority EIT - European Institute of Innovation and Technology Ektimisi ELA - European Labour Authority Elaf for Relief and Development Electoral Law and Governance Institute for Africa Electronics Watch ELIX Conservation Volunteers Greece Elizabeth Glaser Pediatric AIDS Foundation ELRHA Elton John AIDS Foundation Elucid Social Ghana EMA - European Medicines Agency Ember EMBL EMCDDA - European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction Emergency - Life Support for Civilian War Victims Emergency Nutrition Network EMERGENCY Ong Onlus Emerging Impact Emissa for Development Empower school of health LLP Empowerment Learning Development Training EMSA - European Maritime Safety Agency Enabel Enable Health Society Enabling Peace in Iraq Center EnCompass endeva e.V Enfants d'Asie Enfants du Monde EngageMedia EngenderHealth Engineering Gate for Research and Development Engineers in Action Engineers Without Borders Australia ENISA - European Union Agency for Network and Information Security Enough Project Ensemble Contre la Peine de Mort Entrepreneurs du Monde Environmental Defense Fund Environmental Justice Foundation Environmental Law Alliance Worldwide Epicentre Epicentre - Médecins Sans Frontières’ Episcopal Relief and Development EPO - European Patent Office EPSO - European Personnel Selection Office Equal Access Equal Measures 2030 Equal Rights and Independent Media Equality For Peace and Democracy Equality Insights Equality Now Equitas Equity & Empowerment Organisation ERA - European Railway Agency ERC - European Research Council ERCEA - European Research Council Executive Agency eRecruiter Africa ERIKS Development Partner ESA - European Space Agency ESM - European Stability Mechanism ESMA - European Securities and Markets Authority ESO - European Southern Observatory ESO- European organisation for astronomical research Estonian Refugee Council ETF - European Training Foundation Ethical Tea Partnership Ethiopian Agricultural Transformation Agency Ethiopian Steel Profiling and Building Company (ESPBC) ETIV Do Brasil ETLog GmbH EU Careers by EPSO EU CoR - Committee of the Regions EU-KOMM - European Commission eu-LISA - European Agency for the operational management of large scale IT-systems eu-LISA European Union Agency for the Operational Management of Large-Scale IT Systems in the Area of Freedom, Security and Justice EU4IBM Euclid University EUIPO - European Union Intellectual Property Office EUISS - European Union Institute for Security Studies EUMETSAT EUMETSAT - European Organisation for the Exploitation of Meteorological Satellites EUPOL COPPS - EU Coordinating Office for Palestinian Police Support Eurasia Foundation Euro-Mediterranean Foundation of Support to Human Rights Defenders Eurochild EUROCONTROL - European Organization for the safety of air navigation EUROCONTROL - Supporting European Aviation Eurodad EUROFOUND - European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions EUROHPC - European High-Performance Computing Joint Undertaking EuroHPC JU - European High-Performance Computing Joint Undertaking EUROJUST - European Union Agency for Criminal Justice Cooperation Euromed Feminist Initiative EUROPARAT Europe Cares Europe Foundation European Blind Union European Centre for Electoral Support European Christian Organisations for Relief and Development European Climate Foundation European Commission's Directorate-General for European Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid Operations European Committee for Agricultural Training European Institute of Peace European Lawyers in Lesvos European Management Solutions European Molecular Biology Laboratory European Prison Litigation Network European Union Agency for Asylum European Union Capacity Building Mission in Somalia European Union Rule of Law Mission in Kosovo EUROPOL EUSPA EUSPA - European Union Agency for the Space Programme Every Casualty Worldwide Evidence Action Excellence Foundation for South Sudan Exigo Research and Communications Expectation State Expertise France eyeWitness FACE for Children in Need Fair Wear Foundation Fairpicture AG FairSquare Projects Fairtrade Africa Faith to Action Network Family for Every Child Famine Early Warning System Network FAO FAO - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations FARA - Forum for Agricultural Research in Africa Farm Africa Farm Radio International Farsight Africa Group Fastenopfer Fauna & Flora International FBA - Folke Bernadotte Academy FCA Investments Fe-Male Federate States of Micronesia (FSM) - National Public Auditor Office Fédération Internationale des Ligues des Droits de I'Homme Federation of Women Lawyers (FIDA) Kenya Feed the Children Fenix Humanitarian Legal Aid FH - Food for the Hungry FHI 360 - Family Health International FIA - Fédération Internationale de l'Automobile Fida International FIDA Kenya Field Medical Foundation Field Production Field Ready Field Ready Türkiye FilmAid International Financial Services Volunteer Corps FINCON Services Finding Refuge Finn Church Aid Finnish Red Cross Finnish Refugee Council First Step Cambodia First Things Foundation Fistula Foundation Five One Labs Fleet Forum Flemish Association for Development Cooperation and Technical Assistance Flowminder Foundation Flying Kites Fojo Media Institute Folke Bernadotte Academy Fondation Apprentis d’Auteuil International Fondation AXIAN Fondation Hirondelle Fondation Mérieux Fondation Paul Gérin-Lajoie Fondation Pierre Fabre Fondation René Cassin Fondation suisse de déminage Fondazione Generali - The Human Safety Net Fondazione Giovanni Paolo II Fondazione L'Albero della Vita Fondazione Piero e Lucille Corti Fonds Social de la République Démocratique du Congo Fonkoze Food for the Hungry Philippines Food Planet Prize Food Security Cluster ForAfrika Forcier Consulting Fordham University Forest Preserve Foundation Forest Stewardship Council Formal Education Network for Private Schools Fortify Rights Forum Civil Peace Service Forum Syd Forum Syd Baltika Forum Ziviler Friedensdienst e.V. (Forum Civil Peace Service) FORUMCIV FORUT Foundation for Health Equity FOUR PAWS FRA - European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights France Médias Monde Frankfurt Zoological Society Franks Family Foundation Frannan International Fred Hollows Foundation Fred Hollows Foundation NZ Free to Run Free Wheelchair Mission Free Yezidi Foundation Freedom House Freedom United Fresh Truck Friends of Amani US Friends of The Global Fund Europe Friends of UNFPA Friends of Waldorf Education Friends Without a Border Friends-International Front Line Defenders FRONTEX-EU - European Agency for Border Management Frontier Counties Development Council Frontier Risks Group Frontline AIDS FSC - Forest Stewardship Council FSC Indigenous Foundation FSD Kenya Fund for Peace Fundación A-KASA Fundación Abba Colombia Fundación Avina Fundación Capital Fundación Magnolia para la Paz y el Bienestar Fundacíon Sustalde Future Resilience and Development Foundation FutureSense Foundation GAIA GAIA - Global Alliance for Incinerator Alternatives GAME Gargaar Relief & Development Organization GARIPOGLU CORPORATE GROUP GAVI Alliance Gavi, Vaccine Alliance GCA - Global Center on Adaptation GCDT - Global Crop Diversity Trust GCERF - Global Community Engagement and Resilience Fund GCF - Green Climate Fund GÉANT Association Gender Resources Inc. Generations For Peace Geneva Academy of International Humanitarian Law and Human Rights Geneva Call Geneva Centre for Human Rights Advancement and Global Dialogue Geneva Centre for Security Policy Geneva Centre for Security Sector Governance Geneva Centre of Humanitarian Studies Geneva Foundation for Medical Education and Research Geneva Global Hub for Education in Emergencies Geneva Graduate Institute Geneva Learning Foundation GeniusBrain Limited GeoAnalytics Center GeoHazards International George Washington University Georgetown University Georgia Tech Health and Humanitarian Logistics Center GERES - Groupe Energies Renouvelables, Environnement et Solidarités German Emergency Doctors e.V. German Foundation for World Population German Institute for Development Evaluation German Leprosy and Tuberculosis Relief Association India German Red Cross German Toilet Organization GFA Consulting Group GFI - The Good Food Institute GGGI - Global Green Growth Institute GGTC - Global Center for Good Governance in Tobacco Control Ghana Health and Education Initiative Ghiras Al-Nahda GICHD - Geneva International Centre for Humanitarian Demining Girl Child Network Girl Effect Girls Not Brides GiveDirectly Global Alliance for Improved Nutrition Global Alliance of National Human Rights Institutions Global Antibiotic Research and Development Partnership Global Campaign for Education Global Campus of Human Rights Global Canopy Global Center on Adaptation Global Center on Cooperative Security Global Centre for Pluralism Global Centre for the Responsibility to Protect Global Communities Global Detention Project Global Development Incubator Global Development Network Global Diaspora Confederation Global Disability Innovation Hub Global Emergency Relief Recovery & Reconstruction Global EverGreening Alliance Global Facility for Disaster Reduction and Recovery Global Fund for Children Global Fund for Jesus Global Giving UK Global Greengrants Fund Global Health Strategies Global Humanitarian Consulting Global Impact Global Initiative for Economic, Social and Cultural Rights Global Interagency Security Forum Global Legal Action Network Global Network of Civil Society Organisations for Disaster Reduction Global Network of People living with HIV Global Outreach Doctors Global Peace and Prosperity Initiative Global Press Global Reporting Initiative Global Resilience Partnership Global Rights Compliance Global Risk Advice Global Support and Development Global Trauma Project Global Vision International (GVI) Global Water Center Global Witness GlobalGiving Glocal Roots GNE Witzenhausen, Gesellschaft für nachhaltige Entwicklung (GNE) GmbH Go Volunteer Africa GOAL GOGLA Gold Star Kenya Good Food Institute Asia Pacific Good Neighbors International Good Return Good Shepherd International Foundation Good Shepherd Services GOPA Infra Gopa Worldwide Consultants Gorta-Self Help Africa Goutte d'eau - A Child Support Network Government of Benin Government of Canada Government of Denmark Government of Fiji Government of India Government of Ireland Government of Japan Government of Mongolia Government of Sierra Leone Government of Somalia Government of Switzerland Government of the Czech Republic Government of the Federated States of Micronesia Government of the United Kingdom Government of the United States of America Government of Timor-Leste GPE - Global Partnership for Education Graça Machel Trust Grameen Foundation USA Grand Challenges Canada Grassroot Soccer Grassroots Nest for Innovations and Change Grassroots Reconciliation Group GrassRoots Research Greater Lake Elmenteita Conservation Area Green Belt Movement Greenpeace MENA GRI - Gender Resources Inc GROOTS Kenya Ground Truth Solutions Groundwater Relief Groupe SOS Pulse Groupe Urgence - Réhabilitation - Développement Grupo Tragsa Gruppo per le Relazioni Transculturali GSA - European Global Navigation Satellite System Agency GSMA Mobile for Development Gülümseme ve Zeytin GVI GWP Global Water Partnership H2air H2H network Habesha Project Habibi Valtiberina Association Habitat for Humanity HaC - Help a Child Hagar Haitian Health Foundation Hala Systems HALO Trust HAMAP Humanitaire Hamerkop Climate Impacts Han Valk - Han Valk Fundraising Consultancy & Interim Management Hand in Hand Eastern Africa Hand in Hand for Aid and Development Hand in Hand for Syria Handicap International - Humanity & Inclusion Handicap International Belgium Hands