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In this article, we will cover the general characteristics of the World Bank Group internship, such as the most sought after areas of specialization, intern routine, work period, operating locations and possibility of being hired following the internship.
In pursuit of its mission, the OpenIGO network has prepared a comprehensive eBook and support and guidance services, with the aim of highly increasing your chances of success in this competitive process.
These services include revising your WB internship application documents (curriculum vitae and statement of interest) and a mock interview, as per the World Bank model. We also offer a range of packages that combine the eBook with different services.
Discover why our WB Internship Products & Services will help you get your dream internship!
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WB Internships – Mock Interview
WB Internship Fields of Study
Contrary to what many people think, the Bank does not only look for individuals with knowledge in Economics, Finance or Public Policy. There are intern opportunities for both the Bank’s operation and corporate areas (see chapter 2 of our ebook), requiring interns with a wide range of expertise. The areas of study with the highest demand in this program are:
Operation areas:
• Economics
• Finance
• Human Development (Public Health, Education, Nutrition and Population)
• Social Science (Anthropology, Sociology and Political Science)
• Agriculture
• Environment
• Private Sector Development
Corporate areas:
• Communications;
• Technology;
• Legal;
• Human Resources;
• Accounting
Internship Activities
The activities performed vary according to the opening and the requirements of the different units to which interns are allocated. However, generally speaking, the main duties are:
• Data analysis;
• Preparation and administration of surveys;
• Support in organizing events;
• Discussion of articles;
• Analysis and research;
• Administrative support;
• Participation in meetings and training sessions;
• Social network management;
• Assistance in preparing annual reports
Duration of the WB Internship
In 2025, the internship period is expected to be from May to August. Although the internship period is relatively short, the experience of doing an internship at an organization the size of the World Bank is intense, demanding a high level of commitment from interns.
Weekly Workload
The internship programs are full-time. Therefore, interns work between 35 and 40 hours per week. Work may be required at weekends.
Most internship openings are for the WBG headquarters in Washington D.C., but there are also opportunities at their other offices around the world.
If a candidate is interested in doing an internship in one of the World Bank’s regional areas, it is recommended that s/he makes direct contact with the specific area to enquire about any possible vacancies. Please note that each regional area may have its own intern selection process.
When the WBG Internship Starts
The internship usually starts between one and three months after all the stages of the selection process are finalized. In 2025, the internship is expected to start in early May.
Feedback Following the Internship
At the end of the internship, the supervisor is responsible for preparing an assessment report on the intern’s performance. This evaluation aims to provide an overview of the work undertaken by the intern during their time at the organization, highlighting the results achieved and limitations observed.
Subsequent Employment
Participation in the World Bank Internship is not linked to future employment with the agency. During the internship period, and for six months immediately after the program, you will not be eligible to apply for or be appointed to any effective positions at the organization. However, the World Bank Internship experience will be a focal point on your curriculum vitae, which may facilitate you being hired by other organizations inside or outside the UN System.
WB Internship Remuneration
All internships at the World Bank are remunerated. The Bank understands that by doing this, the possibility of internship opportunities for individuals from different countries and with distinct socio-economic conditions increases.
The average remuneration for the World Bank internship ranges from USD 20 to USD 30 per hour worked, based on the applicant’s educational background and experience. In general, there is no payment for public holidays and weekends, unless interns are required to work during these periods in special cases. Therefore, the World Bank remuneration is among the highest at intergovernmental organizations.
Diversity and Quotas
Without a doubt, diversity is a strong point at the World Bank. The Bank currently has 189 member countries and staff of 164 different nationalities. Fifty-five percent (55%) of WB staff come from developing countries. In addition, the Bank has a clear interest in expanding the representation of individuals with disabilities and in reducing gender inequality at the institution.
However, there are no quotas for nationalities or gender in the Bank selection processes, including its internship program.
Discover the minimum requirements for the World Bank Internship Program:
World Bank Internship Minimum Requirements
In our eBook, we expound upon other strategies that candidates can use to structure their responses. We also present some question/answer examples to help candidates understand these strategies in depth.
This article is only a fraction of the extensive content present in our excellent eBook. Following the tips and suggestions given in the World Bank Internship eBook, and having a Mock Interview with us, will fully prepare you for this competitive selection process and increase your chances of succeeding at it.
Check our Initial package, which includes our ebook and an application review to help you get your dream internship:
WB Internships – Initial Package