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NEW PRAG 2021: get all the novelties on EU Grants management


NEW PRAG 2021: get all the novelties on EU Grants management

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Organization: Punto Sud



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Closing Date: 1970-01-01

Complete overview of PRAG key changes affecting Grants’ acquisition and management (recording of the webinar session held on the 14th of January 2021)

Course Description

The new PRAG 2021 has been launched by the EU on the 15th December 2021. A few changes have been made to the rules on the award and management of EU Grants.

The recording investigates the impact of these modifications in the daily work of development professionals managing EU funds, with a particular focus on the changes related to the adoption of the new MFF 2021-2027 (e.g. new application of the rule of origin, additional situations for which grants’ direct award is possible etc.), on the new ‘SEA-H self-assessment questionnaire’ and on some novelties concerning the use of SCOs.

It also analyses the modifications affecting some of the key templates (e.g. the Guidelines for applicants, the logframe matrix etc.) and Grant Contract annexes, in particular the ‘General Conditions’ (Annex II) and the ‘Procurement rules for beneficiaries ’ (Annex IV).

To ease your understanding, in the course material you will find some of the main documents with the changes hilghlighted.

Learning objectives

By the end of this eLearning, you will:

  • Know which PRAG documents and information have been updated
  • Be aware of the impact of the new/updated rules on grant management
  • Be ready to provide the right and complete information in the next calls for proposals
  • Be able to ensure compliance with the new rules

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