OpenIGO | International Careers Development Network
From Use of Force to Responsibility to Protect


From Use of Force to Responsibility to Protect

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Organization: Geneva Academy of International Humanitarian Law and Human Rights



Occupational Groups:

Academic Degree/Course

Closing Date: 2024-05-08

This online short course provides an overview of the content and evolution of the rules governing the use of unilateral force in international law, including military intervention on humanitarian grounds and the fight against international terrorism. It focuses on the practice of states and international organizations.

During the course, the legal issues raised by the main recent cases of unilateral force, especially Kosovo (1999), Iraq (2003), Syria (since 2014) and Ukraine (2014 and 2022), as well as their normative implications will be thoroughly and critically be analysed. The course will also address the main features, evolution and shortcomings of the United Nations (UN) collective security system, from its creation in 1945 to the so-called authorization practice, which was inaugurated during the first Gulf Crisis (1990-1). The recent interventions in Libya (2011) and Mali (2012-3) will serve to trigger a discussion on the role of the UN and regional organizations in maintaining and restoring international peace and security.


This course forms part of the Geneva Academy Executive Master in International Law in Armed Conflict. It is open to professionals – diplomats, lawyers, legal advisers, judges, NGO staff, human rights advocates, media specialists, professionals working in emergency situations, UN staff and staff from other international organizations – who are not enrolled in the Executive Master and who want to deepen their expertise in this specific issue.


Courses take place online during lunchtime on:

  • Wednesday, 22 May 2024, 12:00–14:00 (CET)
  • Thursday, 23 May 2024, 12:00–14:00 (CET)
  • Friday, 24 May 2024, 12:00–14:00 (CET)
  • Wednesday, 29 May 2024, 12:00–14:00 (CET)
  • Thursday, 30 May 2024, 12:00–14:00 (CET)
  • Friday, 31 May 2024, 12:00–14:00 (CET)

Limited Places

We can admit a maximum of five participants to this short course (in addition to students enrolled in our Executive Master).


Participants obtain a certificate at the end of the course (no ECTS credits are gained).

Fee information

The fee for this short course is 1,250 Swiss Francs and covers the tuition fee for this course.

How to register

Applications must be submitted via this online form.

If you encounter problems with your application, do not hesitate to contact us.

Your application will need to include:

  • A short motivation letter (no more than one page)
  • Your curriculum vitae
  • Proof of your competence in English (a certificate or statement highlighting your solid background in English)
  • A valid copy of your visa or residence permit for candidates wishing to follow the short course in Geneva (only applicants who require a visa to enter the Schengen area)

Once admitted to the course, participants receive instructions on how to pay. Proof of payment is required before you begin the course.

Are you interested in this opportunity and want to land the job? We can help you with that!

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