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The Arab MOOC on Child Rights Specialization


The Arab MOOC on Child Rights Specialization

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Organization: Global Campus of Human Rights



Occupational Groups:

Academic Degree/Course

Closing Date: 1970-01-01

Are you interested in specializing in children’s rights in the Arab region?

Would you like to have certified accreditation of your skills and competencies as a child right professional or student? If so, here is the 1st certified 100% online course that can offer what you are looking for: The Arab MOOC on Children’s Rights.

The Arab MOOC on Children’s Rights is a learning product designed and validated by 7 prestigious universities from the Arab region, namely Birzeit University (Palestine), Carthage University (Tunis), Cairo University (Egypt), Sant Joesph University (Lebanon), University of Bagdad (Iraq), International University of Rabat (Morocco), University of Jordan, as well as the InZone – University de Geneve, and the Global Campus of Human Rights, together with Terre des hommes – Lausanne Foundation (Tdh). The Arab MOOC on Children’s Rights is recommended by the Committee on the Rights of the Child and the United Nations Secretary General of the Special Representative on Violence Against Children.

The Arab MOOC on Children’s Rights counts on recognized Arab professors and professionals in different fields concerning children’s rights. You have also different choices from your learning pathway.

The Arab MOOC on Children’s Rights offers is as follows:

Module 1: The UN Convention on the Rights of the Child and its working methods from the Arab regional perspective.

Module 2: Children in the Arab World The core modules are mandatory to be able to access any or all of the specialized 3 core modules.

Module 3: Violence Against Children, including SGBV and other forms of ill-treatment, in the Arab region

Module 4: Access to Justice for Children in the Arab Region

Module 5: Emerging children’s rights in the Arab Region: Climate Change

The Arab MOOC on Children’s Rights is directed to practitioners working directly or indirectly with children and youth, such as judges, lawyers, prosecutors, social workers, case managers, migration specialists, etc., but also to any professional interested in specializing in children’s rights. It is suitable for university/postgraduate students who want to complement and specialize their academic education.

It takes around 5 hours to complete each module. Participants can access the course materials (videos, podcasts, reading materials, quizzes, etc.) at any time and at their own pace. The Arab MOOC on children’s Rights is free of charge.

How to register

For more information and to register for the Arab MOOC on Children’s Rights, please visit www.edraak.org/en/programs/specialization/tdh-0-v1/

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