OpenIGO | International Careers Development Network
UN YPP 2024-2025: Products & Services

UN YPP 2024-2025: Products & Services

The UN Young Professionals Programme might be just the opportunity you have been looking for. To help you succeed in this process, OpenIGO Network has developed a series of UN YPP exam preparation materials. These include a comprehensive e-Book – UN YPP Manual for Candidates –, an Application Review and a Mock Interview –  based on the United Nations YPP original model.

We also offer a range of packages that combine our eBook with different services. Our packages are the best option for you regarding cost-benefit! They will guide you through every stage of the selection process and teach you how to succeed in each of them. By purchasing our packages, you can also save up to $30!

In this article, we are going to present each of these services. You will understand why each of them is worth every cent!




OpenIGO overall services are extremely well-rated by those who bought them! These are some of the testimonials we’ve had for our products:

To know more about the UN YPP exam preparation, explore our website!  We have created the most comprehensive website on the UN YPP for you.

UN YPP Exam Preparation Book – Manual for Candidates

Attending to requests and aiming at maximizing the chance of our customers in passing the UN YPP, our team has recently released a brand-new e-Book: “United Nations Young Professionals Programme – Manual for Candidates”.

This publication has been carefully prepared to help you achieve your goal and become an international civil servant with the United Nations.

Although the chapters of this e-Book were logically structured based on the stages of the selection process, you are not required to read it linearly. Read it in sequence or skip around, whichever way best suits your needs.

In the UN YPP exam preparation book, you will learn/understand:

  1. About the history and fundamental concepts of international organizations
  2. About the United Nations, its history, purposes and main organs
  3. What the UN System is and how it is structured
  4. What the UN YPP is
  5. What are the UN working areas Young Professionals can work at
  6. Whether or not you are eligible to apply for the program
  7. What the stages of the selection process are
  8. How to best complete each of these stages
  9. What a competency-based process is and how the United Nations perceives competencies
  10. How the screening of applicants is carried out
  11. How to use the UN Secretariat’s virtual recruiting platform – Inspira
  12. The best way to structure your cover letter and fill out your application
  13. How to best prepare for and what to expect from the Written Examination
  14. What competency-based interviews are and how they should be handled
  15. What happens after you are selected – placement on the “Roster”, consideration and selection of rostered candidates

Remember that even if you don’t have plans to apply for this year’s program, or if your country is not amongst the member states invited to take part in the current year’s UN YPP selection process, this manual will prepare you to apply in the coming years!

Here are some reasons why it is worth investing in the “United Nations Young Professionals Programme – Manual for Candidates”:

  • The UN YPP is a long and complex process and this manual was designed to break it down into easy-to-understand sections and chapters! Understanding the UN YPP has never been so easy! Our book will provide candidates with many important details on each stage of the selection process and give tips on how to succeed in each of them.
  • Our previous e-Books have been extremely well evaluated by those who bought them and this one was developed with the same level of professionalism and attention to details as our previous ones.
  • It has more than 150 pages of extremely useful information – not only a combination of what can be found online, but also original and significant content developed by our qualified team of professors, human resource specialists and intergovernmental organization staff.
  • Buying our e-Book gives you discount on the other UN YPP related products we offer on our online store such as the Application Review and Mock Interview.
  • For one entire month, you will have a direct channel to the authors of our manual to clear up any doubts you may have.
  • We guarantee your satisfaction!




UN YPP Application Review – PHP and Cover Letter

In the first round of the United Nations YPP, candidates must fill out an online application form, also knows as “Personal History Profile”. The PHP is analyzed in the first stage of the UN YPP selection process and a screening round is performed to filter out candidates who do not meet the program’s basic application criteria. When this process is completed, the list of candidates still in the running may be reduced by up to 70% or 75%.

Therefore, it is of fundamental importance that your application is carefully revised so as to avoid common mistakes and to increase your chances of moving on to the second stage of the selection process. This is exactly what our award-winning team will do for you!

