OpenIGO | International Careers Development Network
AICS and initiatives promoted by the Cooperation Entities: from the Single Project Document (DUP) to the final settlement


AICS and initiatives promoted by the Cooperation Entities: from the Single Project Document (DUP) to the final settlement

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Organization: Punto Sud



Occupational Groups:


Closing Date: 2024-04-03

3-day course in italian to familiarize yourself with the requirements and procedures applicable to the drafting and implementation of international cooperation initiatives financed by AICS


This course is designed for all those who are involved in the management of development cooperation projects financed by AICS and wish to have a general vision of the contractual and financial requirements and obligations to which they are subject. In particular, the course aims to accompany the staff of the organizations in the correct interpretation of the minimum requirements imposed by the Notice, to have a clear understanding of the contractual obligations and the financial and implementation rules to be fulfilled once the contract has been signed. The course will therefore try to address critical issues linked to the eligibility of costs, rules for purchasing goods and their disposal at the end of the project, the rules for changes to be made to the project document and the conditions for suspending activities in the event of force majeure situations.

Training objectives

At the end of the course participants will be able to:

  • Read and interpret the tender notice and the minimum requirements it imposes
  • Draw up the Single Project Document and identify the most relevant information
  • Draw up a financial plan compliant with the requirements imposed by AICS
  • Communicate correctly with AICS staff
  • Correctly interpret and apply the rules of the contract and General Procedures Purchase goods and services necessary for the action in accordance with PRAG 2021
  • Ensure the eligibility of the costs of the initiative Make the necessary changes and following the appropriate procedures
  • Draw up complete narrative and financial reports that comply with the requirements

Fee information

SALE PRICE: 400 Euro
280euro – EARLY BOOKING until 29th February
All training materials are included

How to register


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