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UN Internships eBook Description:

Young people around the world look for internships at the start of their professional lives. Making a good choice at this time is important for personal development and the future of their careers. Selecting an internship at a suitable organization will also influence the possibility of being placed in the labor market, and should not be underestimated! Our UN Internships eBook will help you with that!

Without a doubt, the United Nations is a prestigious organization, due to its fundamental role in maintaining global peace and security, and promoting economic, social and sustainable development. In terms of representativeness and symbolism, this mission is enough for a significant number of people to dream about working at the organization. In addition, the UN provides a series of benefits to assist with their interns` development.

As you read through our UN Internships eBook, you will see that the UN System offers internship opportunities for professionals from very diverse academic backgrounds. Therefore, the chances of you finding a vacancy that suits your profile are very high!

Nonetheless, it is important to be aware that selection processes to become part of an international organization team are extremely competitive and, for this reason, being well prepared is essential if you want to succeed. Our team is certain that you would like to be among the successful candidates and this is exactly why the OpenIGO Network has put this eBook together: to help you secure the internship of your dreams!

This manual will offer you preparation tips, as well as detailed explanations and guidance for each phase of the UN Internship Selection Process – it will introduce you to the United Nations, which is a complex international organization, and its organizational culture and values; it will give you detailed guidance on how to prepare your online application, provide an insight into where to look for vacancies, and get you ready for the competency based interview.

An overview of the chapters you will find in this e-Book is provided below:

United Nations Internships: The Complete Guide (PDF eBook)
Chapter 1 – International Organizations: Concepts and Reflections
Chapter 2 – The United Nations and the UN System: Understanding the Organization
Chapter 3 – UN System Internships: Fundamental Characteristics
Chapter 4 – The UN System Internship Selection Process
Chapter 5 – Writing an Effective Resume (a sample Resume is also provided).
Chapter 6 – Writing an Effective Cover Letter for UN Internships (a sample Cover Letter of a successful UN candidate is included)
Chapter 7 – UN Internship Interview (interview questions and tips included)
Chapter 8 – Preparing for Your Internship
Chapter 9 – During the Internship
Chapter 10 – Completing your UN Internship
A) Competency-Related Questions (sample questions for each competency assessment are provided).
B) UN Internship Programs (a compilation of the main UN Internship Selection Processes is included).

This book was written and revised by a team of professors, human resources specialists, and intergovernmental organization staff with a great deal of diligence.

Chapter description:

The UN Internships eBook is divided into 10 (ten) chapters:

Chapter 01 – International Organizations: Concepts and Reflections
Brief chapter prepared to present basic aspects of International Organizations, covering topics such as their main concepts, structures, processes and historical background. Find information about the introduction of the first Intergovernmental Organizations, and how they influenced the establishment of the United Nations several years later.

Chapter 02 – The United Nations and the UN System: Understanding the Organization
Provides readers with an overview of the United Nations through a presentation of its history, organizational goals and main organs. Introduces the complex UN System and the myriad of funds, programs, agencies and bodies it encompasses.

Chapter 03 – UN System Internships: Fundamental Characteristics
An introduction to United Nations System internship opportunities. In this chapter, you will learn which countries and regions have the most UN internship opportunities, and you will also find out about internship-related costs, and other important aspects directly linked to the opportunity – such as an intern`s routine, rights and duties, payment rates, and the possibility of being hired after the internship has been completed.

Chapter 04 – The UN System Internship Selection Process
Presents the characteristics of selection processes for UN System internships, and how the vacancy advertisements take place, helping applicants to search and apply for these opportunities.

Chapter 05 – Writing an Effective Resume
Assists candidates to construct a strong Resume, which is essential to reinforce their chances of success in this competitive selection process, and for them to stand out from the others. In this chapter, subjects such as the content and structure of an effective Resume, visual aspects, and common mistakes, will be covered and various tips are provided. A sample Resume is also provided.

Chapter 06 – Writing an Effective Cover Letter for UN Internships
Defines a Cover Letter (CL), presenting its basic structure and assisting candidates in the process of writing an effective CL for their UN internship application. A sample Cover Letter of a successful UN candidate is also included.

Chapter 07 – UN Internship Interview
Prepares candidates, so that they perform successfully in the interview. This chapter describes how the interview is carried out for UN System recruitment initiatives, and what is expected from candidates during the process; it presents the interview method used by the United Nations selection team, and gives tips and suggestions for candidates to be better prepared for this stage of the selection process.

Chapter 08 – Preparing for Your Internship
Written to help new interns to prepare and plan for the internship opportunity before it starts, with issues such as: travel, accommodation, transport and a basic understanding of the first day at work.

Chapter 09 – During the Internship
Reminds professionals of good etiquette rules in the workplace, giving advice on topics such as: how an intern can monitor their performance and stand out within an organization, everyday activities, and how to maintain a good relationship with their bosses and work colleagues.

Chapter 10 – Completing your UN Internship
Written to assist professionals to satisfactorily complete their UN System internship, and to help them decide on their next steps career-wise.

The OpenIGO team hopes that this manual will be of great assistance to the bright, young professionals who will take up the challenge this year, or in coming years. This publication, like our “UN Internship” products and coaching sessions, has been carefully prepared to help you achieve your goal, and become a United Nations intern. Remember, our team is always available and open to questions and feedback. We are rooting for you, and hope you enjoy reading this e-Book!

Product details:

  • File Size:  1.131 KB
  • File Format: PDF (Read on Any Device)
  • Print Length: 151 pages
  • Publisher: OpenIGO; 1 edition
  • Publication Date: July, 2020
  • Language: English
  • Digital Rights Management: eBooks from OpenIGO use the DRM Social mode. This means that your personal information (such as name and e-mail) will appear in the top corner of every page of the eBook. You can read your file on any device (such as a Kindle, iPhone, iPad, cell phone or personal computer, etc.) or you can print it should you wish. However, you do not have the authorization to share your e-book with anyone, either in a digital format or printed copy, and you are subject to the penalties set out in international law if you do so.
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