OpenIGO | International Careers Development Network
Online Diploma Programme In Water, Sanitation & Hygiene (WASH) in the Humanitarian Sector


Online Diploma Programme In Water, Sanitation & Hygiene (WASH) in the Humanitarian Sector

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Organization: Humanitarian Global Avid Thinkers



Occupational Groups:

Academic Degree/Course

Closing Date: 1970-01-01

Course Background

The continued increase of unsafe hygiene practices is a health hazard to many people across the globe. The impacts of poor sanitation and hygiene practices have led to an increase in child mortality rates with more than 297,000 children under five years dying from diseases such as diarrhoea which is caused by poor, sanitation and hygiene drinking unsafe water. HumanitarianGlobal has worked with the world’s best WASH specialists to develop a comprehensive online diploma programme in WASH that will help participants to acquire enhanced knowledge and expertise in this practice area.

Programme Delivery

This programme is offered for a duration of 6 months with the end of module assignments being scheduled on a monthly basis. In the last 2 months of the learning period, the student will be required to undertake a real project that aims at assessing the implementation of learnt skills and concepts in a real work environment before proceeding to sit for a final exam in the final month. The delivery of this programme is purely online where the participant will be granted access to an e-learning platform. The content of this programme will be in form of interactive video tutorials, a pdf manual and PowerPoint presentation slides which have been prepared by the world’s best professionals in the WASH field. Online support in the learning platform is offered on a 24/7 basis while ensuring that our team of facilitators an offer guidance and academic support to the participant at all times.

Target Group

This programme targets the following professionals:

Development workers, managers, education officers, public health and heads responsible for hygiene, environmentalists, donor agencies, NGOs, governmental organizations, managers and leaders in community-based organizations as well as anyone who is seeking to enhance their professional skills.

Are you interested in this opportunity and want to land the job? We can help you with that!

OpenIGO has helped dozens of professionals from all around the world to kick-start their international careers with intergovernmental organizations. Our high-qualified team of professionals and human resources specialists have put together a series of products and services to help make your dream come true!

On our online store, you will find comprehensive eBooks, mock interviews, application reviews, and other related services, which have been prepared for you with the utmost care! What are you waiting for? Get started on your international career now!

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