OpenIGO | International Careers Development Network
Common Activities Performed by Health Interns at the UN

Online Magazine

Common Activities Performed by Health Interns at the UN

September 7, 2021

Estimated reading time: 4 minutes

Common Activities Performed by Health Interns at the UN

A health intern at the United Nations may work in several ways according to the needs of each agency or field area. In this article we will present you what are the most Common Activities Performed by Health Interns at the UN.

The United Nations system has a complex structure composed of many agencies, funds, and programs, each with departments and offices in every corner of the world. In these organizations, there are many opportunities for individuals with an academic background in health. We use the term “health” to encompass all “health-related” academic backgrounds and professional roles.


In pursuit of its mission, the OpenIGO network has prepared a comprehensive eBook and support and guidance services, with the aim of highly increasing your chances of success in these competitive processes.

These services include revising your UN application documents (curriculum vitae/resume and cover letter) and a mock interview, as per the United Nations model.

As you go through the chapters of the eBook, “UN Careers for Health Professionals”, you will discover what the competencies, requirements, and most common tasks performed by health professionals at the UN are.

Moreover, we will bring you updated information about the agencies offering the greatest number of internships and job opportunities, as well the most common countries and positions by grade level.

This article is just a small sample of all the information covered by our comprehensive eBook – UN Careers for Health Professionals. If you want to know more about our preparation products, access the following link:


UN Health Professionals: Products & Services

Most Common Activities for Health Interns at the UN

In general, the activities performed by a health intern at the United Nations vary according to the specific demands of the department or office. Regardless of location, however, certain tasks can be expected as part of one’s work routine.

Below, we present a compilation of the general tasks required of a health intern at the UN, based on the analysis of numerous vacancies.

This information has been prepared with the assistance of content analysis software which analyzed health internship vacancy announcements in the period between 2018 and 2021.




Specific activities

  • Support the ongoing health financing related analyses in the region;
  • Support health and immunization investment cases being developed;
  • In the context of immunization program in the settlements, review of data on vaccination coverage, information sources on the campaign and reasons of missed vaccination;
  • Assisting in the preparation of field missions: preparation of equipment, liaison with external forensic experts, etc.;
  • Collect visual images, video clips, apps and other electronic tools that can be used in disseminating health information;
  • Attend ad hoc and regularly scheduled inter-agency meetings and prepare detailed notes of the proceedings specific to Food Security and Livelihoods (FSL) and Nutrition-related discussion topics and action items;
  • Data analysis on children affected by disasters;
  • Assist in coordinating CME training sessions for medical and administrative staff;
  • Contribute to the monitoring of latest health policy developments relevant to the organization


General activities/Administrative Support

  • Conduct background research on a wide variety of matters
  • Assist in drafting reports and analyses on assigned topics
  • Documentation of ongoing efforts and development of case studies and human interest stories
  • Preparation of easily understandable data visualization products such as maps, dashboards, info-graphics, tables, charts, financial/resource analyses etc. to support reporting, documentation, advocacy and resource mobilization efforts
  • Review of data collection and analysis frameworks, system and tools
  • Conducting research related to drafting and updating guidelines, forms and training on forensic practices

As we have seen, a health intern at the United Nations may work in several ways according to the needs of each agency or field area. Nevertheless, for the most part, the activities are adapted to the individual’s academic and professional background, requiring a certain flexibility in the case of performing supporting tasks. For this reason, a potential candidate should be able to perform not only activities related to health studies, but invest time in developing administrative, technological, and research skills as well.

By having access to this information and much more from our eBook, you will certainly have a head start over other candidates!

Land your dream job at United Nations Organizations with health-related opportunities. The eBook will introduce you to the complex world of the United Nations and it will guide you through all the stages of the selection process. Access:


eBook – UN Careers for Health Professionals

Common Activities Performed by Health Interns at the UN

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