OpenIGO | International Careers Development Network
Water, sanitation and hygiene in humanitarian action


Water, sanitation and hygiene in humanitarian action

Are you interested in this opportunity and want to land the job? We can help you with that! Check out our online store! There you will find ebooks and services that will help you in this endeavor.

Organization: Instituto de Estudios sobre Conflictos y Acción Humanitaria



Occupational Groups:


Closing Date: 2024-10-14


The specialisation course “Water, sanitation and hygiene in humanitarian action” (Emergency Respond WASH Online/ER-WASH-O) aims to provide a specialised, practical and fully virtual training to humanitarian workers. This course is aimed for people interested in specialising in water, sanitation and hygiene in humanitarian action. In the selection process, the previous experience of candidates in the humanitarian field and/or international cooperation or in related sectors will be taken into account*.

The course is designed to cover the most frequent implementation processes in the WASH sector during emergency respond and according to the Manual of Minimum Requirements for Water Interventions, Sanitation and Hygiene in Emergencies of the AECID.


  • Module I: Introduction to Humanitarian Action.
  • Module II: Sanitation in Emergencies.
  • Module III: Promoting Hygiene in Emergencies.
  • Module IV: Water supply in emergency.

Fee information

Registration fee: 720*€ (single payment)

*If you are part of an NGO and want to enrol 3 or more participants from your Staff, you can access a discounted registration fee of 620,00€ per participant. Please contact us at cursos@iecah.org for more info.

Places are limited. A selection process will be carried out, considering criteria such as: experience, interests and previous knowledge in the field.

All EWASH course participants that choose to take the course will have a guaranteed spot in the practical part. To secure this, the corresponding fee must be paid. This measure is implemented to ensure continuity in training and to facilitate planning for those who wish to deepen their knowledge gained during the course.

How to register

Book your place here

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On our online store, you will find comprehensive eBooks, mock interviews, application reviews, and other related services, which have been prepared for you with the utmost care! What are you waiting for? Get started on your international career now!

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