Around The World Jersey Harvard University HCCH - Hague Conference on Private International Law HCWC | Health Care Without Harm Healing Art Missions Health Care Without Harm Health Cluster Health Equity International Health In Harmony Health Partners International of Canada Health Poverty Action Health Professionals Network for Tigray Healthcare Foundation Organization HealthNet TPO HealthRight International HealthServe Heart to Heart International Heartland Alliance International Hedayah Heifer International HEKS/EPER HELP - Hilfe zur Selbsthilfe e.V. Help – Hilfe zur Selbsthilfe Help a Child (HaC) HELP Logistics Ltd. Help Refugees / Choose Love Help Trust Help Without Frontiers help2kids HelpAge International - Jordan Office Helpcode Italia Onlus Helsinki España - Human Dimension Helsinki Spain – Human Dimension HELVETAS Swiss Intercooperation hemeso1293 Henry Jackson Foundation of Medicine Henry M. Jackson Foundation HFHI - Habitat for Humanity International HI - Humanity & Inclusion - Handicap International HIAS HIAS Refugee Trust of Kenya himaya Hiroshima Peacebuilders Center HIVE Hivos HKI - Helen Keller International Holiday Inn Holt International Hong Kong Red Cross Hope and Homes for Children Hope for Haiti Hope for Justice Hope Restoration Hope Restoration South Sudan Hope Revival Organization Horan Foundation Horizon Institute Horizons for Green Development Horizons of Friendship Horizont3000 Horn Africa Consultants Firm Horn of Africa Peace Network Hudara Human Appeal Human Development Forum Foundation Human Dignity Human Relief Foundation Human Rights Education Associates Human Rights Watch Human Trafficking Institute Humanitarian Affairs Asia Humanitarian Capacity Humanitarian Civil-Military Coordination (UN-CMCoord) Humanitarian Global Avid Thinkers Humanitarian Initiative Just Relief Aid Humanitarian Leadership Academy Humanitarian Logistics Cooperative (Hulo) Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team Humanitarian Quality Assurance Initiative (HQAI) Humanitarian Training Humanity Crew Humanity for Sustainable Development Humedica HuMENA for Human Rights and Civic Engagement Humentum Hunger Project Hunger Relief International Hurras Network I Choose Life - Africa I Have Rights IACA - International Anti-Corruption Academy IADB - Inter-American Development Bank IAEA - International Atomic Energy Agency IAMANEH Switzerland IAS - International AIDS Society Ibis ICAO - International Civil Aviation Organization ICARDA - The International Center for Agricultural Research in the Dry Areas ICARS ICC ICC - International Criminal Court ICCO COOPERATION ICIMOD - International Centre for Integrated Mountain Development ICIPE - International Centre for Insect Physiology and Ecology ICMA International ICMP - International Commission on Missing Persons ICMPD - International Centre for Migration Policy Development ICRAF - The World Agroforestry Centre ICRC - International Committee of the Red Cross ICRISAT ICRISAT - The International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics IDEA IDEA - International Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance IDEAL Public Health and Development Consultancy ideas42 IDinsight IDLO IDLO - International Development Law Organization Idmibok International IDRC - International Development Research Center IF International Foundation IFAD - International Fund for Agricultural Development IFC - International Finance Corporation (World Bank Group) IFES - International Foundation for Electoral Systems IFJD - Institut Louis Joinet IFOAM - Organics International IFRC IFRC - International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies IHI JU - Innovative Health Initiative Joint Undertaking Ihsan for Relief and Development IIEP-UNESCO - UNESCO International Institute for Educational Planning IIJ - International Institute for Justice and the Rule of Law IJM - International Justice Mission ILA - i live again UGANDA ILC - International Land Coalition ILC Africa ILGA ASIA ILGA World ILO ILO - International Labour Organization IM - Swedish Development Partner IM, Individuell Människohjälp IM, Individuell Människohjälp / Swedish Development Partner IMA International IMA World Health IMAAR Reconstruction IMC - International Medical Corps IMC Worldwide IMF - International Monetary Fund IMI - Innovative Medicines Initiative 2 Joint Undertaking iMMAP iMMAP Inc. IMO - International Maritime Organization Impact and Innovations Development Centre IMPACT civil society research and development IMPACT Initiatives IMPACT Transforming Natural Resource Management Impactpool Impactpool ATS DEMO environment Impactpool Training and Development environment Imperial College London impl. project Improving Economies for Stronger Communities INASP Incheon Smart-City INDAGANDO TV Independent Doctors Association Independent Medico Legal Unit India Health Action Trust (IHAT) Indian Social Responsibility Network-ISRN Indigo Volunteers Indochina Starfish Foundation InformAction Initiative Development Inkomoko Innovation Consulting & Solutions Innovation Norway Innovation: Africa Innovations for Poverty Action Innovative and Powerful Vision Innovative Solutions for Stability and Development Insana Deger Dernegi İnsanca Yardım Vakfı Insieme si può Insights for Education InsightShare INSO - International NGO Safety Organisation Institut de Recherche pour le Développement Institut Européen de Coopération et de Développement Institut Louis Joinet Institute for Development Impact Institute for Global Environmental Strategies Institute for Integrated Transitions Institute for Justice and Reconciliation Institute for Peace and Security Studies Institute for Strategic Dialogue Institute for Sustainable Development and International Relations Institute for University Co-operation Institute for War and Peace Reporting Institute of Crisis Management Studies Institute of Development Studies Institute of Himalayan Risk Reduction Institute of Human Virology Institute of International Humanitarian Affairs Institute of Public Finance Institute of Tropical Medicine Institute on Statelessness and Inclusion Instituto de Estudios sobre Conflictos y Acción Humanitaria Instituto Marquês de Valle Flôr Int'l Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics Integrate Health Integritas360 INTEGRITY Integrity Watch Afghanistan Inter Aide Inter Pares Inter-agency Network for Education in Emergencies Inter-American Foundation Inter-Parliamentary Union InterAction Interchurch Medical Assistance Interchurch Organisation for Development Co-operation InterEuropean Human Aid Association Intergovernmental Authority on Development Internal Displacement Monitoring Centre International Advisory, Products and Systems International Aids Vaccine Intitiative International Alert International Association for Relief and Development International Association of Universities International Bar Association International Blue Crescent Relief and Development Foundation International Bridges to Justice International Budget Partnership International Bureau for Children's Rights International Business & Technical Consultants, Inc. International Campaign for Women's Right to Safe Abortion International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons (ICAN) International Campaign to Ban Landmines International Catholic Migration Commission International Center for Not-for-Profit Law International Center for Transitional Justice International Center on Small Hydro Power International Centre for Biosaline Agriculture International Centre for Diarrhoeal Disease Research International Centre for Environmental Management International Centre for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology (ICGEB) International Centre for Integrated Mountain Development International Centre for Reproductive Health International Centre for the Study of the Preservation and Restoration of Cultural Property International Coalition of Sites of Conscience International Cocoa Initiative International Code of Conduct for Private Security Providers’ Association International Commission of Jurists International Computing Centre International Confederation of Midwives International Council of Nurses International Council of Voluntary Agencies International Crisis Group International Detention Coalition International Development Collaborative International Development Research Centre International Disability Alliance International Executive Service Corps International Federation of Organic Agriculture Movements International Fertilizer Development Center International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI) International Forum of National NGO Platforms International Foundation for Electoral Systems (IFES) International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) International Fund for Animal Welfare (IFAW) International Health Partners International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance (IHRA) International Human Rights Network International Institute for Community Based Sociotherapy International Institute for Environment and Development International Institute for Human Security International Institute for Legislative Affairs International Institute for Sustainable Development International Institute of Humanitarian Law International Institute of Rural Reconstruction International Institute of Tropical Agriculture International Law Institute International Lawyers Project International Legal Assistance Consortium International Lifeline Fund International Livestock Research Institute International Location Safety (ILS) International Media Support International Medical Corps (IMC) International Network For Aid Relief and Assistance International NGO Safety Organisation International NGO Training and Research Centre International Orthodox Christian Charities International Peace Information Service International Planned Parenthood Federation International Refugee Assistance Project International Refugee Trust International Republican Institute International Research and Exchanges Board International Rice Research Institute (IRRI) International Rivers International Service for Human Rights International Social Service International Solidarity Foundation International Solutions Group International Trade Union Confederation International Training Centre of the ILO International Training Centre of the International Labour Organization International Transformation Foundation International Treatment Preparedness Coalition International Union Against Tuberculosis and Lung Disease International Vaccine Institute International Volunteer Center of Yamagata International Volunteer Service for Development International Women's Initiative International Youth Foundation Internews Internews Europe Internews Network Interpeace Interpol Intersex Asia INTERSOS - Humanitarian Organization IntraHealth International Investimate Invisible Children IOM IOM - International Organization for Migration IOM Qatar - International Organization for Migration Ipas IPPF - International Planned Parenthood Federation Iraqi Institution for Development Iraqi Red Crescent Society IRC IRC - International Rescue Committee IRC-UK IRECRUITERS AFRICA LIMITED IRENA - International Renewable Energy Agency IREX IREX Europe IRI - International Republican Institute Irish Aid Irish Consortium on Gender Based Violence Irish Rule of Law International Iron Sharpens Iron Mentoring, Inc. IRRI - International Rice Research Institute IRW - Islamic Relief Worldwide ISA - International Solar Alliance ISC - Independent Special Commission ISD - International School of Dakar IsDB - Islamic Development Bank ISF Cambodia ISGlobal - Barcelona Institute for Global Health Islamic Aid Islamic Development Bank Islamic Help Islamic Relief