OpenIGO | International Careers Development Network
Conflict Analysis for Sustaining Peace


Conflict Analysis for Sustaining Peace

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Organization: UN System Staff College



Occupational Groups:


Closing Date: 2024-09-09

An online programme introducing the core elements and principles of conflict analysis as well as their application to ensure conflict sensitivity and prevention, and sustaining peace.


Preventing the outbreak, escalation, continuation and recurrence of conflict is a hugely ambitious task, but a more strategic and coherent approach across and beyond the UN system can achieve and sustain peace. As acknowledged by the latest round of UN reviews, this requires strengthened capacities to lead structured conflict analysis processes that provide insights into the causes and consequences of conflict, the needs and interests of diverse stakeholders, as well as the dynamics supporting or undermining peace efforts.

This tutored online programme introduces the core elements and principles of conflict analysis and explores some of the main analytical tools you can apply to ensure that your work is conflict-sensitive and, whenever possible, contributes to preventing conflict and sustaining peace.


Upon successful completion of this programme, you will be able to:

  • Explain the main concepts, core elements and phases of conflict analysis
  • Apply conflict analysis tools in a systematic way to a specific case study
  • Articulate good practices, key principles and quality criteria to conduct a conflict analysis process

Course methodology

This programme is delivered entirely online over five weeks. It combines self-paced modules with live online sessions with subject-matter experts and seasoned practitioners as well as interactive spaces for experience sharing, joint reflection and peer exchange. A UNSSC tutor will guide and support you throughout your learning journey.

The programme is hosted on the UNSSC online learning platform, eLounge, which allows you a high degree of flexibility to access content at your own pace, from anywhere and at any time.

Course contents

In this programme, you will go through each step of a conflict analysis process to grasp its core elements and principles as well as its application to ensure conflict sensitivity and prevention, and sustaining peace.

  • The first part of the programme explores conflict analysis, its rationale and purpose vis-à-vis some of the key tenets of the Sustaining Peace resolutions and the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.
  • The second part of the programme digs deeper into each of the core elements of a structured conflict analysis process and presents some of the main conflict analysis tools and methods that can be used to distinguish proximate and root causes of conflict, identify and understand different stakeholders as well as analyse peace and conflict dynamics.
  • The third part of the programme looks at how to apply concepts and tools in practice in order to develop a full conflict analysis.

Target audience

UN staff as well as practitioners and representatives from governments, non-governmental organizations, the private sector, civil society and academia.

Fee information

The programme fee is $1,000. The fee includes access to all training and learning materials as well as participation in live online sessions and one-to-one support from a UNSSC tutor.

How to register

Interested participants can register here: https://www.unssc.org/courses/conflict-analysis-sustaining-peace-0

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