Our professionals, specialized in the United Nations YPP, will carry out proofreading and a technical review of your PHP and cover letter, enormously increasing your chances of succeeding in the first screening round.

The review will be carried out in two stages:

Proofreading – highly qualified native English proofreaders will check your writing, formatting, correct errors and suggest improvements;

Technical review – a team formed of PhD professionals with vast experience at the United Nations (UN) will carry out a technical review of the documents that you submit to the UN YPP, offering feedback for improvement. This is the most important part of your application review since it will look into:

  • The UN YPP basic application criteria and double-check your eligibility to apply for the program;
  • The description of the Duties and Achievements of your previous/current work experiences, making sure they were written and organized accordingly to what is expected by UN recruiters and giving feedback on how to improve this section of your PHP;
  • The Cover Letter content, revising its structure and format and double-checking if the text contains all the fundamental aspects UN recruiters look for in UN YPP candidates’ letters. Advice and thorough feedback are given so as to allow candidates to submit the best Cover Letter.

Why should you invest in our Application Review Service?

  • The first screening round of the UN YPP is entirely based on your online application (PHP + Cover Letter) and many strong candidates fail this stage due to lack of attention and inaccurate information. If you want to increase your chances of being selected, it is crucial that you prepare your application with extreme care and we can help you with that!
  • Our service is carried out by a team of professionals with extensive knowledge of the United Nations YPP and by a native English proofreader to check for any grammar and formatting mistakes. The complete review takes, on average, 2 to 3 hours and after we send you the documents back, we can still talk for clarification and for a final feedback.
  • The Application Review Services we offer on our website are extremely well evaluated by our former customers.

Our Application Review Service can really increase your chances of passing the first screening round and your satisfaction is guaranteed.

Click here to find out more about our Application Review Service:


UN YPP Written Examination Packages

The Written Examination stage is by far the most competitive phase of the UN YPP selection process: only 4% of candidates invited to take the exam are successful and move on to the interview stage. Practicing is, therefore, crucial to pass this stage and that’s why OpenIGO has put together these packages for you. We have already helped dozens of candidates to start their international careers and we want you to become one of them!

We have prepared three different packages, but here’s a simple overview of what you can find in the most comprehensive of them:

See below the packages our team has prepared for you:

Product NameDescriptionPriceLink
Bronze Package1) Short Guide to the Written Examination (Study Topics + Written Exam eBook Chapter)
2) General Paper Preparation
3) Specialized Paper Preparation
$114.99Click Here
Silver Package1) Study Topics for the 2022-2023 Exam Areas
2) General Paper Preparation
3) Specialized Paper Preparation
4) UN YPP Manual for Candidates
$152,99Click Here
Gold Package1) Study Topics for the 2022-2023 Exam Areas
2) General Paper Preparation
3) Specialized Paper Preparation
4) UN YPP Manual for Candidates
5) 45min Coaching Session
$350Click Here

Our packages have been designed so as to maximize your chances of success in this competitive stage of the UN YPP selection process! If you’ve made it this far in the selection process, you want to make sure that you are well prepared to face the tests and to give your very best. We can help you with that! 

Here are some reasons why it is worth investing in our UN YPP Written Exam Packages:

  • Good preparation is key to success! In our packages, you will find preparation for each and every phase of the Written Examination stage and will have access to model answers written by Ph.D.professors. 
  • Our UN YPP products and services have been extremely well evaluated by those who bought them and this one was developed with the same level of professionalism and attention to details as our previous ones;
  • We are currently offering a special price on our packages! For a limited time only. 
  • Exam area content-related questions are original and were designed by specialists in their areas of expertise!  

Click here to see in detail what our packages offer:



UN YPP Mock Interview

The United Nations YPP selection cycle includes also an oral examination phase, which consists of a competency-based video-conference interview, whose main aim is to find out more about the candidate, and analyze their knowledge, competencies and experience. Only successful candidates in the written examination will be invited to take part in the oral examination.