Islamic Relief Kenya Islamic Relief Pakistan IsraAID ISS - Institute for Security Studies Istituto Cooperazione Economica Internazionale Istituto Oikos Istituto Pace Sviluppo Innovazione ACLI IT4LIFE ITC - International Trade Centre ITER Organization ITER-European Joint Undertaking for ITER and the Development of Fusion Energy ´Fusion for Energy´ ITF Enhancing Human Security ITU - International Telecommunication Union IUCN - International Union for Conservation of Nature IWA IWA - Intiwawa en Acción IWMI - International Water Management Institute IYD International Humanitarian Relief Association J! - JUMP! Foundation Jacaranda Health Jane Goodall Institute Japan Center for Conflict Prevention Japan International Cooperation Agency Japan NGO Center for International Cooperation Japan Platform JDN - Journalism Development Network Jesuit Refugee Service Europe Jesuit Worldwide Learning-Higher Education at the Margins Jewish Family Service - Seattle Jhpiego Jhpiego - Johns Hopkins Program for International Education in Gynecology and Obstetrics Jireh Doo Foundation JIU - Joint Inspection Unit JMO Communications Johanniter Unfall Hilfe e.V International Assistance Johanniter-Unfall-Hilfe John Dau Sudan Foundation John Snow John Snow Health Zambia Johns Hopkins Center for Communication Programs Johns Hopkins University Join For Water Joint Aid Management Joint Learning Initiative on Faith and Local Communities Jordan Media Institute Jouri Research & Consultancy Journalism Development Network, JDN Inc JRC - European Commissions Joint Research Centre JRS - Jesuit Refugee Service JSDSA JSI Jugend Eine Welt JumpScale LLC Jusoor Just Associates Justdiggit Foundation Justice and Peace Netherlands Justice Centre Hong Kong Justice Coopération Internationale Justice Education Society Justice Rapid Response Justice Without Borders KAALO Aid and Development Organization Kaebauk Investimentu No Finansas KAICIID Kailash Satyarthi Children's Foundation Kakenya’s Dream Kaleidoscope Diversity Trust KALU - Humanitarian Aid Studies Centre Kamara Karam Foundation Karen Human Rights Group Karuna-Shechen Kelele Africa Kenya Red Cross Kenya Red Cross Society Key Aid Consulting KfW Development Bank Khushii Kickstart Kids in Need of Defense Kids Paradise Kimetrica Kinderfonds MAMAS Kindernothilfe King's College London Kiron - Open Higher Education for Refugees Kiron - Open Higher Education gGmbH KIT Royal Tropical Institute KIVUHUB Limited Kivukoni Education Trust Klarity KNCV Tuberculosis Foundation Knowledge Platform Security & Rule of Law KoBoToolbox Kofi Annan Foundation Komaza Konexio Konrad Adenauer Stiftung (KAS) KonTerra Group Korea Foundation for International Healthcare Kosovo Specialist Chambers and Specialist Prosecutor's Office Kounkuey Design Initiative Kudra Social Development Solutions Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology L'Arche International La Chaîne de l'Espoir La Cooperativa Humanitaria SCCL La Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna (Sant'Anna School of Advanced Studies) Läkare utan gränser - Medecins Sans Frontiers, Sweden Läkarmissionen Läkarmissionen/LM International Lalmba Land O'Lakes Venture37 Landesa Laterite Latin American Foundation for the Future Lawyers for Justice in Libya Lay Volunteers International Association Leadership Associates Leading Virtual Solution Lebanese Center for Human Rights Legal Action Worldwide Legal Aid Society Leonard Cheshire Leonard Cheshire International LEPRA Levante International Development Leveraging Evidence for Access and Development Li Ch'utam Lien AID Life and Peace Institute Life Makers Foundation Lifebox Foundation LifeNet International LIFT International Lifting Hands International Light for the World Light Up Hope Lighthouse Relief Lilongwe Wildlife Trust Link Community Development Literacy First Lively Minds Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine Living Goods Living Water International LMH - Last Mile Health Local Administration Councils Unit Logistics Learning Alliance London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine Louvain Coopération Louvain Développement Lumos Foundation Lutheran World Relief Lux-Development LVCT Health Lwala Community Alliance LWF - Lutheran World Federation MA-UK Myanmar Macfadden Macro-Eyes Madiro Maestral International Magenta FZC Magenta FZE MAGNA Makini Schools Malala Fund Malaria Consortium Malteser International Malteser International Americas Management and Engineering Technologies International Management Systems International management4health MannionDaniels Manoff Group Manushya Foundation MAP International MapAction Maram Foundation Mari Research and Development Marie Stopes International Marti Mary's Meals Mary's Pence MASAR for Humanitarian & Development Massachusetts Institute of Technology Mastercard Foundation MAX Foundation Max Planck Foundation for International Peace and the Rule of Law Maya's Hope Mayan Families MCD Global Health MDF AC Training and Consultancy MDF Eastern and Southern Africa Training and Consultancy MDF Training & Consultancy MDM - Médecins du Monde ME&A, Inc. Med'EqualiTeam Medair Médecins du Monde - Belgique Médecins du Monde - Greece Médecins du Monde - Suisse Medecins du Monde - Turkey (MDM-T) / Dunya Doktorlari Dernegi Medecins du Monde - Turkey / Dunya Doktorlari Dernegi Médecins du Monde Canada Médecins Sans Frontières en Suisse MedGlobal Media in Cooperation and Transition Medic Medic Mobile medica mondiale Medical Action Myanmar Medical Aid for Palestinians Medical Care Development International Medical Teams International Medici del Mondo Italia Medicines for Humanity Médicos del Mundo medicusmundi Mehad Memisa Belgium MENA Rights Group Mennonite Central Committee Mennonite Economic Development Associates Mensen met een Missie MENTOR Initiative Mercy Corps Mercy Hands for Humanitarian Aid Mercy Ships Mercy Without Limits Mercy-USA for Aid and Development METAdrasi MFO - Multinational Force & Observers MHAIR Educational and Human Rights Organization Michigan Fellows Agribusiness Initiative Uganda Micro Enterprises Support Programme Trust Middle East Children's Institute Middle East Consulting Solutions MIDMAR Migrant Offshore Aid Station Migration & Asylum Project, an initiative of the Ara Trust Migration and Asylum Project Mili Institute of Higher Education Millennium Water Alliance MINARET Mine Action & Training Kosovo Mines Advisory Group Minority Rights Group MINUSCA - United Nations Multidimensional Integrated Stabilization Mission in the Central African Republic miraclefeet Misión Mexico Mission 89 Mission Alliance Mission East Mission for Essential Drugs and Supplies mission inclusion Miyamoto International Miyamoto Relief MMCC Global Mnemonic gUG Mo Ibrahim Foundation Mokoro Momentum Wheels for Humanity Monash University Montrose Mosaik Education mothers2mothers Motu Mountain Hazelnuts Mountain Societies Development Support Programme (MSDSP) Movement On The Ground Movimiento por la Paz, el Desarme y la Libertad Moving the Goalposts Kilifi MovingWorlds Mowgli Mentoring MS ActionAid Denmark MSA - MarketShare Associates MSB - Myndigheten för samhällsskydd och beredskap MSC Foundation MSF - Canada MSF - Holland MSF - Médecins Sans Frontières - Germany MSF - Médecins Sans Frontières (Artsen Zonder Grenzen) - Netherlands MSF - Médecins Sans Frontières (Doctors Without Borders) MSF - Médecins Sans Frontières (Doctors Without Borders) - Canada MSF - Medici Senza Frontiere - Italy MSF - South Africa MSF Germany MSF International - Médecins Sans Frontières (Doctors Without Borders) MSH - Management Sciences for Health MSI Reproductive Choices MTI - Medical Teams International Mujeres por África Multi Aid Programs Multinational CIMIC Group Multiple Sclerosis International Federation Mumbai Mobile Creches Mundukide Fundazioa Munich Climate Insurance Initiative Munich School of Philosophy Mushkila Kabira Muslim Aid Muslim Hands International Muso Muzun for Humanitarian and Development Mwambao Coastal Community Network My Dream Now myAgro Myanmar Information Management Unit MyRight MzN International Nadia’s Initiative NairoBits Trust Namati Namati Kenya Nansen Center for Peace and Dialogue Nanyang Technological Univ. Nanyang Technological University NASA Applied Remote Sensing Training Program (ARSET) Nasaem Khair Nascent Solutions NaTakallam Nathan Associates National Association for Family Empowerment National Cooperative Business Association CLUSA International National Deaf Children’s Society National Democratic Institute National Endowment for Democracy National Secretariat for Social Action - Caritas Philippines National Syrian Project for Prosthetic Limbs National Trafficking Sheltered Alliance National Zakat Foundation Native Scientist NATO - North Atlantic Treaty Organization Natural Justice Natural Resource Governance Institute Natural State Nazdeek Nazioarteko Elkartasuna - Solidaridad Internacional NDB - New Development Bank NDI - National Democratic Institute Near East Foundation NEF - Near East Foundation Nefes For Art and Culture NEPCon Nes Ammim Netherlands Red Cross NetHope Network for Africa UK Network for Religious and Traditional Peacemakers Network of African National Human Rights Institutions Network on Humanitarian Action Neven Subotic Stiftung New Life Association New York University Nexus Carbon for Development NGO Coordination Committee For Iraq NGO Federation of Nepal NGO Management School NGO Working Group on Women, Peace and Security Nile Basin Initiative Nipman Foundation NIRAS Nirmaan Organization Nitidae No Means No Worldwide Nomi Network Non communicative Disease Alliance Nonviolent Peaceforce NooraHealth NORC NORCAP Nordiska rådet och Nordiska ministerrådet Northern Lights Aid Norwegian Afghanistan Committee Norwegian Agency for Exchange Cooperation Norwegian Association of Disabled Norwegian Capacity Norwegian Church Aid Norwegian Human Rights Fund Norwegian Mission Society Norwegian Nurses Organisation Norwegian People's Aid Norwegian Red Cross NP - Nonviolent Peaceforce NRC NRC - Norwegian Refugee Council NuDay Nuru International Nutrition International NYC Medics Oak Foundation OBI - Operation Blessing International Obsalytics OCHA ODI ODI - Humanitarian Policy Group ODI - Overseas Development Institute OEC - Organisation of Educational Cooperation OECD - Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development Offene Arme e.V. Office of Counter-Terrorism Office of Information and Communications Technology Office of Internal Oversight Services Office of the High Representative for the Least Developed Countries, Landlocked Developing Countries and Small Island Developing States Office of the Victim’s Rights Advocate OIE - World Organisation for Animal Health OIKOS - Cooperação e Desenvolvimento Okapi Consulting Olive Branch Omega Solutions Omran For Strategic studies On Our Radar On Purpose Ona Systems Inc. One Acre Fund One Drop One Family Foundation ONG RAES Ontario Council for International Cooperation OPCW - Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons OPEC Fund for International Development Open Briefing Open Contracting Partnership Open Cultural Center Open Government Partnership Open Society Foundations OpenMap Development Tanzania Operations and Policy Center Opportunity International Optimum Analysis Options Consultancy Services Orange ORB International ORBIS International Organisation of Educational Cooperation Organisation pour la Prévention de la Cécité Organization for Refuge, Asylum and Migration Organization of American States Orienthelfer e.V. OSACO SOLUTIONS LIMITED Oscar M. Lopez Center OSCE - Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe Other Solutions Consulting Otra Cosa Network OVCI la Nostra Famiglia Overseas Development Institute