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Great Crises Through the Lens of History with Prof. Margaret MacMillan - UNU Conversation Series


Great Crises Through the Lens of History with Prof. Margaret MacMillan - UNU Conversation Series

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Organization: UNU - United Nations University



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Closing Date: 1970-01-01

On 7 September 2020, UNU hosted “Great Crises Through the Lens of History“, a virtual conversation with Prof. Margaret MacMillan, Professor of History, University of Toronto.

Crises whether pandemics, major wars, revolutions or economic collapses have punctuated human history exacting a vast toll of death and misery and wrecking societies. A study of the history of such events helps us to understand how they occur, why some societies cope better than others and what we may learn from them whether in developing new policies or technologies. Understanding the past can be crucial in coping with great challenges and preparing for the ones to come. What key lessons can be learned from the great crises of the 20th century? What parallels are evident between those and the current COVID-19 pandemic? Does comparing the present to the past give cause for optimism or caution?

Prof. MacMillan joined UNU Rector David M. Malone to delve into the intriguing history of major crises in the modern era.

Virtual event

The UNU Virtual Conversation Series aims to foster audience participation: attendees are encouraged to engage with the speakers during the conversation. As permitted by time, a number of live audience questions were selected for speakers to address.

Please note that this event is in English. Follow the UNU Virtual Conversation Series at #UNUtalks on Twitter and Facebook.

About the speaker

Margaret MacMillan is professor of History at the University of Toronto and an emeritus professor of International History at Oxford University, specializing in the international history of the 19th and 20th centuries. She was a member of Ryerson University’s History Department for 25 years, Provost of Trinity College at the University of Toronto from 2002 to 2007 and Warden of St Antony’s College and Professor of International History, University of Oxford from 2007 to 2017. Her publications include Paris, 1919 and The War that Ended Peace. Her latest book is War: How Conflict Shaped Us.

Prof. MacMillan was educated at the University of Toronto and the University of Oxford. She holds honorary degrees from the University of King’s College, the Royal Military College, the University of Western Ontario, Ryerson University, Huron University College of the University of Western Ontario, the University of Calgary, Memorial University of Newfoundland, Bishop’s University and the University of Toronto.

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