OpenIGO | International Careers Development Network
Master of Disaster Management (MDMa)


Master of Disaster Management (MDMa)

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Organization: University of Copenhagen

Location: Denmark, Copenhagen


Occupational Groups:

Academic Degree/Course

Closing Date: 2024-05-01


The Master of Disaster Management (MDMa) is a 60-ECTS research-based, cross-disciplinary postgraduate programme in the field of disaster risk management with the aim of fostering professionals who can formulate effective responses to complex practice and policy issues and thereby substantially reduce disaster losses.

FOUNDED IN GLOBAL PROCESSES The Master of Disaster Management is designed in accordance with the Hyogo Framework for Action (2005–2015), the Sendai Framework (2015–2030) and the Sustainable Development Goals (2016–2030).

PARTICIPANTS This programme is relevant for those from a wide variety of disciplinary backgrounds – risk managers, engineers, doctors, nurses, military officers, social scientists, logisticians and journalists, to mention but a few. Enrolment requires a Bachelor degree and at least two years of work experience within the humanitarian field.

STUDY FULL-TIME OR PART-TIME The Master’s programme can be completed as 1 year’s full-time study or up to 3 years on a flexible study (part-time) arrangement. You can sign up for the full programme or individual courses.

MORE ABOUT THE PROGRAMME The holistic approach of the Master of Disaster Management programme provides a solid basis for professional aid workers. The programme consists of lectures, team case assignments, field trips and individual assignments that combine practice-based competencies with the latest research and knowledge of disaster risk management.

The combination of science and hands-on learning allows a comprehensive understanding of disaster risk management processes. This enables a more strategic and tactical approach to be taken to ensure the best possible solutions for obtaining appropriate disaster response, recovery and risk reduction.


The Master of Disaster Management programme consists of 4 core courses (in Autumn Semester) , 2 elective courses and a thesis (in Spring Semester), equalling 60 ECTS in total.

Fee information

Full programme fees
DKK 125,000 – Reduced fee for EU/EEA and Swiss citizens.
DKK 165,000 – Standard fee for Non EU/EEA citizens
The programme fee includes registration in all courses, exams, course materials and programme events and does not include accommodation, living expenses and transportation costs in Copenhagen.

How to register

INFORMATION AND REGISTRATION. Read about exact course dates, deadlines and the application procedure on the course website: https://www.mdma.ku.dk/

Contact: mdma@sund.ku.dk

Application deadline for the upcoming academic year (2024-2025)

1 April – Non-EU/EEA applicants

1 May – EU/EEA applicants

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