Overseas Strategic Consulting oxfam Oxfam America Oxfam Australia Oxfam Canada Oxfam Denmark Oxfam GB Oxfam IBIS Oxfam Intermón Oxfam International Oxfam Ireland Oxfam Italia Oxfam Novib Oxfam Solidarité Oxfam-Québec Oxford Brookes University Oxford HR Consultants Oxford Policy Management Pacific Institute Pacific School of Religion Pact World PAE Pakistan Poverty Alleviation Fund Palacký University of Olomouc Palestine Children's Relief Fund Palestinian Vision Organization Palladium Palladium International Pamela Steele Associates Ltd Pan American Development Foundation Pan American Health Organization Pan-African Mosquito Control Association Panagora Group Panzi Foundation Paper Airplanes Parliamentary Forum on Small Arms and Light Weapons PARTICIP Partners for Change Ethiopia Partners for Health and Development in Africa Partners in Health Partners in Justice International Partners of the Americas PartnersGlobal Partnership for African Social & Governance Research PAS Center PASS AmeriCorps Passerelles numériques Pasteur Network Patagonia PATH Pathfinder International Pathways International PATRIP Foundation PATRIR - Peace Action Training and Research Institute of Romania PAX PCI - Project Concern International PCPM - Polish Center for International Aid Peace Action Training and Research Institute of Romania Peace Brigades International Peace Corps Peace Gate For Development Organization Peace of Mind Association Peace Operations Training Institute Peace Paradigms Organization Peace Winds Japan Peaceful Change Initiative PEAS PEIS - Pratigya Educational Initiative Society PEJ - Project Expedite Justice Penal Reform International Penny Appeal People Demand Change People in Need Slovakia People Serving People Foundation Pepal Permanent Mission of Afghanistan to the United Nations Pestalozzi Children’s Foundation PGS - Pilchuck Glass School Philantropia Philippine National Red Cross Philippine Red Cross Physicians Across Continents Physicians Across Continents - Turkey Physicians for Human Rights Physiopedia PIF - Pratham Infotech Foundation Pilchuck Glass School PILnet PILPG - Public International Law & Policy Group PIVOT Plan - UK Plan Canada Plan International Plan International - Sverige Plan International Belgium Plan International Benin Plan International Canada Plan International Denmark Plan International Latin America and the Caribbean Plan International Philippines Plan International UK Plan USA Planète Enfants & Développement planP GbR Plant & Food Research Plant With Purpose Platform for International Cooperation on Undocumented Migrants Platform for Labour Action Uganda Platform for Peace and Humanity Platform to Protect Whistleblowers in Africa PLAY International Play it Forward PM4NGOs PMO Security Risk Management PMU InterLife POINT Society Policy and Management Consulting Group Polish Humanitarian Action - Polska Akcja Humanitarna Population Council Positive Planet International Poulias Foundation Pour un Sourire d’Enfant (For a Child’s Smile) Power of Nutrition Power People Inclusion Practical Action Precision Development Preemptive Love Coalition Première Urgence Internationale Presencing Institute PricewaterhouseCoopers Primary Care International Prime Quality Training Professional Rescue Professionals for NonProfits Professionals in Humanitarian Assistance and Protection ProgettoMondo Mlal ProgrammForYou Project HOPE Project Management for Development Organizations Project Soar Projects Clinic Consulting Promediation Prospero Zambia Protection International PSI - Population Services International Public International Law and Policy Group Public Services International Publish What You Fund Punto Sud Pure Earth Blacksmith Institute PureCode Software Pyramid Learning Q3 Strategy Qatar Charity Qatar Red Crescent Society Quaker Council for European Affairs Quaker House Quaker United Nations Office (QUNO) Questscope R4D - Results for Development RA - Rainforest Alliance RAFT Myanmar Rahma Relief Foundation Rahma Worldwide Aid & Development (Turkey) RAINFOREST ALLIANCE Rainforest Foundation Norway Rainforest Foundation UK Raising The Village Raising Voices Ramsar - The Ramsar Convention Secretariat Raoul Wallenberg Institute Rare Razom RCN Justice et Démocratie Re:Coded REACH Initiative Reach52 READ Foundation Reall Reclaim Finance RECOFTC - The Center for People and Forests Red Crescent - Qatar Red Cross - American Red Cross - France Red Cross of Luxembourg Red Cross Red Crescent Climate Centre RED NOSES Clowndoctors International Red Sea Executive Search RedR Australia RedR India RedR UK REDRESS REEEP - Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Partnership Refugee Action Refugee Consortium of Kenya Refugee Education Trust Refugee Law Project Refugee Legal Support Refugee Services of Texas Refugee Solidarity Network Refugee Studies Centre Refugee Trauma Initiative Refugee Youth Service refugeeEd Refugees International RefugePoint RefuSHE Regeringskansliet Regional Integrated Multi-Hazard Early Warning System for Africa and Asia Rehabilitation, Education and Community Health Relief Applications Relief Experts Association Relief International ReliefWeb Renewable World Representative of Nineveh Voluntary for IDPs Reprieve REPSSI Rescue Dada Centre Research and Technological Exchange Group ResearchIntel Africa Limited Resolve to Save Lives Resonance Global Restless Development RestoringVision Results for Development Results for Development Institute RET Germany e.V. RET Internacional RET International Reuters - Thomson Reuters Foundation RFSU - Riksförbundet För Sexuell Upplysning Rift Valley Institute Right to Education Initiative Right To Play Right to Protection Rikolto RIOC - Roosevelt Island Operating Corporation Ripple Effect Riyada Consulting and Training Robert Bosch Stiftung Roia Romero Initiative e.V. Room to Read Rotary Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists Royal College of Surgeons of England Royal Tropical Institute Royal United Services Institute RP Professional Services, LLC RTI International Rural Agency for Community Development and Assistance Sababi Institute Sabin Vaccine Institute Saed Charity Association Safer Access Safer Edge Saferworld Saffron Kitchen Project SAJIDA Foundation Salam Charity for Development & Democracy Salvation Army Salvation Army World Service Office Samos Volunteers Samuel Hall SANA for Special Individuals Sanergy Santé Sud SARD Satyarthi - Kailash Satyarthi Children's Foundation Save Somali Women and Children Save the Children Save the Children - España Save the Children - Germany Save the Children - Sweden Save the Children - US Save the Children Denmark Save the Children Finland Save the Children Jordan Save the Children Norway Save the Children UK Save the Slum Initiative Sayara Strategies SBP SCA - Swedish Committee for Afghanistan Scaling Up Nutrition SCAN UK Schatz Energy Research Center School-to-School International Science Based Targets Scofield Associates Scope Global Scottish Catholic International Aid Fund Scruples Research Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna SDA Bocconi School of Management SDDirect - Social Development Direct Sea-Watch Second Tree Secretariat Of The Advisory Committee On Administrative And Budgetary Questions SEED Foundation Seed Global Health SEED Madagascar Seedstars International Ventures Seefar SEEK development Seenaryo SEforALL - Sustainable Energy for All Segal Family Foundation SELCO Foundation Self Help Africa selfm.aid Semilla Nueva Send a Cow SEND Sierra Leone Sened Organization Sense International Separ International Service Civil International Sesame Workshop Seva Foundation Seven Star Consultants Limited SFCG - Search for Common Ground SFV Consulting Group Shafak Shanti Bhavan - Children's Project Shaqodoon ShareAction Shell Oil Company Shelter Centre Shelter Cluster Shelter for Life ShelterBox Shortlist Shortlist Professionals Inc Shri Vishwakarma Foundation SIC4Change Sida - Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency SIF - Secours Islamique France Sightsavers Sign of Hope SILATEC GmbH Silk Road Training Silverleaf Academy Simavi Similie Simprints Siren Associates Skateistan Skillpro Edutech India Pvt. Ltd., SLoCaT - Sustainable, Low Carbon Transport Slovak Agency for International Development Cooperation Slum Dwellers International Small Arms Survey Smart Modular Technologies Smart Revolution S.r.l. Smart Revolution Security Smile Train Snowball Effect SNS Foundation SNV Netherlands Development Organisation So They Can SoCha SoCha LLC Social Change School Social Development Direct Social Development International Social Finance Social Impact Social Solutions International Social Terrain Social, Humanitarian, Economical Intervention for Local Development Société de Développement International SOFRECO Solar Cookers Solar Panda Solidar Suisse Solidaridad Eas & Central Africa Solidaridad East & Central Africa Solidarités International Solidarity and Development Initiative Solidarity Center SOLIDARITY RESPECT & PROTECT Solidarity with South Sudan SolidarityNow SolidarMed Solina Group Solthis Solutions CRM Somali Relief and Development Action Somali Relief and Development Society Somalia Stability Fund Somaliland Relief & Research Organization SOS Children's villages Uganda SOS Children's Villages Uzbekistan SOS Children’s Villages Denmark SOS Children’s Villages International SOS Kinderdorpen SOS MEDITERRANEE SOS Villaggi dei Bambini – Italia Sosyal Araştırma ve Rehabilite Derneği Soup & Socks e.V. South Centre South East Asia One Health University Network Southern African Development Community Groundwater Management Institute Southern Hemisphere Consultants Soutien Belge Overseas SP - Samaritan's Purse Space for Giants Space of Peace Spark Microgrants Sparknews SPC - Pacific Community Special Olympics SPI - Safe Place International SPOON Foundation Spring ACT Springboard Collaborative SRD SREO Consulting SRI Executive St John’s Community Centre St Mary's University St. Andrew’s Refugee Services St. Jude Children's Research Hospital St. Jude India ChildCare Centres Start Network Stefanus Alliance International Stichting Bootvluchteling Stichting Female Journalists Network Stichting TB Europe Coalition Stichting Vluchteling Still I Rise Stockholm Environment Institute STOOS CONSULTING STOPAIDS Strategic Development For Relief and Education Strategic Edge International Strategic Initiative for Women in the Horn of Africa Strathmore University Street Child streetfootballworld Stromme Foundation STS International Solidarity SUCO Sudanese Development Initiative Suffolk Refugee Support Sungi Development Foundation Super Stars Literacy Superprof Susan Thompson Buffett Foundation Sustainable Agriculture Tanzania Sustainable Development Group International Sustainable Research and Development Center Sustainet Group Limited Swedish Civil Contingencies Agency Swedish Fellowship for Reconciliation Swedish Red Cross SWEDO SWEDO - The Swedish Development Aid Organization Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation Swiss Federal Department of Foreign Affairs Swiss Foundation for Mine Action Swiss Foundation for Technical Cooperation Swiss Peace Foundation Swiss Red Cross Swiss Solidarity Swiss Tropical and Public Health Institute Swiss Working Group Synergos Synergy for Justice Syracuse Managed Solutions Syria Civil Defense Syria Civil Defense (White Helmets) Syria Development Centre Syria Direct Syria Justice and Accountability Centre Syria Recovery Trust Fund Syria Relief Syria Relief & Development Syrian American Medical Society Syrian American Medical Society Foundation Syrian Association for Relief and Development Syrian Association for Studies and Consultations Syrian Center for Media and Freedom of Expression Syrian Civil