OpenIGO | International Careers Development Network
Addressing Technology-Facilitated Gender-Based Violence to Safeguard Digital Spaces


Addressing Technology-Facilitated Gender-Based Violence to Safeguard Digital Spaces

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Organization: UNU - United Nations University



Occupational Groups:


Closing Date: 2024-08-28

The digital transformation has brought about substantial opportunities to improve education, employment and access to healthcare. However, the increasing reliance on technology is contributing to existing inequalities particularly related to gender. Not only women and girls are less likely to benefit from digital technology due to digital divides in relation to literacy, access and use but they can be negatively affected due to the escalation of technology-facilitated gender-based violence (TFGBV).

The African Community of Practice on Gender and Health is convening this webinar to create spaces to discuss the health impacts of TFGBV and the opportunities linked to using gender-intentional design to prevent and respond to abuse in the African context.

Through the session we will:

– Examine the risks and challenges of TFGBV faced by women, girls, and gender-diverse individuals with intersecting discriminations, and the most common forms of TFGBV in Africa.

– Explore the mental and physical health impacts of TFGBV on women and girls and gender diverse individuals, and the continuum between online and offline violence.

– Discuss the shortcomings of current digital technology designs and highlight the benefits of gender-intentional frameworks for creating safer, more inclusive online environments for women and girls in Africa.


The UNU International Institute for Global Health (UNU-IIGH) in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, operates as the designated UN think tank specialising in global health. With a mandate to facilitate the translation of research evidence into policies and tangible actions, UNU-IIGH serves as a hub connecting UN member states, academia, agencies, and programmes. Established through a statute adopted by the United Nations University Council in December 2005, the institute plays a pivotal role in addressing inequalities in global health. UNU-IIGH contributes to the formulation, implementation, and assessment of health programmes.

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