OpenIGO | International Careers Development Network
Disaster Risk Management: From Theory to Practice - short course


Disaster Risk Management: From Theory to Practice - short course

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Organization: University of Copenhagen

Location: Denmark, Copenhagen


Occupational Groups:

Academic Degree/Course

Closing Date: 2024-07-08

Credits: 7,5 ECTS

Level: Master level course

COURSE CONTENT. This course introduces the concepts, dynamics and theoretical frameworks of vulnerability, climate change adaptation and disasters in a global perspective. The course covers factors such as globalisation’s impact on vulnerability; socio-economic and political dimensions; and health aspects at the local level. Further, the course outlines historical perspectives of disaster risk management, the changing nature of humanitarian crises and disasters in fragile contexts. Overall vulnerability reduction and resilience building, climate change and forced migration are also included.

LEARNING OUTCOMES. After completing the course, you will have learned the concepts and theoretical underpinnings of disaster risk reduction and disaster risk management practices. You will have gained insight into the complex connections and interactions between hazards and vulnerabilities and how risk is contextually configured. You will also be able to demonstrate knowledge of methods and tools for identification and analysis of hazards and vulnerabilities. Check the full set of intended learning outcomes online.

TIME AND PLACE. The course consists of 3 weeks of full-time studies at University of Copenhagen, Denmark.

MASTER OF DISASTER MANAGEMENT. Become a professional disaster risk management specialist. The Master of Disaster Management provides you with solid interdisciplinary knowledge and skills that meet the needs of modern emergency management and disaster response. Disaster Risk Management: From Theory to Practice is a core course in the Master of Disaster Management programme.

Fee information

DKK 25,000 for EU/EEA and Swiss citizens and DKK 33,000 for non-EU/EEA citizens.
The fees cover course registration, course materials, examination and completion certificate. The fees do not include accommodation, living expenses and transportation costs in Copenhagen.

How to register

INFORMATION AND REGISTRATION. Read about exact course dates, deadlines and the application procedure on the course website: https://www.mdma.ku.dk/courses-and-dates/risk/

Contact: mdma@sund.ku.dk

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