OpenIGO | International Careers Development Network
Essentials of Humanitarian Practice (EHP) Training Course


Essentials of Humanitarian Practice (EHP) Training Course

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Organization: RedR Australia

Location: Australia, Victorian Emergency Management Institute, Mt Macedon, Victoria


Occupational Groups:


Closing Date: 2024-04-08

The Essentials of Humanitarian Practice provides foundation knowledge for working within the modern humanitarian system and for responding to an international crisis that involves a global response. This course provides participants with an understanding of the complexity of the international relief system and the legal framework for humanitarian assistance. We introduce the characteristics of natural disasters and conflict-induced emergencies and the requirements for an effective humanitarian response, highlighting some of the dilemmas faced by humanitarians and aid workers. Participants will learn about the various United Nations agencies that respond to disasters and the roles these agencies play in coordinating responses for various sectors such as health, water and sanitation and logistics. They will discover how international non-government organisations work with these agencies to share information and data and to avoid duplication and ensure humanitarian aid reaches those who need it and doesn’t cause harm. Attendees are given an opportunity to put the knowledge gained into practice and to explore the team skills required to work effectively in the field.

Course Objectives

  • A comprehensive overview of issues, systems and practice related to working in disasters and humanitarian emergencies.
  • Increased depth of understanding of the context, history, foundations and new developments in humanitarian practice.
  • An experience-based learning environment in which they can put their own skills and newly acquired knowledge into practice, as well as understand what humanitarian work is really like.

Course Modules

  • The Humanitarian Story: a history of humanitarianism
  • Diversity, Vulnerability and Capacity
  • Working in Humanitarian Teams
  • Introduction to Radio Usage
  • National Context and Disaster Management
  • International Humanitarianism and Law
  • Coordination Structures and Response Processes
  • Participation and Accountability
  • Cash and Livelihoods
  • Humanitarian Standards
  • Technical Sectors
    • Emergency Shelter
    • Food Security and Nutrition
    • Water, Sanitation and Hygiene in Emergencies (WASH)
    • Protection programming
    • Education in Emergencies
    • Health programming
    • Logistics and Telecommunications
  • Quality Humanitarian Programming
  • Settlement and Site Planning
  • Ethics and Decision Making
  • Information Management and Emergency Needs Assessment
  • Media and Communications
  • Technology and Future Challenges
  • The RedR Australia Roster and Humanitarian Careers

This course is suitable for people with a range of different backgrounds and levels of humanitarian experience. This includes future humanitarians wanting to understand more about working in international disasters and humanitarian emergencies, and to see if this sector is right for them. EHP is also designed for experienced technical specialists currently working in humanitarian or development contexts who want to deepen their understanding of humanitarian foundations, context, coordination mechanisms, and emerging issues and trends. This will include RedR roster applicants and experienced humanitarians who have typically focused on their specific technical areas (eg WASH, Health etc). The EHP course is relevant for professionals in related fields and organisations with links to the humanitarian work looking to better understand the context, issues and daily realities of those they work with. This may include staff from government departments and NGOs.

The EHP course has been run for over 20 years with participants from lots of different backgrounds and stages in their careers. This mix of individuals works well and one of the strengths of the course is networking with other participants and trainers while learning about their varied professional journeys.

Fee information

Full Rate: $3,350 AUD Early Bird from: $3050.00 AUD. Unless otherwise stated, all courses are residential and course fees are inclusive of meals, accommodation, training and materials, but not transport to and from the venue. Course fees are in Australian dollars. Further instructions regarding course the logistics will be provided upon payment of course fees.

How to register

Registering in one of our courses is easy. Just select the course you would like to attend, complete the registration form and pay via our secure credit card payment facility. Organisations are able to request to receive an invoice. Once your registration is processed, you will receive a confirmation email with instructions on how complete your medical and travel form and gain access to essential course information.

If a specific course is full, you can apply to our waiting list for that course. If you do this, we will alert you if a place becomes available. Allocation of wait listed places is on a first come, first served basis. Applicants will be informed of an available place by email or phone and the offer will be open for 48 hours before it defaults to the next person on the wait list. To apply to the wait list, please contact training@redr.org.au


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