Administration Development Center Syrian Expatriate Medical Association Syrian Forum Syrian Network for Human Rights Syrian Networks League Syrian NGO Alliance Syrian Women's Network TackleAfrica Takaful Al Sham Charity Organization Talent Beyond Boundaries Talk to Loop Tanzania Health Laboratory Service Solutions Organization (TANHELSO) Tanzanian Children’s Fund TARA (ONYVA NGO) Tara Climate Foundation Tara Climate Ltd TARA Homes for Children TARGET e.V. Ruediger Nehberg Task Force for Global Health TATU Project Tax Justice Network-Africa TCRP - Texas Civil Rights Project TD Consulting Ltd TDS Group Teach A Man To Fish Teach For All Teach For Pakistan Team Rubicon Tearfund Technische Universität Berlin TechnoServe Tehran University of Medical Sciences and Health Services Terre des hommes Foundation "Lausanne" in Hungary Terre des hommes Foundation Child Relief Terre des Hommes Hungary Terre des Hommes Italia Terre des Hommes Netherlands Terre Sans Frontières Tetra Tech - Modern Cooking for Healthy Forests Tetra Tech ARD, Forest-PLUS TFO Canada The Accessibility Institute The African Academy of Sciences The African Seed Access Index The African Women's Development and Communications Network The Alliance for Child Protection in Humanitarian Action The Alliance of Bioversity International and CIAT The Alliance of Bioversity International and CIAT [DUPLICATE] The Asia Foundation The Association of Commonwealth Universities The Better Cotton Initiative The Big Issue Group The Boma Project The Border Consortium The Brenda Strafford Foundation The Brooke Hospital for Animals The Center for People and Forests (RECOFTC) The Center For Research & International Development The Centre for Rural Development Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin The Colombo Plan The Commonwealth Secretariat The Dag Hammarskjöld Foundation The Dallaire Institute for Children, Peace and Security The Danish Family Planning Association The Day After The Decision Lab The Development Fund of Norway The ELMA Philanthropies Services The END Fund The European Center for Constitutional and Human Rights The Forage Center for Peacebuilding and Humanitarian Education The Freedom Fund The Geneva Learning Foundation The Global Community Engagement and Resilience Fund The Global Fund The Global Fund for Survivors of Conflict-Related Sexual Violence The Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria The Global Strategy Network LTD The Green Rooftop Club The Hague Academy for Local Governance The Hague Institute for Innovation of Law The HALO Trust The HEAL Foundation The Health Support Organization The Human Dignity Trust The Humanitarian The IIJ The IIJ - The International Institute for Justice and the Rule of Law The Institute for Transportation and Development Policy The International Cooperation Agency of the Association of Netherlands Municipalities The International Institute for Justice and the Rule of Law The International Institute for Justice and the Rule of Law (IIJ) The Jerusalem Legal Aid & Human Rights Center The Kaizen Company The Karen Hilltribes Trust The Khana Group The Kvinna till Kvinna Foundation The LEGS Project The Liaison Office The Luminos Fund The MHPSS Collaborative The National Resource Center for Refugees, Immigrants, and Migrants The Nature Conservancy The New Humanitarian The Nordic International Support Foundation The Norwegian Organisation for Sexual and Gender Diversity The Oslo Center The Queen's Commonwealth Trust The Reflect Organization The Refugee Hub The Rights Forum The Rockefeller Foundation The Roméo Dallaire Child Soldiers Initiative The Share Trust The Small Things The South African Red Cross Society The Sunrise Foundation The Sunrise Project The Syria Campaign The Uganda Country Coordinating Mechanism for the Global Fund The Water Project, Inc. The Water Trust The Welsh Centre for International Affairs The White Helmets ThinkWell This Life Cambodia Thomson Reuters Foundation Thrive - Women Socio-preneurs for Change Tiko TNC - The Nature Conservancy TNI - The Network Inc Together for Girls Together for Inclusion Tomorrow’s Youth Organization Tony Blair Institute for Global Change Toplum icin Yenilik ve Yardım Derneği Torino World Affairs Institute Tostan Town of Brattleboro Traidcraft Exchange Transcend Transform Health Coalition Transform Trade Transformancy Transition International Translate into Meaning Transparency and Accountability Initiative Transparency International Transparency International EU Transparency International Georgia Transparency International Kenya Transtec Tree Aid Trek Medics International TRIAL International Triangle Triangle Génération Humanitaire Trias Trickle Up Trident Manor Triggerise Trocaire Tropical Health Tropical Health and Education Trust TRUST Consultancy & Development Trust for Democratic Education and Accountability Trust for Indigenous Culture and Health TSF - Télécoms Sans Frontières Tufts University Turning Tables Turnout Nation Turquoise Mountain Tushinde Children's Trust TWB - Translators without Borders U.S. International Development Finance Corporation UCLG ASPAC - United Cities and Local Governments Asia Pacific UCP Wheels for Humanity UCSF Global Programs for Research & Training Uganda Society for Disabled Children UHAI EASHRI Ujamaa Africa UK Foreign and Commonwealth Office UK Health Security Agency UK-Med Ukrainian Red Cross Society UN UN - United Nations UN Assistance Mission in Afghanistan UN Capital Development Fund UN Children's Fund UN DCO - United Nations Development Coordination Office UN DESA - Department of Economic and Social Affairs UN Development Programme UN DPI - Department of Public Information UN DPKO - Department of Peacekeeping Operations UN DPPA-DPO - United Nations Departments of Political and Peacebuilding Affairs and Peace Operations UN Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific UN Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization UN Environment Programme UN ESCAP - Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific UN ESCWA - Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia UN Foundation UN High Commissioner for Refugees UN Human Settlements Program UN ICC - International Criminal Court UN Institute for Training and Research UN Interregional Crime and Justice Research Institute UN Mine Action Service UN Multidimensional Integrated Stabilization Mission in the Central African Republic UN OCSS - Office of Central Support Services UN Office for Disaster Risk Reduction UN Office for Outer Space Affairs UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs UN Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights UN Office of the SRSG for Children and Armed Conflict UN Office on Drugs and Crime Un Ponte per UN Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East UN Support Office in Somalia UN System Staff College UN Volunteers UN WFP - World Food Programme UN WOMEN - United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women UN-DESA - United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs UN-DFS - United Nations Department of Field Support UN-DOCO - Development Operations Coordination Office UN-DOS - United Nations Department of Operational Support UN-ECA - United Nations Economic Commission for Africa UN-ECE - United Nations Economic Commission for Europe UN-ECLAC - United Nations Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean UN-ESCWA - United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia UN-Habitat - United Nations Human Settlements Programme UN-MINUSCA - UN's Multidimensional Integrated Stabilization Mission in the Central African Republic UN-MINUSMA - United Nations Multidimensional Integrated Stabilization Mission in Mali UN-MONUSCO - UN Organisation Stabilization Mission in the Dem. Rep. of Congo UN-MONUSCO - United Nations Organisation Stabilization Mission in the Democratic Republic of the Congo UN-OCHA - Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs UN-OHCHR - Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights UN-WTO - World Tourism Organization UNAIDS - The Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS UNAMA - United Nations Assistance Mission in Afghanistan UNAMI - United Nations Assistance Mission for Iraq UNAMID - United Nations Hybrid Operation in Darfur UNCAC Coalition UNCDF UNCTAD - United Nations Conference on Trade and Development UNDCO UNDGC - United Nations Department of Global Communications UNDMSPC - Department of Management Strategy, Policy and Compliance UNDOS - United Nations Department of Operational Support UNDP UNDP - United Nations Development Programme UNDP PANAMA COUNTRY OFFICE UNDP/OCHA Connecting Business initiative undpsds UNDRR - United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction UNDSS - United Nations Department of Safety and Security UNECA - United Nations Economic Commission for Africa UNECE - United Nations Economic Commission for Europe UNECLAC - United Nations Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean UNEP - United Nations Environment Programme UNESCO - United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization UNESCO Bangkok UNESCWA - United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia UNFCCC - UN Framework Convention on Climate Change UNFCCC - United Nations Climate Change UNFICYP - United Nations PeaceKeeping Force in Cyprus UNFPA - United Nations Population Fund UNFPA ESARO UNFPA PSB - United Nations Population Fund, Procurement Services Branch UNGSC - United Nations Global Service Centre UNHABITAT - United Nations Human Settlements Programme UNHCR - United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees UNHCR eCentre UNHCR Regional Centre for Emergency Preparedness (eCentre) UNICC UNICC - United Nations International Computing Center UNICEF UNICEF - Education Cannot Wait UNICEF - United Nations Children’s Fund UNICEF Malawi UNICEF Netherlands Unicef UK UNIDO - United Nations Industrial Development Organization UNIFIL - United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon Unilever PLC Union des Organisations de Secours et de Soins Médicaux Union for International Cancer Control (UICC) Union for the Mediterranean Union of Medical Care and Relief Organizations Union to Union UNISFA - United Nations Interim Security Force for Abyei UNITAR - United Nations Institute for Training and Research United Edge Services LTD United for Global Mental Health United Methodist Committee on Relief United Mission for Relief & Development United Nations Assistance Mission in Afghanistan United Nations Climate Change United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) United Nations Fund For International Partnerships United Nations Human Settlements Programme United Nations Integrated Transition Assistance Mission in Sudan United Nations Joint Staff Pension Fund – Office of Investment Management United Nations Multidimensional Integrated Stabilization Mission in Mali United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime United Nations Population Fund United Nations Secretariat United Network of Young Peacebuilders United Palestinian Appeal United People Global United Purpose United Solar Investment Development United States Conference of Catholic Bishops United World Schools Universal Rights Group Universidad del Sagrado Corazón Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore Università Politecnica delle Marche Université de Neuchâtel University for Peace University of California University of Chicago University of Copenhagen University of Geneva University of Georgia Research Foundation University of Heidelberg University of Limerick University of Manchester University of Maryland University of Maryland, Baltimore County University of Notre Dame University of Oslo University of Pavia University