OpenIGO | International Careers Development Network
Partnerships, Financing and Resource Mobilization for Sustainable Development


Partnerships, Financing and Resource Mobilization for Sustainable Development

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Organization: UN System Staff College

Location: Germany, Bonn


Occupational Groups:


Closing Date: 2024-09-18

This course introduces participants to the different types of partnerships, financing models and approaches to resource mobilization in country. It demonstrates how engagement with diverse entities and joint resource mobilization strategies can help implement the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.

Participants will be acquainted with tools that identify financing flows in a country, including public, private, national and international sources; helping them to understand what resources are present and how to strategically leverage them for sustainable development.

Participants will also be able to identify private sector partnerships that create shared value, while mitigating risks such as “greenwashing” or “bluewashing”. The course explores innovative impact investment opportunities, such as leveraging digitization and fintech and unlocking the potential of new channels such as crowd sourcing and crowd funding.

Lastly, there will be a focus on resource mobilization for the UN itself in the larger financing context, including examples of successful joint resource mobilization that have been implemented at country level.


The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development is ambitious in its scope and aims at a fundamental transformation of society. This transformation requires changes in mindsets, lifestyles and behaviours at a whole-of-society level. Its implementation requires financing to the tune of several trillions of dollars, while current levels of Official Development Assistance stand at a mere 3-4 percent of this requirement. This requires tapping into other sources of finance and emphasizes the need to leverage ODA more effectively to channel other global financial flows and private-sector commitment towards sustainable development to accomplish the transformation.

If the challenge is great, so is the prize. The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) represent tremendous investment opportunities. A recent report by the Business and Sustainable Investment Commission suggests that achieving the SDGs could open up $12 trillion in market opportunities and create 380 million jobs by 2030.

The idea of “shifting the trillions” suggests identifying ways to partner with private sector, redirect financial flows from unsustainable areas to SDG financing and identify innovative avenues for resource mobilization. National governments are working to unlock the large levels of financing necessary to implement the 2030 Agenda though public and private investments. An increasing number of financial actors, including pension funds and key investors have announced their intention to divest from fossil fuel and invest in climate solutions and standards are being developed to qualify sustainable development investments.

However, despite growing momentum for sustainable development investments, financing gaps remain large. Furthermore, following the pandemic, and subsequent economic and peace-and-security crises, now more than ever, the mobilization of both public and private resources and investments falls far short of what is needed. Domestic resource mobilization needs to create a sound fiscal base for public investments in the SDGs. Crowding in of private investment will require shifting the structure of incentives and putting in place enabling regulation. Engineering innovative impact investment opportunities, leveraging digitization and fintech, redirecting pension funds towards more sustainable opportunities and unlocking the potential of new channels such as crowd sourcing and crowd funding could all help accelerate our progress towards the goals.

This challenge represents an opportunity for the UN to play a catalytic role in supporting the mobilization of finance for sustainable development, in a joint and strategic approach. There is an increasing recognition within the UN that the transformation will require a radical transformation in the way that we think and work. This course is designed to equip UN staff with knowledge and skills to make this transformation.

The course will illuminate the landscape of development financing and explore opportunities for countries to mobilize domestic resources, develop strategic private sector partnerships and attract domestic and foreign investment. It explores innovations and best practices in areas such as behavioural insights for public finance mobilization, innovative private impact investing and fintech for sustainable development. It lays out the role of the UN development system, particularly at country level as a catalyst, convener and counsel in supporting Member States to identify and leverage resources for the SDGs. Finally, it highlights the tools and knowledge that exist within the UN system to enable this transition.


Upon successful completion of this course, participants will:

  • Demonstrate a good understanding of financing flows in a country, including public, private, national and international sources, to strategically leverage them for sustainable development.
  • Demonstrate familiarity with frameworks and tools to develop partnerships with the private sector.
  • Articulate the role of the UN development system, particularly at country level, as a catalyst, convener and counsel in supporting Member States to identify and leverage innovative financing for Agenda 2030.
  • Acquire the ability to articulate and implement joint resource mobilization at the country level, for the 2030 Agenda.

Course methodology

This face-to-face course combines inputs and lectures by high-level subject matter experts with opportunities for knowledge sharing and participatory exercises. Participants are led to apply their learning through application-oriented learning methodologies such as case studies, collaborative group exercises, team discussions and dialogues with the speakers.

Course contents

Day 1: How to assess and understand financing flows at country level.

Day 2: Leveraging private sector partnerships for the 2030 Agenda.

Day 3: Unlocking innovative financing for sustainable development at country level.

Day 4: Joint resource mobilization strategies for successful financing of sustainable development.

Day 5: How it all fits together and action planning (half-day).

Target audience

UN personnel especially Economists and Partnerships, Innovative Financing, and Resource Mobilization Officers and specialists at the country level.

Fee information

The course fee is USD 3,500 covers the following:

Four days and a half of training and learning, which includes presentations, interactive exercises, and group work activities.
Exclusive access to UNSSC’s online social learning environment with training and supporting background materials and the opportunity to network and stay connected with colleagues.
All course materials, resources and contacts.
Participants are expected to cover all costs for travel, lodging, meals, and any other costs related to their attendance in the course.

Note: It is important to note that registering for the course does not guarantee selection. Please do not book flight tickets or accommodation without receiving a confirmation of selection into the course.

How to register

Interested participants can register here: https://www.unssc.org/courses/partnerships-financing-and-resource-mobilization-sustainable-development-1

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