OpenIGO | International Careers Development Network
Fighting Fraud in NGOs


Fighting Fraud in NGOs

Are you interested in this opportunity and want to land the job? We can help you with that! Check out our online store! There you will find ebooks and services that will help you in this endeavor.

Organization: Humentum



Occupational Groups:


Closing Date: 2024-04-02

Built from a base of experience of what fraud is (and isn’t), this course explains the motivations for why even good people commit fraud. You’ll build the skills and confidence as an NGO and INGO staff member to prevent fraud, detect it, and manage incidences effectively. You’ll leave this course with the knowledge, tools, and resources you need for INGO and NGO anti-corruption.

What will you learn

  • Describe the five elements of a holistic Anti-Fraud framework
  • Identify the required content of key anti-fraud policies and processes
  • Assess fraud risk in your programs, and develop controls to respond to the risks
  • Set up and provide guidance for a Fraud Response Team in your organization
  • Effectively manage incidences of fraud, or allegations of fraud, taking actions which are appropriate, fair and firm

Fee information

$550 | Member Discount $495.00 | 15% discount for groups of 5 or more to attend this course.
Fee includes access to online training platform, digital course materials, and your dedicated expert facilitator.

How to register

Visit the event page and click register. Once registered, you will get a confirmation email with details on how to log onto the event.

Are you interested in this opportunity and want to land the job? We can help you with that!

OpenIGO has helped dozens of professionals from all around the world to kick-start their international careers with intergovernmental organizations. Our high-qualified team of professionals and human resources specialists have put together a series of products and services to help make your dream come true!

On our online store, you will find comprehensive eBooks, mock interviews, application reviews, and other related services, which have been prepared for you with the utmost care! What are you waiting for? Get started on your international career now!

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