OpenIGO | International Careers Development Network
The Silver Linings of the COVID-19 Crisis for Asia – Andrew Sharp


The Silver Linings of the COVID-19 Crisis for Asia – Andrew Sharp

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Organization: UNU - United Nations University



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Closing Date: 1970-01-01

On 3 September 2020, United Nations University hosted “The Silver Linings of the COVID-19 Crisis for Asia“, a virtual conversation with Mr Andrew Sharp, Deputy Editor, Politics and Economics, Nikkei Asian Review.

The COVID-19 pandemic is the defining health and socio-economic crisis of our time, wreaking havoc on all aspects of life, with lasting effects for years to come. However, as history has shown, global crises can have silver linings: longer-term benefits and opportunities to shape a more sustainable and resilient future. What are the COVID-19 crisis’ positive effects on Asian countries, notably their economies, climate change, and society? Can nations emerge from the pandemic stronger and more resilient, with a renewed understanding of how to tackle similar crises in the future? Or will the region be left worse off than before, with exacerbated xenophobia, protectionist economics, and fear-driven politics?

Mr Sharp joined UNU Executive Officer Dr Sabine Becker-Thierry and discussed the positive ways the global pandemic may affect Asia in years to come.

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