of Rhode Island University of San Diego University of Technology Sydney University of the Western Cape University of Toronto University of York University Research Co. UNJSPF - United Nations Joint Staff Pension Fund UNLB - United Nations Logistic Base UNMIK - United Nations Mission in Kosovo UNMISS - United Nations Mission in South Sudan UNMISS - United Nations Mission in the Republic of South Sudan UNOCHA - Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs UNODC - United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime UNOG - United Nations Office at Geneva UNOHCHR - Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights UNON - United Nations Office at Nairobi UNON - United Nations Office in Nairobi UNOOSA - United Nations Office for Outer Space Affairs UNOPS UNOPS - United Nations Office for Project Services UNOV - United Nations Office at Vienna UNOV - United Nations Office in Vienna UNRISD - United Nations Research Institute for Social Development UNRWA - United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestinian Refugees UNS - United Nations Secretariat UNSCO - Office of the United Nations Special Coordinator for the Middle East Peace Process UNSMIL - United Nations Support Mission in Libya UNSOM - United Nations Assistance Mission in Somalia UNSOS - United Nations Support Office in Somalia UNU - United Nations University UNV - United Nations Volunteers UNVMC - United Nations Verification Mission in Colombia UNWOMEN - United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women UPR-info UPU - Universal Postal Union URBAN REFUGEES URC - University Research Company Urgent Action Fund-Africa US Agency for International Development US Institute of Peace US Overseas Cooperative Development Council US Pharmacopeial Convention USA for UNFPA USAID USAID - United States Agency for International Development USAID -GC USAID | LEAP Global - Long-Term Exceptional Technical Assistance Project USAID FFP - Food for Peace USAID/OFDA - Office of U.S. Foreign Disaster Assistance Validity Foundation Velos Youth Vento di Terra Vera Solutions Vétérinaires Sans Frontières Belgium Vétérinaires Sans Frontières Germany Vétérinaires Sans Frontières International Vétérinaires Sans Frontières Suisse Veterinarians Without Borders Canada Vi Agroforestry Viamo Viatores Christi Vibrant Village Foundation Victim Advocates International Vida Plena with 2nd Mile Missions Videre Est Credere Vijua Village Enterprise Village Health Works VillageReach Violet Organization for Relief and Development Virunga National Park Vision Hope International VisionSpring ViSkogen Visualizing Impact Visualizing Palestine Vital Strategies Vital Voices Global Partnership Vitamin Angels Vitol Foundation Viva Rio Viyan Organization for Medical Relief and Development Vizzuality Vodafone Foundation Voluntary Organisations in Cooperation in Emergencies Voluntas Voluntas Advisory VSO - Voluntary Service Overseas VSO - Volunteer Service Overseas W.K. Kellogg Foundation Wageningen University Wageningen University & Research War Child War Child Canada War Child Holland War Child International War Child UK Wasafiri Consulting Ltd. Wassu Gambia Kafo WasteAid Watan Syria Watchlist on Children and Armed Conflict Water and Sanitation for the Urban Poor Water Compass Water for Good Water For People Water Integrity Network Water Mission International WaterAid Watsi Watson Institute for International Studies Wave - Thessaloniki WAW - Women for Afghan Women Way of Hope to Life Organization WB - World Bank WBG - The World Bank Group WCS - Wildlife Conservation Society We Effect We Love Reading We The People We World We World GVC Welbodi Partnership Welfare Association Wellcome Trust WeMove Europe Westminster Foundation for Democracy Wetlands International WeWorld WeWorld-GVC WFP - World Food Programme Where There Be Dragons WHO WHO - World Health Organization WHO Foundation Wild Chimpanzee Foundation WildAid Wildlife Conservation Society Wildlife Justice Commission Wilton Park Windle International Kenya Windle International Somalia WINGS Winrock International WIPO - World Intellectual Property Organization WLW - Women's Link Worldwide WMO - World Meteorological Organization WMU - World Maritime University Woman Support Association Women Educational Researchers of Kenya Women for Women International Women in Global Health Women in Informal Employment Globalizing and Organizing Women Now for Development Women Rehabilitation Organization Women's Global Education Project Women's Initiatives for Gender Justice Women's International League for Peace and Freedom Women's International Peace Centre Women's Refugee Commission Women’s Fund Asia WomenStrong International Woord en Daad World Action Fund World Animal Protection World Bicycle Relief World Central Kitchen World Child Cancer World Coalition Against the Death Penalty World Cocoa Foundation World Concern World Council of Churches World Economic Forum World Education Australia World Federation of Hemophilia World Federation of United Nations Associations World Hope International World Jewish Relief World Learning World Mosquito Program World Neighbors World Organisation Against Torture World Organization of the Scout Movement World Renew World Resources Institute World University Service of Canada World Vision World Vision International World Vision Ireland World Wide Fund For Nature WorldFish WorldFish Center WSP - Watershed Stewards Program WTO - World Trade Organization WUSC - World University Service of Canada WVI - World Vision International WWF WWO - Worldwide Orphans Foundation Wyss Academy For Nature Xavier Project XOESE The Francophone Women's Fund Y.R. Gaitonde Centre for AIDS Research and Education (YRG CARE) Y.R. Gaitonde Centre for AIDS Research and Education (YRGCARE) Yarl's Wood Befrienders Yazda YCI - Youth Challenge International Yiaga Africa Initiative Yoga and Sports with Refugees York University Young Africa International Young Peacebuilders Youth Advocates Ghana Youth Business International Youth Challenge International Youth Empowerment Synergy Youth Innovative Center Youth Opportunity & Transformation in Africa Youth4jobs Foundation Yspaniola Zakat Foundation of America Zizi Afrique Foundation ZOA Zoological Society of London
Grades Administrative support All levels Consultancy Internship Junior level Level not specified Mid level Mid/Senior level Senior Executive level Senior level Volunteer Administrative support Consultancy Junior level Level not specified Mid level Mid/Senior level Senior Executive level Senior level Volunteer
Countries abala Abidjan Abilene | Midland Abu Dhabi Abuja Abuja | Lagos Abuja | Maiduguri Abuja | Sokoto | Yola | Ilorin Abuja | Yola Accra Adamawa Adana | Ankara Addis Ababa Addis Ababa | Central Addis Ababa | Shire Addis Ababa | Shire | Mekelle Aden Aden | Sanaa Adjumani | Kampala | Yumbe Adjumani | Yumbe Adré | N'Djamena Afghanistan Al Bayda Al Dhalee Al Hasakah Al-Hassaka Al-Hassaka | Al-Raqqa Al-Hassaka | northeast syria Al-Kufra Al-Raqqa Alassa Albania Aleppo Algiers Alkufra Almaty Almaty | Nur-Sultan Ambovombe Amhara | Oromia Amman Amman | Ramallah | Jerusalem Amsterdam Amsterdam | Bordeaux | Brussels Amsterdam | Netherlands Ankara Ankara | Gebze Antananarivo Antananarivo | Farafangana Antananarivo | Fort Dauphin Antioquia | Meta | Bogotá Antsirabe Any | office Apia Aqaba Aqaba | Amman Arab | Homs Areesha Camp Arish Arua Arua | Kiryandongo Arua | Kiryandongo | Kampala | Lamwo | Yumbe Ashgabat Ashkhabad Asia | Pacific Asia and the Pacific: India Asmara Assosa | Addis Ababa Asunción Athens Atlanta Atlanta GA atlantique | alibori | plateau Australia Aweil Aweil | Wau Azerbaijan Babil | Wasit Badghis Baga Sola | Farchana Baghdad Baghdad | Beirut Baghdad | Mosul Baku Baltimore Bamako Bamako | Gao Bamako | Tunis bamako mali Bamberg | Mannheim | Bonn | Berlin Bāmyān Bangkok Bangkok | Chiang Mai Bangkok | Kuala Lumpur Bangui Bangui | Paoua Bangui | Sibut | Bouar | Bimbo | Mbaïki | Nola Banja Luka Banjul Barbados Baringo | Kitui Basrah Bassikounou Batán Batken | Bishkek Beijing Beirut Beirut | Ankara | Baghdad Beirut | Zahle Bekaa Bekaa | Beqaa Beledweyne Belgrade Belmopan Benghazi Benghazi | Derna Benghazi | Sirte Beni Bensheim Bentiu Berlin Berlin | London Bern Bhopal Bhopal | Lucknow Bhutan Bishkek Bissau Bogotá Bogotá | Bonn Bogotá | Lima | San Jose | La Paz | Mexico City | Washington D.C. | Quito Bogotá | Magdalena | Santa Marta Bolívar | Maracaibo | San Fernando Bonn Bonn | Rome | Reading | Bologna Bonthe | Kenema Borno Borno | Abuja | Maiduguri Borno | Maiduguri Bouar Branch Brasília Brasília | Brazil Brazil Brazzaville Brindisi Brisbane Brovary | Kharkiv Brussels Brussels | Rome Bryssel Bucharest Budapest Buea Buenos Buenos Aires Bujumbura Bujumbura | Gitega | Muyinga | Ruyigi Bujumbura | Ruyigi | Gitega | Muyinga Bukavu | Goma Bukavu | Kindu | Goma Bukhara Bukhara | Tashkent Bulawayo | Harare Bulgaria Bunia Bunia | Kinshasa Bunia | Lubumbashi | Kindu Burkina Faso Cabo Verde Cairo Cairo | Beirut Cali California | Tabasco | Chihuahua | León | Baja | Nuevo Cape Town Capira | Panamá | Colón | Coclé Caracas Caracas | Miranda Cartagena Catania | Agrigento Central Centurion Chennai Chihuahua Chihuahua | Tapachula | Mexico City Chile Chisinau Chittagong ciudad de méxico Colombo Colón | Capira | Coclé | Panamá Colón | Panamá Conakry Continental Copenhagen Copenhagen | Istanbul Copenhagen | Istanbul | Kuala Lumpur | Addis Ababa | Dakar | Bangkok | Amman | Panama City Copenhagen | New York City Copenhagen | Tokyo | Brussels | New York City Costa Rica Cotabato Cotonou Coxs Bazar Coxs Bazar | Teknaf Coxs Bazar | ukhia Cucuta Dadaab | Nairobi Dakar Dakar | Abuja | Accra | Kano Dakar | Abuja | Bamako | Ouagadougou Dakar | Pretoria | Addis Ababa | Nairobi Dali Dallas TX Damascus Damaturu Dana Dapaong | Lomé Dar es Salaam Dashoguz Dashoguz | Akhal Deir Azzor | City | raqqa Deir Dalloum Deir ez-Zor Deir ez-Zur Deir ez-Zur | Al-Raqqa Deir ez-Zur | raqqa democratic republic of the congo Denver der | Hassaka | raqqa Dhaka Dhaka | Bangkok | Kuala Lumpur Dhaka | Chittagong Dhangarhi Diffa | Maradi Diffa | Maradi | Niamey | Tillabéri Diffa | Niamey | Agadez Dili Djibo | Fada | Dori | Ouahigouya | Ouagadougou Djibo | Ouagadougou | Dori | Ouahigouya | Fada Djibouti Djibouti | Tadjoura Dnipro Dnipro | Kyiv | Odessa | Lviv | Kharkiv Dnipro | Odessa | Kharkiv | Kyiv | Zaporizhzhya Dnipro | Poltava | Kharkiv Dnipropetrovsk Dnipropetrovska Doha Dori | Kaya | Ouagadougou Dosso | Niamey | Zinder | Maradi Dublin Dushanbe East Jerusalem Ed | Nairobi Egypt El Cajon El Carmen de Bolívar El Fasher El Gedaref Elbasan | Librazhd | Pogradec Elizabeth Erbil Erbil | Baghdad Erbil | Port Sudan | Baghdad Esmeraldas | Quito Ethiopia-Jijiga Fallujah Farchana Faro | Lisbon Field Florence Florencia | Bogotá Fort Dauphin | Antananarivo Fortaleza Frascati Freetown Freetown Sierra Leone Gaborone Gadaref Gadaref | Khartoum Gadaref | Port Sudan | Kassala Gardēz Garoowe Garoua Gaya | Patancheru Gaza Gaza City Gaziantep Geneva Geneva | Nairobi Georgetown Germany Ghana Gitega | Ruyigi | Bujumbura | Muyinga Gitega | Ruyigi | Muyinga | Bujumbura Glendale Global Goma Goma | Bukavu | Kinshasa Goma | Kinshasa | Bukavu | Bunia Greece Guadalajara Guatemala City Guatemala City | El Salvador | San Jose | Cuba | Port-au-Prince | Santo Domingo | Panama City | Mexico City Guayaquil Guinea-Bissau Gusau Gwoza Gwoza | Borno Hagadera Hannover Hanoi Harar Harare Hargeysa Hassaka Hassaka | Al-Raqqa | office Hawassa | Addis Ababa Hebron Helmand Helsinki Herat Hobyo Hodeidah Hol Honduras Honiara Honiara | Suva Hyderabad | Patancheru Ibb Idlib Indonesia insatslandet Ioannina Iowa City | Des Moines Ipiales | Nariño Iran Iriba Islamabad Istanbul Istanbul | Ankara Jakarta Jalalabad Jeddah Jerusalem