OpenIGO | International Careers Development Network
Diploma in Livelihoods & Food Security


Diploma in Livelihoods & Food Security

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Organization: Action Institute for Professional Studies



Occupational Groups:


Closing Date: 1970-01-01

Admissions are Open on Rolling Basis!

Course Overview

The overall objective of Food Security & Livelihoods (FSL) interventions is to ensure sustainable food and economic security for populations vulnerable to political, socioeconomic, climatic and health shocks. This course explains the concepts of food and nutrition, malnutrition, food security and livelihoods. Understanding these concepts is important to assess the nutrition situation, design and implement programs, investments and policies that address nutrition problems, and evaluate the nutritional outcomes of programs, investments and policies.

The course is designed to assist professionals from a variety of sectors (agriculture, livestock, fisheries, health, rural development, education, social protection) that are involved in designing and implementing nutrition-sensitive programs, investments and policies. This includes professionals working for development partners (i.e., international organizations, donor agencies, non-governmental organizations), for national governments or as independent consultants.

Course Modules

Module one; Introduction to livelihoods and food security

  • Introduction and Definition of Terms
  • Vulnerability to Food and Nutritional Insecurity
  • Dimensions of Food Security
  • Factors Associated with Food and Nutrition Security (1)
  • Food Security Monitoring Systems
  • Outcomes of Food and Nutrition Insecurity and Coping Strategies

Module Two; Nutrition and food Security

  • Agricultural Approaches for Creating Food Security
  • Intervention during Chronic Food Insecurity
  • Food Policies and Food Balance Sheets

Module Three; Livelihoods and food Security in emergencies

  • Assessment of Food Security in Emergencies
  • Human Rights Based Approaches
  • Nutrition Interventions in Emergencies
  • Health Interventions in Emergencies
  • Food Security and Livelihoods Interventions

Module Four; Nutrition in Emergencies

  • Introduction to Nutrition in Emergencies
  • Common Nutrition Related Problems in Emergencies
  • Causes of Malnutrition in Emergencies
  • Vulnerability and Targeting in Emergency
  • Methods of Nutrition Assessment in Emergency (1)
  • Nutrition Information Systems in Emergencies


There are four assignments (continuous assessment tests), research paper and one examination to be offered at the end of the course. Assignments account for 40%, research paper accounts for 30% while Examination accounts for 30% of the mark. Upon completion of the course, you shall be issued with a Diploma Certificate and a course transcript.

Course Completion

Certificate and Transcripts will be sent via email after the successful completion of the course.

Target Audience: Global

Format: Online and Distance Learning

Duration: 6 months

Fee information

USD 700- This is inclusive of registration fee, tuition fee and processing of certificate and transcript only which are sent via email.
This fee does not cover the charges for sending the hardcopies of both certificate and transcript through DHL to your location.

How to register

Kindly apply through the following link : https://actionafricainstitute.org/registration-form/

OR direct to our email

Email: info@actionafricainstitute.org

Website: www.actionafricainstitute.org

Tel no/ Whatsapp: +254727616783

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