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A learning hub for humanitarians in the Türkiye-Syria Response


A learning hub for humanitarians in the Türkiye-Syria Response

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Organization: Humanitarian Leadership Academy



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Closing Date: 1970-01-01

A carefully curated platform of relevant learning resources is now available for anyone who wants to assist in a humanitarian response during crises.

On many minds in Türkiye, Syria, across the Middle East and the world is ‘how can I help?’

To support volunteers and humanitarians working on the Türkiye-Syria earthquake response, the Humanitarian Leadership Academy has compiled free resources on a Response Learning Hub.

Responders can access a range of learning and training resources in relevant areas including Humanitarian Essentials; Public Health, Nutrition and Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH); Mental Health and Psychosocial Support and Child Protection in Emergencies.

Content on the Hub is available in Arabic and English; Turkish will be added with regular updates as the response continues.

Rachel O’Brien, Director of the Humanitarian Leadership Academy said:

“Our thoughts are with all those affected by the devastating earthquake, and we hope that the Hub serves as a critical resource for volunteers and humanitarians.”

“Content from the Hub is drawn from Kaya, our free e-learning platform driving locally led learning. Kaya includes courses developed in partnership with local partners across the Middle East, where over 90k of our 650,000 learners are based.”

“When a crisis happens there is fear and despair, the feeling of vulnerability and helplessness.”

“The right learning can empower people to confidently support a response.”

Content on the Response Learning Hub is already being accessed by thousands of people and humanitarians responding to the Ukraine Emergency. The Hub provides relevant learning for various stages of the response, including for when reconstruction begins.

Notes to Editors

Access the Hub Access the Hub Türkiye-Syria Response Learning Hub

About the Humanitarian Leadership Academy

The Humanitarian Leadership Academy is a global learning initiative set up to build people’s skills and capabilities through learning. The Academy facilitates partnerships and collaborative opportunities to enable people to prepare for and respond to crises in their own countries.

As a sector-facing team within Save the Children, the Academy benefits from the knowledge and experience brought by 100 years of responding to crises while still retaining independence. This allows us to complement Save the Children’s work, supporting more humanitarians, working with anyone with an interest in creating positive change, and exploring new innovations in learning.

Humanitarian Leadership Academy | Preparing the next generation of humanitarians

Media contact

Nwabundo Okoh, Communications and Marketing Specialist

Email: info@humanitarian.academy

Humanitarian Leadership Academy: Overview | LinkedIn

How to register

Access the Hub Türkiye-Syria Response Learning Hub

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