Jerusalem | Amman Jimma Johannesburg Johannesburg | Nairobi | Abuja | Lagos Jordan Jowhar Juba Juba South Sudan Kabul Kabul | Herat Kadugli Kadugli | Nairobi Kailahun | Bo | Freetown Kakuma Kakuma | Dadaab | Nairobi Kalemie Kalemie | Lubumbashi | Kindu Kampala Kampala | Amudat | Moroto | Kaabong | Yumbe | Gulu | Abim | Kotido Kampala | Yumbe | Lamwo | Kiryandongo | Arua Kananga | Goma | Kisangani Kandahar Kandahar | Kabul | Jalalabad | Herat Kankan | Siguiri | Conakry Kansas City Karachi Karbala | Ramadi Karlsruhe Kassala | Gadaref | Port Sudan Kasulu Kathmandu Kauda Kaya Kayin State Kazakhstan Kenya Kerman | Yazd Kharkiv Kharkiv | Brovary Kharkiv | Kyiv | Lviv Kharkiv | Kyiv | Odessa | Dnipro Kharkiv | Sumy | Donetsk Kharkivska Kherson | Odessa Khost Khulna Kibondo Kiev Kigali Kigoma Kilifi | wajir | Garissa | Mandera | Nairobi Kingston Kingston | Venice Kinshasa Kiryandongo Kismayo Kisumu | Mombasa | Nakuru | Nairobi Kisumu | Nairobi Koboko | Adjumani | Maracha | Moyo | Yumbe Konya | Karaman Korem | Shire Kosovo Kosti Koundara | Siguiri Kourou | Paris Kuala Lumpur Kufra Kumba | Mamfe | Buea Kunduz Kuwait Kyegegwa | Kampala | Yumbe Kyegegwa | Yumbe | Kampala Kyiv La Paz Laghman Lagos Lahj | Aden Lahore Lampedusa Lamwo Lamwo | Moroto | Amudat | Kampala | Kitgum | Isingiro | Arua | Kiryandongo | Yumbe | Kyegegwa Lao Las Vegas Lashio | Myitkyina Libreville Lilongwe Lilongwe | Blantyre | Mzuzu Lima Lisbon | Faro Lodwar Lomé Lomé | Dapaong London London | Warsaw | The Hague | Paris | Brussels | Madrid Los Baños Louisville LR-Monrovia Luanda Lucknow Lusaka Lusaka | Addis Ababa Lviv Lyon Mae Hong Son | Surin | Ban Mai Mahajanga Maiduguri Maiduguri | Abuja Maiduguri | Borno Makati City Makueni Malabo Maldives Male Manakara | Antananarivo Manama Manila Mannheim Mannheim | Berlin | Bamberg | Bonn Maputo Maputo | Lusaka | Maseru | Gaborone | Harare | Windhoek | Lilongwe Maralal Marib Marsabit Maseru Maseru | Gaborone Mazar Medellín Mekelle Menaka Menaka | Bamako Mendi | Wabag | Kimbe | Buka | Port Moresby | Kokopo Mendi | Wewak | Wabag | Port Moresby | Buka méxico Mexico City Milano Minsk Miranda | Caracas Mogadishu Moldova Monrovia Monrovia | Lomé | Accra Montevideo Montreal Montreuil Mopti | Bamako Mora | Maroua Mount Lebanon | Beirut Mozambique Multiple locations Multiple locations | Tripoli Muyinga Mwanza Myanmar Mykolaiv N'Djamena N'Djamena | Abéché N'Djamena | Adré Nablus Nablus | Palestine Nagar Nairobi Nairobi | Bamako Nairobi | Bangkok | Geneva | New York City Nairobi | Dadaab | Kakuma Nairobi | Gadaref Nairobi | Garissa | Lamu Nairobi | Geneva Nairobi | Kadugli Nairobi | Pangani Nairobi | zalengei Nairobi | Zalingei | Farchana Namibia Nampula Nangarhar Province Nay Pyi Taw Nepal New Delhi New Delhi | Dhaka New York City New York City | Addis Ababa | Central New York City | Amman New York City | Bangkok | Geneva | Nairobi New York City | Istanbul | Oslo New York NY Ngozi | Cankuzo | Ruyigi | Bujumbura | Kayanza Niamey Niamey | Diffa Niamey Niger Nicosia Noordwijk Noordwijk | Porz-Wahn North Governorate northeast syria Nouakchott Nur-Sultan Odessa Odessa | Dnipro Of Of | Republic Oromia | Amhara Oslo Ottawa | Toronto Ottawa | Toronto | Vancouver Ouagadougou Ouagadougou | Djibo | Fada | Dori | Ouahigouya Oudomxay Palabek Kal Palenque | Tabasco Palestine Palestine | Jerusalem Palma | Praia | Pemba Palu Panamá Panamá | Panama City Panama City Paramaribo Paris Pasto Pasto | Bogotá Patancheru | Gaya Patra Pattani | Narathiwat | Yala Pemba Pemba | Beira | Maputo Petrópolis | Rio de Janeiro Philippines Phongsaly Phongsaly | district Podgorica Pohnpei Pokhara | Surkhet | Janakpur Polygyros Popayán | Valledupar | Mocoa | Bogotá | Florencia | Apartadó | Quibdó | Arauca | Cali | Neiva | Villavicencio | San José del Guaviare | Pasto | Sincelejo | Cúcuta | Medellín | Barrancabermeja Port Moresby Port of Spain Port Sudan Port Sudan | Gadaref | Kassala Port Sudan | Kassala | Gadaref Port Sudan | N'Djamena Port Sudan | Zalingei Port-au-Prince Port-Vila Port-Vila | Suva | Tonga Pretoria Pristina Pristina | Janjevë/Janjevo Puerto Asís | Bogotá Puerto Maldonado Qamishli Quetta Quito Rabat Ramallah Rancagua Rangamati raqqa raqqa | Al-Hassaka raqqa | Al-Kasrah raqqa | City raqqa | City | Abu Khashab Camp raqqa | Hassaka Re | Kandahar Reading Reggio Calabria Region | evros Richmond | Charlottesville Richmond VA Riohacha Rivne Riyadh Romania Rome Rome | Reading | Bologna | Bonn Rotterdam Rotterdam | Nairobi Ruyigi Ruyigi | Muyinga | Gitega | Bujumbura Saada Sacramento Saint Vincent and the Grenadines Salvador | Brazil samoa Samos San Diego CA San Jose San Marcos San Pedro Sula San Salvador Sanaa Sanliurfa Santa Cruz | La Paz Santiago Santo Domingo São Gonçalo | Rio de Janeiro São Tomé São Tomé and Príncipe Sarajevo Seattle | Wa Semera Seoul Sharm el-Sheikh Shire | Jijiga | Mekelle | Semera | Addis Ababa | Bahir Dar | Gambella Sidon Silver Spring MD Singapore Singapore | Al Mafraq Singapore | Kuala Lumpur Sittwe | Yangon | Maungdaw Skopje Sloviansk Sofia Sokoto Sokoto | Kano | Abuja Sokoto | Katsina Sokoto | Maiduguri | Borno South Africa South Sudan Sri Lanka Stockholm Stockholm | Kramfors Strasbourg Suceava Sudan Sukkur | Islamabad | Lahore | Quetta | Karachi | Hyderabad | Peshāwar Sulaymaniyah Sumy Sumy | Kharkiv Suva Suva | Honiara Suva | Majuro Syria Tahoua | Maradi | Niamey Tahoua | Tillabéri Takhar | Kunduz Tallinn Tallinn(Estonia) | Strasbourg(France) Tapachula Tashkent Tashkent | Bukhara Tashkent | Lomé Tbilisi Tchad Tchad | NDjaména Tegucigalpa Tehrān Teknaf | ukhia Telafar Tenenkou Texcoco The Hague Thessaloníki Thies Thimphu Tigray Tillabéri Timbuktu | Bamako Tindouf | Algiers Tirana Tocumen | Panamá Torit Toronto Trieste Trinidad and Tobago Tripoli Tunis Tunis | Gabes Tunis | Nairobi | Mumbai Tunisie Türkiye Turkmenistan Turlock | Sacramento Uga | Kampala Uga | Yumbe Uganda ukhia ukhia | Teknaf Ukhiya Ukraine Ulaanbaatar Ulan Bator Una | Tuzla United States Utrecht Valencia Vienna Vientiane Villanueva de la Cañada | Noordwijk Wakiso | Kampala | Mukono Warsaw Washington D.C. Washington D.C. | Addis Ababa | Brasília | Rome | Bangkok Washington, D. C. Wau Western Sahara Wichita Wiesbaden Windhoek Yamoussoukro | Abidjan | Man | Korhogo Yangon Yaoundé Yerevan Yola | Abuja Yola | Damaturu | Mubi | Abuja | Maiduguri Yola | Mubi Youwarou Yumbe Yumbe | Adjumani Yumbe | Kitgum | Moroto | Kampala Yumbe | Kyegegwa | Kampala Zahle | Beirut zalengei | Nairobi Zalingei | Farchana | N'Djamena | Nairobi Zalingei | Nairobi Zalingei | Port Sudan Zalinguei Zanzibar Zemio | Bangui Скопје Accra Agrigento | Lampedusa | Reggio Calabria | Catania Freetown Meiganga Multiple locations New York City Reggio Calabria | Lampedusa | Agrigento | Catania Remote |
Canada | United States Remote |
Geneva Remote | Remote |
Abidjan Remote |
Abilene Remote |
Abuja Remote |
Abuja | Dhaka | Islamabad | Addis Ababa Remote |
Addis Ababa Remote |
Amman Remote |
Amman | Addis Ababa | Panama City | Copenhagen | Istanbul | New York City | Bangkok Remote |
Ankara | Istanbul Remote |
Asia Remote |
Asia | Central Remote |
Athens Remote |
Atlanta GA Remote |
Baghdad Remote |
Baltimore Remote |
Bamako Remote |
Bangkok Remote |
Bangui Remote |
Barcelona | Remote - Based | Geneva Remote |
Barcelona | Seville Remote |
Berlin Remote |
Berlin | Bonn Remote |
Berlin | Kampala | Lomé | Nairobi | Guatemala City | Yaoundé | Addis Ababa | Abuja | Lusaka | Bensheim | Cambridge | Niamey Remote |
Bishkek | Osh Remote |
Bissau Remote |
Boise Remote |
Bologna | Bonn | Rome | Reading Remote |
Bonn Remote |
Brasília Remote |
Brazil | Rio de Janeiro Remote |
Brussels | Barcelona Remote |
Cairo Remote |
Cambridge | Nairobi | Berlin | Niamey | Guatemala City | Lomé | Bensheim | Lusaka | Yaoundé | Kampala | Abuja | Addis Ababa Remote |
Charlottesville Remote |
Copenhagen Remote |
Dakar Remote |
Damascus Remote |
Denver Remote |
Des Moines Remote |
Dhaka | Mexico City Remote |
El Cajon | San Diego Remote |
Elizabeth Remote |
EMEA Remote |
Frankfurt Remote |
Gaza Remote |
Geneva Remote |
Geneva | Barcelona Remote |
Glendale Remote |
Guatemala City | Panamá | Quito Remote |
Harare Remote |
Helsinki Remote |
Home Based - May require travel Remote |
ile-de-france Remote |
Istanbul Remote |
Jakarta | Port Moresby Remote |
Japan Remote |
Juba Remote |
Kathmandu Remote |
Kharkiv | Odessa | Dnipro | Kyiv Remote |
Kharkivska Remote |
Kigali Remote |
Kingston Remote |
Kyiv Remote |
Lao | Hanoi Remote |
Latin America Remote |
Lilongwe Remote |
Lomé Remote |
London Remote |
London | Nairobi Remote |
London | Washington D.C. | Nairobi Remote |
Louisville Remote |
Lower Saxony Remote |
Luton Remote |
Mannheim Remote |
May Pen | Kingston Remote |
Mexico City Remote |
Miami Remote |
Monrovia Remote |
Montreuil Remote |
Moscow Remote |
Nairobi Remote |
Nairobi | Bonn Remote |
Nairobi | Guatemala City Remote |
Nairobi | London Remote |
Nairobi | Remote - Based Remote |
Nampula | Maputo Remote |
Nepal Remote |
New Delhi Remote |
New York City Remote |
New York City | Remote - Based Remote |
New York NY Remote |
Niamey | Diffa Remote |
NYHQ Remote |
Oakland CA Remote |
Odessa Remote |
Odessa | Dnipro | Kyiv | Kharkiv Remote |
Odessa | Kherson Remote |
offices | Any Remote |
Panamá Remote |
Paris Remote |
Pattani | Yala Remote |
Poltava | Odessa | Lviv | Kyiv Remote |
Pretoria Remote |
Pristina | Berlin Remote |
Reading | Bonn Remote |
Remote - Based Remote |
Remote - Based | Barcelona | Geneva Remote |
Remote - Based | Geneva | Barcelona Remote |
Riyadh Remote |
Rome Remote |
San Diego CA Remote |
San Jose Remote |
Santo Domingo | Barahona | San Cristóbal Remote |
Sarajevo Remote |
Seattle | Wa Remote |
Silver Spring MD Remote |
Singapore | Yaoundé Remote |
Skopje Remote |
Stockholm Remote |
Sudan Remote |
Suva Remote |
Tallahassee Remote |
Tashkent Remote |
Tbilisi | Remote - Based Remote |
Thessaloníki | Athens Remote |
Tucson Remote |
Tunis Remote |
UK Remote |
Ukraine Remote |
United States Remote |
Victoria Remote |
Vienna Remote |
Virtual Remote |
Washington D.C. Remote |
Wichita Remote |
Yangon Remote |
Zahle Remote |