We offer you a mock interview with a specialized professional who has extensive experience. Therefore, you will feel more secure and greatly improve your performance during the interview phase.

UN YPP mock interviews are held via Skype (preferably), WhatsApp, Facetime or Hangouts, conducted by an interview specialist and last 60 minutes.

Service details:

  • Mock Interview Length: 60 minutes
  • Mock Interview Language: English
  • Means of holding the mock interview: Skype (preferably), WhatsApp, Facetime or Hangouts
  • Re-scheduling: Is allowed up to 48 hours before the scheduled time.

Why is it worth buying our Mock Interview?

  • Our interviewers (including a professor with a PhD, who is a specialist in International Organizations) spend approximately two hours reading all your documents and preparing a script as per the UN YPP model and also based on your Personal History Profile, plus around one hour in a mock interview with you. Every interview is personalized and unique.
  • Practicing is key to succeeding in a Competency-Based Interview and if you have the opportunity to practice with professionals that can give you feedback on your performance it’s even better! At the end of your mock interview, you will receive thorough feedback and tips to improve aspects that deserve special attention.
  • All the experience is set to reproduce the interview in the same way that is carried out by the UN YPP recruiters.
  • The Mock Interview Services we offer on our website have been extremely well evaluated by those who bought it.

Click here to find out more about our Mock Interview Service:


UN YPP Packages - The best deal for you!

In addition to being able to purchase the ebook or each of the guiding services individually, you can also buy different UN YPP exam preparation packages. OpenIGO offers four types of packages: the UN YPP Full Package,  Initial Package, Interview Package and Essential Package. 

United Nations YPP – Full Package

This package includes the “United Nations Young Professionals Programme – Manual for Candidates ebook plus the application review service and mock interview. It is our most comprehensive package. On purchase, you save close to USD 15.00!

This package is aimed at those who want to qualify for all the different rounds of this selection process. Taking part in our mock interview will really help you prepare for the United Nations YPP interview and also for several others that follow the same format. We are sure that it will be extremely worthwhile, even if you do not reach the face-to-face interview stage of this selection process.



United Nations YPP – Initial Package

This package includes the “United Nations Young Professionals Programme – Manual for Candidates ebook plus the application review service.

This package is aimed at all candidates who would like to significantly enhance their application from the first round. The book plus application review combination contributes enormously, so that you can prepare your Personal History Profile in the best possible way.

Do not forget that some qualified candidates don’t pass the first screening round due to a lack of attention to details! We can help you with that!



United Nations YPP Interview Package

This package includes “United Nations Young Professionals Programme – Manual for Candidates” ebook plus a mock interview.

This package is aimed at those who have moved on to the third round of the selection process, which is the competency-based interview.

If you have already purchased the ebook and would like to acquire the Mock Interview, you do not need to buy this package but only the mock interview. However, if you have not purchased the eBook, we strongly recommend that you buy this package, instead of only buying the Mock Interview, since reading the book will help you perform better both in the mock and real interviews.

If you have reached this stage of this competitive selection process, this investment is essential and is very small, compared with the benefits it provides.

95% of those who purchased our mock interview service evaluated it with the highest grades possible (5/5 and 4/5) and 100% of them would recommend our services to their friends.



United Nations YPP – Essential Package

If you already have the ebook, this package is the best option to increase your chances of success in the first and second round of the UN YPP! In addition, it’s the perfect opportunity to save some money by acquiring our Application Review service + Mock Interview for the UN YPP with a special discount!

With the purchase of this UN YPP exam preparation package, you will significantly increase your chances of passing the United Nations YPP selection process.



UN YPP Service Review

If you are still not convinced that OpenIGO is the best option for you, take a look at some of the universities that many of our satisfied clients come from:


Go to our online store to find out more!


If you still have doubts/questions about our services, don’t hesitate to contact us! Our team will get back to you as soon as possible.

 For more information on the UN YPP exam preparation, explore our website:



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