OpenIGO | International Careers Development Network
Unlocking the potential of Financial Support to Third Parties


Unlocking the potential of Financial Support to Third Parties

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Organization: Punto Sud



Occupational Groups:


Closing Date: 2024-12-31

A Certificate Program composed of one virtual classroom course and one eLearning module to provide all the necessary skills to effectively manage financial support to third parties in the framework of DG INTPA/DG NEAR funded projects.


The European Union is asking more and more to include the ‘Financial Support to Third Parties’ (FSTP) in its projects, in most of the cases as a main element, to support small and grassroots organisations. Through this Certificate Program, you will become fully acquainted with this financing modality and gain all the information you need to design, select, award, manage, monitor and report on financial support to third parties. You will get a full understanding of how to check the relevant information in the Guidelines for Applicants of the calls for proposals and practically work on how to describe this particular project component in your proposals (both Concept Note and Full application) and how to estimate the related costs in the budget.

Furthermore, you will also get an in-depth understanding of the elements that needs to be taken into consideration in the management of this component, to be fully compliant with the EU contractual clauses. In addition, you will obtain a comprehensive insights on the different ways to launch a selection process within a FSTP component, such as calls for proposals, calls for ideas or others, as well as on the steps to take after the award of the financial support to the beneficiaries. You will also be able to download the formats and the templates (developed by PuntoSud) that you will need in each phase of the process (e.g. the Guidelines for Applicants of a call for proposals, the formats to be used by the third parties at proposal and reporting stages, the contracts to be signed with the third parties).

Learning Objectives

By the end of the Program, you will:

  • Know what is Financial Support to Third Parties and its main aim
  • Be aware of where to find relevant information and specific requirements in the Guidelines for Applicants
  • Be able to provide the right and complete information in the concept note and full application formats, including the budget
  • Become competent in organising competitive processes (e.g. call for proposals) to award financial support
  • Ensure full compliance of the management of the FSTP component with the applicable EU rules, including monitoring and reporting
  • Be able to set the contractual conditions to be complied by the third parties in a contract/agreement
  • Become competent in monitoring the actions of the financial support beneficiaries
  • Know how to report on financial support provided to third parties
  • Be ready to prepare all the information related to FSTP that are needed for expenditure verification/audit.

Courses included

Strategic management of Financial Support to Third Parties

All you need to know about financial support to third parties in EU Grants

Fee information

420 euro
All traning materials are included

How to register


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