OpenIGO | International Careers Development Network
Mastering financial and contractual management of EU Grants for UN and Pillar-Assessed Organisations


Mastering financial and contractual management of EU Grants for UN and Pillar-Assessed Organisations

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Organization: Punto Sud



Occupational Groups:


Closing Date: 1970-01-01


Through this path, you will get an introduction on the EU programming and funding systems and on the different EU management modalities (direct and indirect). In addition, you will understand how to negotiate and lobby with the EU Delegations and the Commission in order to successfully mobilise resources.

The learning path also addresses the key steps of proposals writing ensuring they are in line with the EU expectations. The analysis of the EU Contribution Agreement will enhance your confidence in the application of the rules during the project execution.

Finally, the sessions on project implementation will be based on the most updated Contribution Agreement rules, however, for the benefit of those managing on-going projects under the previous set of rules (PAGoDA), differences will be carefully highlighted.

Learning Objectives

At the end of the learning path you will be able to:

  • Know how the EU allocates funds
  • Easily find suitable EU funding opportunities
  • Get in-depth knowledge of the peculiarities of EU direct and indirect management
  • Write project proposals responding to EU requirements
  • Prepare Special Conditions in cooperation with the EU and understand the main contractual arrangements
  • Organise partnerships according to the EU rules
  • Ensure the eligibility of costs and monitor expenditures
  • Confidently manage changes during project implementation
  • Have concrete references for the implementation of the Communication and Visibility plans
  • Prepare reports with all the requested information
  • Deal with EU monitoring and evaluation missions and verification of expenditures
  • Detect the differences between the Contribution Agreement and PAGoDA

eLearning UN and Pillar-Assessed Organisations: an introduction to EU Grants contractual and financial management

This course delivers a complete overview of how to obtain funding and manage EU-funded projects, under specific contribution agreements, as a pillar-assessed organization. Get acquainted with the EU as a donor, its programming and funding system, and it’s working modalities under direct and indirect management. Become familiar with the contribution agreement key implementing rules in the framework of development cooperation projects. Be ready for monitoring and evaluation missions and verification of the expenditure.

Virtual Classroom UN and Pillar-Assessed Organisations: contractual and financial management of EU Grants in practice

This practical overview covers all aspects of managing EU-funded (or multi-donor) projects. With this course, you’ll be ready to apply for EU funding through direct negotiations with the EU delegations /EC or by applying in calls for proposals. Obtain the tools you need to solve all types of issues and challenges within the framework of Contribution Agreements signed with DG INTPA, DG NEAR and the EU Delegations. Build competences in reporting, modifications and addenda, visibility and communication activities, M&E, verification of expenditure, and EU right of access. Share practical experiences with the other participants and create checklists and infographics with lessons learned and best practices.

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