Струмица Ruyigi | Muyinga | Gitega | Bujumbura Yaoundé Afghanistan Afghanistan, Albania, Armenia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Cyprus, Iraq, Israel, Jordan, Lebanon, Romania, Türkiye, Ukraine Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Burundi, Central African Republic, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Eswatini, Haiti, Ireland, Kenya, Lebanon, Mozambique, Papua New Guinea, Sierra Leone, South Sudan, Sudan, Yemen Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Cambodia, China, India, Mongolia, Myanmar, Nepal, Pakistan, Papua New Guinea, Timor-Leste, Viet Nam Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Cambodia, Fiji, India, Indonesia, Myanmar, Nepal, Ukraine Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Cambodia, India, Indonesia, Myanmar, Thailand, Viet Nam Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Malaysia Afghanistan, Burundi, Central African Republic, Colombia, Congo, Germany, Iraq, Jordan, Lebanon, Netherlands, occupied Palestinian territory, South Sudan, Sweden, Syrian Arab Republic, Uganda, Ukraine, Yemen Afghanistan, Burundi, Central African Republic, Colombia, Congo, Iraq, Jordan, Lebanon, Netherlands, occupied Palestinian territory, Sweden, Syrian Arab Republic, Uganda, Ukraine, Yemen Afghanistan, Ethiopia, Haiti, Ireland, Mali, Nigeria, occupied Palestinian territory, Sierra Leone, United Republic of Tanzania, Yemen Afghanistan, Georgia, Indonesia, Kyrgyzstan, Nepal, Pakistan, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, Uzbekistan Afghanistan, Haiti, Ireland, Nigeria, South Sudan, Yemen Afghanistan, Kenya, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland Albania Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia, the Republic of North Macedonia Algeria Algeria, Tunisia Angola Angola, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Eswatini, Lesotho, Malawi, Mozambique, South Africa, Zambia, Zimbabwe Angola, Lesotho, Madagascar, Malawi, Mozambique, Zambia, Zimbabwe Antigua and Barbuda Argentina Armenia Armenia, Georgia Aruba (The Netherlands) Australia Australia, Cambodia, Indonesia, Lao People's Democratic Republic (the), Malaysia, New Zealand, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, Timor-Leste, Viet Nam Australia, Fiji, New Zealand, Papua New Guinea, Solomon Islands, Tonga, Vanuatu Australia, Philippines, Viet Nam Austria Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Germany, Italy, Spain Bangladesh Bangladesh, Burkina Faso, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Ethiopia, Ghana, India, Kenya, Madagascar, Malawi, Mali, Niger, Nigeria, Senegal, Sierra Leone, Uganda, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, United Republic of Tanzania, Viet Nam, Zambia, Zimbabwe Bangladesh, Burkina Faso, Germany, Indonesia, Ireland, Italy, Kenya, Lao People's Democratic Republic (the), Madagascar, Nepal, Netherlands, Nigeria, Philippines, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, Zimbabwe Bangladesh, Germany Bangladesh, India, Nepal, Sri Lanka Bangladesh, Indonesia, Nepal, Philippines Bangladesh, Jordan, Nepal, Pakistan, Philippines, Thailand Bangladesh, Kenya Bangladesh, Pakistan, Thailand Barbados Belgium Belgium, Côte d'Ivoire Belgium, Democratic Republic of the Congo, France, Germany, Guatemala, Honduras, Indonesia, Italy, Kenya, Portugal, Spain, Thailand, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland Belgium, France Belgium, Germany, Norway, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland Belgium, Luxembourg Belgium, Spain Belize Belize, Indonesia, Kenya, Madagascar, Mozambique, Senegal, Timor-Leste, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, United Republic of Tanzania Benin Benin, Burkina Faso Benin, Burkina Faso, Chad, Mali, Niger, Senegal, Togo Benin, Burundi, Togo Benin, Côte d'Ivoire Benin, France, Senegal, Togo Benin, Ghana, Togo Benin, Guinea-Bissau, Mali, Senegal Bolivia (Plurinational State of) Bosnia and Herzegovina Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kenya, Liberia, Lithuania, Tajikistan, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland Botswana Brazil Brazil, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Guatemala Brazil, Netherlands Bulgaria Burkina Faso Burkina Faso, Burundi, Cameroon, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Ethiopia, Guatemala, Kenya, Mali, Mozambique, Niger, Nigeria, Pakistan, Uganda Burkina Faso, Central African Republic, Chad, Ghana, Mali, Mauritania, Niger, Rwanda, Senegal, Sierra Leone Burkina Faso, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Ethiopia, Kenya, Nigeria, Senegal, Uganda Burkina Faso, Kenya, Madagascar, Nigeria, Zimbabwe Burkina Faso, Mali Burkina Faso, Mali, Senegal Burkina Faso, Niger Burundi Burundi, Kenya, Malawi, Nigeria, Rwanda, Uganda, United Republic of Tanzania, Zambia Burundi, Kenya, Nigeria, Rwanda, Uganda, United Republic of Tanzania, Zambia Burundi, Uganda Cabo Verde Cambodia Cambodia, Indonesia, Lao People's Democratic Republic (the), Malaysia, Myanmar, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, Timor-Leste, Viet Nam Cameroon Cameroon, Central African Republic, Ethiopia, Kenya, Niger, Nigeria, Togo, Uganda, Zambia Cameroon, Côte d'Ivoire, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Ethiopia, Kenya, Madagascar, Mauritania, Nepal, Nigeria, Senegal, Somalia, South Sudan, Sudan, Togo, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, United Republic of Tanzania, Zambia Cameroon, Kenya, Senegal, South Africa Cameroon, Uganda, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland Canada Canada, Netherlands Canada, United States of America Canary Islands (Spain) Central African Republic Central African Republic, Democratic Republic of the Congo Central African Republic, Ghana, Nigeria, South Sudan, Zimbabwe Chad Chad, Sudan Chile China China - Hong Kong (Special Administrative Region) Colombia Colombia, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Peru Colombia, Ecuador, El Salvador Colombia, Ecuador, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico, Panama, Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of) Colombia, Jordan, Kenya, Senegal, Spain Colombia, Kenya, Senegal, Spain Colombia, Kenya, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland Colombia, United States of America Congo Congo, Democratic Republic of the Congo Costa Rica Côte d'Ivoire Côte d'Ivoire, Ethiopia, Ghana, Kenya, Malawi, Rwanda, South Africa, Uganda, United Republic of Tanzania Côte d'Ivoire, Ethiopia, Ghana, Kenya, Malawi, South Africa Côte d'Ivoire, Ghana, Kenya, Liberia, Malawi, Nigeria, Rwanda, Sierra Leone, Uganda, United Republic of Tanzania, Zambia Côte d'Ivoire, Kenya, Nigeria Côte d'Ivoire, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, United States of America Cyprus Cyprus, Romania, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, Zimbabwe Czechia Democratic Republic of the Congo Democratic Republic of the Congo, Kenya, Kyrgyzstan, Mali, Myanmar, Nepal, Niger, Nigeria, Rwanda, Tajikistan, Tunisia, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland Democratic Republic of the Congo, Madagascar, Niger Denmark Djibouti Dominican Republic Ecuador Ecuador, Guatemala Egypt Egypt, Jordan, Morocco, Tunisia Egypt, Tunisia El Salvador El Salvador, Guatemala El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua El Salvador, Guatemala, Mexico Eritrea, United Republic of Tanzania Ethiopia Ethiopia, France, Nigeria, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, United States of America Ethiopia, Ghana, India Ethiopia, Ghana, India, Nepal, United States of America Ethiopia, India, Kenya, Nigeria, South Africa, United Republic of Tanzania Ethiopia, India, South Africa, United Arab Emirates, United States Virgin Islands Ethiopia, Kenya Ethiopia, Kenya, Netherlands, Rwanda, Uganda, United Republic of Tanzania Ethiopia, Kenya, Somalia, Uganda Ethiopia, Kenya, Uganda Fiji Fiji, New Caledonia (France) Finland France France, Germany, Italy France, Jordan France, Togo France, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland Gabon Gabon, Gabonese Republic Galapagos Islands (Ecuador) Gambia Georgia Germany Germany, Greece, Italy, Poland, Serbia Germany, Netherlands, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland Germany, Niger, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland Germany, Spain, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland Germany, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland Ghana Ghana, Philippines Ghana, Senegal Greece Greece, Italy, Poland, Serbia Guadeloupe (France) Guatemala Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico, Uganda Guatemala, Kenya, Niger, Sri Lanka, Zimbabwe Guatemala, Spain Guinea Guinea-Bissau Guyana Haiti Haiti, Madagascar, Philippines Holy See Holy See, Honduras Honduras Honduras, Spain Hungary Hungary, Poland, Ukraine India India, Kenya India, Kenya, Malaysia, Mexico, Tunisia India, Kenya, Netherlands, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland India, Kenya, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland India, Philippines, Singapore Indonesia Indonesia, Philippines Iran (Islamic Republic of) Iraq Iraq, Jordan, Lebanon, Pakistan, Syrian Arab Republic Iraq, Jordan, Lebanon, Ukraine Iraq, Jordan, Tunisia, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland Iraq, Jordan, Yemen Iraq, Kenya, Tunisia Iraq, Sudan, Syrian Arab Republic, Ukraine Ireland Ireland, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland Israel Israel, occupied Palestinian territory Italy Italy, Niger Italy, Spain Italy, Spain, United States of America Jamaica Japan Jordan Jordan, Kenya, Senegal Jordan, Kenya, Senegal, Spain Jordan, Lebanon Jordan, Lebanon, Syrian Arab Republic Jordan, Lebanon, Tunisia Jordan, Lebanon, United States of America Jordan, occupied Palestinian territory Jordan, Syrian Arab Republic Jordan, United States of America Kazakhstan Kenya Kenya, Kyrgyzstan, Uganda, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland Kenya, Lebanon, Switzerland Kenya, Malawi, Nigeria, Rwanda, Uganda, United Republic of Tanzania, Zambia Kenya, Malawi, Nigeria, Rwanda, United Republic of Tanzania, Zambia Kenya, Netherlands, Rwanda, United States of America Kenya, Nigeria, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland Kenya, Pakistan, Thailand Kenya, Rwanda Kenya, Rwanda, Uganda, Zimbabwe Kenya, Rwanda, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, United States of America Kenya, Senegal Kenya, Senegal, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland Kenya, Senegal, United Republic of Tanzania Kenya, Senegal, United States of America Kenya, Somalia, South Sudan Kenya, South Africa Kenya, South Africa, United States of America Kenya, Switzerland, United States of America Kenya, Tunisia Kenya, Uganda Kenya, Uganda, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland Kenya, Uganda, United States of America Kenya, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland Kenya, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, United States of America Kenya, United Republic of Tanzania Kenya, United States of America Kenya, Zimbabwe Kiribati Kyrgyzstan Lao People's Democratic Republic (the) Lebanon Lebanon, United Arab Emirates Lesotho Liberia Liberia, Sierra Leone Libya Libya, Tunisia Lithuania Luxembourg Madagascar Malawi Malawi, Zimbabwe Malaysia Mali Mali, Niger Mali, Spain Marshall Islands Martinique (France) Mauritania Mauritius Mayotte (France) Mexico Micronesia (Federated States of) Moldova Mongolia Montenegro Morocco Mozambique Mozambique, United Republic of Tanzania Myanmar Myanmar, Thailand Nauru Nepal Netherlands Netherlands Antilles (The Netherlands) Netherlands, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland Netherlands, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, United States of America Netherlands, United States of America New Caledonia (France) Nicaragua Niger Nigeria Nigeria, Pakistan, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland Nigeria, South Africa Nigeria, Uganda, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland Nigeria, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland Norway occupied Palestinian territory Pakistan Pakistan, United States of America Panama Panama, Spain Papua New Guinea Papua New Guinea, Solomon Islands, Vanuatu Paraguay Peru Philippines Philippines, Thailand Philippines, United States of America Philippines, Viet Nam Poland Poland, Ukraine Portugal Qatar Republic of Korea Réunion (France) Romania Rwanda Saint Kitts and Nevis, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, Trinidad and Tobago Saint Lucia Samoa Saudi Arabia Senegal Serbia Sierra Leone Singapore Slovakia Solomon Islands Somalia South Africa South Sudan South Sudan, Uganda Spain Sri Lanka Sudan Sweden Switzerland Switzerland, Syrian Arab Republic, Ukraine Switzerland, United States of America Syrian Arab Republic Syrian Arab Republic, Türkiye Tajikistan Thailand the Republic of North Macedonia Timor-Leste Togo Tonga Trinidad and Tobago Tunisia Turkey Türkiye Tuvalu Uganda Uganda, United Republic of Tanzania Ukraine Ukraine, United States of America United Arab Emirates United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, United States of America United Republic of Tanzania United States of America Uzbekistan Vanuatu Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of) Viet Nam Western Sahara Yemen Zambia Zambia, Zimbabwe Zimbabwe