OpenIGO | International Careers Development Network
Training Course on Strengthening Political Processes Through Technical Assistance


Training Course on Strengthening Political Processes Through Technical Assistance

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Organization: Global Campus of Human Rights

Location: Italy, Venice


Occupational Groups:


Closing Date: 2024-05-19

One of the available tools at the disposal of the International Community to support democratic institutions and inclusive elections in partner countries is the Electoral Technical Assistance. Such support goes beyond Election Day, and it concretely shapes into the reform in the medium- and long-term run promoting democratic values and enhancing beneficiary institutions’ accountability, transparency, and efficiency.

With this newly designed training on Strengthening Political Processes through Technical Assistance, the Global Campus of Human Rights aims at channelling its vast expertise in the field of election observation, towards a more direct operational endeavour, providing a practical understanding of the technical assistance cycle through the professional expertise of its trainers.


  • debates with experts and representatives of sending authorities
  • exchanges and networking with peers
  • small class size to increase interaction and communication between instructors and participants
  • role plays and case studies recreating specific country situations
  • availability of experts and lecturers to provide feedback and answer individual questions

The training is coordinated by Demetrio Lazagna and tutored by various experts with plurennial experience in this field. Participants will particularly benefit from sharing a learning experience that will allow them to have direct confrontation with peers, build networking links, and listen to experts who will share their know-how and good practices.

Fee information

The enrolment fee amounts to € 600.00 (VAT included). It includes: Tuition fee; Lunches and coffee breaks on class days; Reading material and access to our online learning platform; Certificate at the end of the programme.
A 10% discount is foreseen for previous participants to the Global Campus Course for International Electoral Observers.

How to register

Course dates: 13 – 16 June 2024
Application Deadline: 19 May 2024
Venue: Monastery of San Nicolò, Venice – Lido
Target audience: The course addresses all participants who are interested in deepening their knowledge on the functioning of electoral technical assistance from a multi-disciplinary approach. It is specifically aimed at training staff who already has a background on international election observation and mission functioning.

To apply, kindly fill in the application form at this link: https://gchumanrights.org/education/summer-shools-and-training-seminars/training-seminars/electoral-technical-assistance/how-to-enrol.html

For more information, contact us at training.ieo@gchumanrights.org or visit gchumanrights.org/technical-assistance.

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