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Earth Observations for Humanitarian Applications


Earth Observations for Humanitarian Applications

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Organization: NASA Applied Remote Sensing Training Program (ARSET)



Occupational Groups:


Closing Date: 2024-06-20

Refugees, internally displaced people (IDPs), and other displaced populations are made more vulnerable to climate change impacts due to their socio-political marginalization. This three-part training presents concrete strategies for mapping localized climate conditions with risks faced by refugee and IDP communities around the world.

The training will focus on flood risk assessments and specific challenges for assessing flood risk in refugee and IDP camps; gauging long-term heat stress in refugee camps and the challenges with decision making surrounding heat risk; and monitoring drought effects on agricultural landscapes in refugee settings using Earth observations (EO) to explore the correlations between anomalies in crop productivity and weather-based factors.

By the end of the training, participants will be able to integrate EO, building footprint and infrastructure data, and population data to quantify climate risk and development trends in specific humanitarian settings, and recognize the value and limitations of specific EO and geospatial datasets.

Learning Objectives:

By the end of this training attendees will be able to:

  • Recognize the importance of measuring flood risk, long-term heat stress, and drought effects in refugee and IDP communities around the world
  • Apply workflows incorporating Earth observations, geospatial, and demographic data to identify localized climate risk in refugee and IDP settings
  • Discuss decision making strategies for mapping and managing climate conditions with risks faced by refugee and IDP communities
  • Summarize opportunities and shortcomings of specific Earth observations and geospatial datasets for climate risk and development indicators in humanitarian settings

Course Dates: June 6, 13, and 20, 2024

Audience: This training is primarily intended for Government ministries, international agencies, and non-governmental organizations (NGOs) involved in humanitarian response and decision support activities.

Relevant UN Sustainable Development Goals:

  • Goal 13.1: Strengthen resilience and adaptive capacity to climate-related hazards and natural disasters in all countries

Course Format: Three 1.5-hour parts including Q&A.

Retweet option: https://x.com/NASAARSET/status/1783881272902729857

How to register

Time: 10:00-11:30 or 13:00-14:30 EDT (UTC-4); There will be identical sessions at two different times of the day. Participants need only to register and attend one daily session.

To Register: https://go.nasa.gov/49RSuy9

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