Most selection processes of the World Bank Group require candidates to upload their Curriculum Vitae (CV) onto an online platform, including the World Bank Internship Program. The selection team will use this document to gain an initial impression of the candidate’s competences, professional experience and academic qualifications, and to evaluate the suitability of their profile according to what is required for the position and organization.
Therefore, constructing a strong CV is essential, in order to maximize your chances of success in the competitive selection processes of the Bank and to stand out from other candidates.
In this article, we will present 10 World Bank CV tips to help you craft a strong CV and increase your chances of passing the first stage of any selection process of the Bank, including the World Bank Internship Program.
This article is just a small sample of all the information covered by our comprehensive eBook – The World Bank Group Jobs and Careers. If you want to know more about our preparation products go to our online store!
World Bank CV Tips
Tip 1:
After finalizing your curriculum, show it to your colleagues and ask them to provide sincere comments on its content and organization. In this way, any mistakes, which the candidate had not noticed when preparing the document can be identified and corrected.
Tip 2:
Use the first person singular to describe your personal accomplishments and achievements;
Tip 3:
Only put information, which can be proven on your curriculum. Everything, which is included in the document, can be questioned by the organization in the future. Be 100% transparent and honest with the organization;
Tip 4:
Be careful about the email address you provide, especially if it is personal and includes informal words, such as johnthebest@hotxx.com or marylittlecutie@gxx.com, for example;
Tip 5:
Try to be clear and direct when writing your CV. There is no need to include wordy texts or provide unnecessary information on a Curriculum Vitae;
Tip 6:
There is no need to put “Curriculum Vitae” as the document heading. The assessor will know what it is, as soon as they look at the document. The first piece of information to appear on a CV should be the candidate’s full name;
Tip 7:
Do not include personal data irrelevant to the professional area on your CV, such as marital status, document numbers and religion, among others;
Tip 8:
If you are writing your CV in a foreign language, avoid using automatic translators (such as Google Translator), since they frequently make mistakes. Always contact a person who is proficient in the selected language to assist you with the translation;
Tip 9:
Avoid using the passive voice. This form of writing may lead to mistakes and is not always consistent with the correct way of expressing yourself;
Tip 10:
If there is a large gap between your professional experience, explain the reasons for this. For example, a person who had a 3-year gap between their last two jobs may explain that they were studying for a post-graduate qualification during this period, which involved an international experience or can also allege family reasons.
Remember that your CV is only one document among many others that the organization might require. Therefore, it is essential that it is in line with the others and that, together, they are able to tell your story coherently.
Are you applying for the World Bank Internship Program? Don’t forget to check our Application Review to make sure you stand out from other candidates:
Get your World Bank Internship CV & Statement of Interest reviewed by experts!
In pursuit of its mission, OpenIGO has prepared support and guidance services, with the aim of highly increasing your chances of success in the competitive selection processes of the Bank. These services include revising your WBG application documents (curriculum vitae/resume and cover letter) and a mock interview, as per the WBG model. We also offer a range of packages that combine our eBook with different services.
If you like this content and want to have access to more detailed information, go to our online store to purchase our comprehensive eBook – The World Bank Group Jobs and Careers! This is an investment you won’t regret!