OpenIGO | International Careers Development Network
REACT 2024 - Rapid Expert Assistance and Cooperation Teams for Conflict Prevention, Crisis Management and post-Conflict Rehabilitation (REACT)


REACT 2024 - Rapid Expert Assistance and Cooperation Teams for Conflict Prevention, Crisis Management and post-Conflict Rehabilitation (REACT)

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Organization: Helsinki Spain – Human Dimension

Location: Spain


Occupational Groups:


Closing Date: 2024-05-01


The International University Centre for Peace Missions of Helsinki Spain (CIUMP) was created in 2003 under the auspices of the Spanish Ministry of Foreign Affairs, European Union and Cooperation and the Organisation for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) with the aim of training professionals with the necessary competencies and skills to work in peacebuilding.

The Centre offers programmes, courses and workshops on relevant issues on conflict prevention, peacebuilding and development.

REACT is the flagship program. More than 500 professionals from 70 countries have been trained in it since 2003.

The course represents an opportunity for both career development as well as career transition, and is the only training programme of its kind that takes place in Spain.

The next REACT edition will take place from May 27th to June 28th, 2024. The deadline to apply for visa candidates is 1st of April, 2024.

For more information about REACT 2024 and how to apply, see below or contact us at: iucpm@helsinkiespana.org


The course uses a variety of methodologies, including lectures and presentations, debates, group work, practical and advanced role-playing sessions, outdoor activities and simulation exercises.


  • To provide participants with the necessary knowledge and skills to analyze and understand the main threats to international peace and security, the contexts in which armed conflicts arise, their key actors and the impact of conflict on civilians.
  • To build participants’ skills in conflict prevention and peace-building.
  • To strengthen the capacity and confidence of participants to deal effectively with high-risk and emergency/critical situations while deployed in hostile environments.


  • European External Action Service (EEAS)
  • Folke Bernadotte Academy (FBA)
  • International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC)
  • North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO)
  • Spanish Ministry of Defense
  • Transition International
  • UN Volunteers (UNV)
  • United Nations (UN)


REACT content is divided into five modules which can also be taken separately.

MODULE I: Conflict Analysis & Conflict Sensitivity Programming (27-31 May 2024 | Alicante, Spain)

  • Conflict analysis and conflict sensitivity programming
  • Conflict transformation and prevention
  • Social inclusion, gender equality, and violent masculinities
  • Conflict sensitive communication, negotiation, mediation, dialogue
  • HDP triple nexus
  • Theories of Change (TOC) and indicators of change

Learn more about Module I here.

MODULE II: Protection of Civilians and International Legal Framework (3-7 June 2024 | Alicante, Spain)

  • International humanitarian, criminal, and human rights law
  • Women, peace, and security agenda
  • Accountability mechanisms
  • Transitional justice
  • Peacekeeping protection of civilians mandate
  • Children and armed conflict mandate

Learn more about Module II here.

MODULE III: Challenges to Sustaining Peace (10-14 June 2024, Alicante | Spain)

  • Security sector reform
  • Disarmament
  • Demobilization and reintegration
  • Governance and election processes
  • Organizations’ role in sustaining peace (OSCE, OTAN, UN DPO, AU)

Learn more about Module III here.

MODULE IV: Human Security. Complex Crimes (17-21 June 2024, Alicante | Spain)

  • Human security and economies of conflict
  • Transnational organized crime
  • Armed conflict and prolonged crises
  • Terrorism and armed groups labeled as terrorist
  • Radicalization

Learn more about Module IV here.


Students will undergo a complete five-day HEAT training, in which participants will learn how to deal effectively with risk-associated and emergency/critical situations while deployed on a mission. Deadline for applications is 15 June 2024.

  • Awareness of threats and risks
  • Personal security
  • Safety and security procedures for vehicle movement
  • Kidnapping and hostage survival
  • Weapons, mines, improvised explosive devices and unexploded ordinances
  • Protection of classified and sensitive information
  • First aid in hostile environments
  • Orientation and communications in the field 4×4 off road driving
  • Working with interpreters
  • Stress management
  • Negotiation and multicultural communication
  • Chemical, biological, radiological and nuclear defense
  • Addressing media
  • Leadership

Learn more about Module V (HEAT) here.


Trainers and experts from international organizations, diplomats and civil servants, military personnel, police officers, experts from humanitarian NGOs, independent consultants and university professors.


  • University degree or equivalent professional training
  • Fluency in English: B2+
  • Strong interest in international affairs

Fee information

The total REACT course fee is 4.950 €.

There are a limited number of partial scholarships available, which cover up to 35% of the course fee. Scholarships are awarded based on the profile and needs of each candidate, on a first-come, first-served basis. Therefore, early applications are strongly encouraged.

The fee includes the following services:

* Comprehensive five-week REACT course (220h total, 8h/day)
* Complete five-day Hostile Environment Awareness Training
* Organized local transport (Madrid-El Albir-Los Ángeles-Madrid)
* Personal mentoring focused on professional development, networking opportunities with participating organizations, and direct access to UNV recruiters
* Administrative, logistic, and visa-related support
* 1.000€ registration fee (non-refundable)
* All course materials
* Official diploma

*** Meals and accommodation costs are NOT included. Applicants are also responsible for their visa-related costs.

*** Candidates who wish to be considered for our scholarship scheme should enclose proof of their annual income and employment status. Documents should be translated into English or Spanish.

*** Participants who successfully complete the course will obtain an official diploma from the International University Centre for Peace Missions of Helsinki España, a HEAT diploma, and a diploma from NAEM, National Association of Emergency Medical Technicians.

How to register


If you would like to apply for REACT 2024, please send us a copy of the following documents:

  1. REACT Registration Form (available here)
  2. Motivation Letter
  3. Resume/CV
  4. Recent digital photo, passport size
  5. Copy of passport
  6. Proof of highest educational level achieved and copy of academic transcript
  7. Two letters of recommendation on letterhead. They should include the date and stamp/signature of the entity/person writing the letter. ORIGINALS MUST be sent by post. It is possible to send them in advance via email. However, it will still be necessary to send the originals as well.
  8. English language certificate. In case you do not have one, please contact us and we will arrange a brief telephone interview.
  9. If you wish to apply for a partial scholarship, please provide a document demonstrating your annual income and employment status (with an official translation into English or Spanish).

Applications and scholarships will be considered in order of arrival until all places are filled. Therefore, interested candidates are strongly encouraged to prepare and submit their applications as early as possible. The application process includes an individual interview.

All application documents should be sent to: iucpm@helsinkiespana.org

Incomplete applications will NOT be considered.

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