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Organization: Epicentre - Médecins Sans Frontières’

Location: Mozambique


Occupational Groups:

Human Resources

Closing Date: 2024-08-25

Support the Human Resources Coordinator (HR Coordinator) in Mozambique mission through delegated tasks and responsibilities according to her/his and MSF protocols in order to improve the management of human resources and contribute to the professional growth of MSF employees in the mission. Replaces the HR Coordinator in his/her absence.

Support the Human Resources Coordinator in defining, adapting, planning and supervising the implementation of human resources policies in Mozabique Mission, ensuring they are in line with the context, the operational challenges and the strategic human resources. The Human Resources Coordina-tor can delegate ad hoc any responsibility to the Deputy Human Resources Coordinator.


  • Among others, the Deputy HR Coordinator responsibilities and task are:
  • Participate in the Human Resource planning, implementation and monitoring in the mission to properly achieve the mission’s objectives and respond to needs that may arise, particularly:
  • Participate in the definition of job profiles, and the mission set-up in terms of HR needs.
  • Participate in the project opening and closing and its timeframe from HR perspective.
  • Provide support to field teams in order to guarantee good performance and management.
  • Provide support to field coordinators, field Administration Managers and other supervisors in all HR related issues, provide technical support ensuring they understand and apply HR management policies and tools.
  • Provide support in the legal, administrative HR management of the mission, for both national and international staff, on issues related to Labour law, contracts, salaries, social security, labor relations, health insurance systems, etc.
  • Check together with the HR Coordinator the living standards of international, regional, delocalized staff.
  • Ensure together with the HR Coordinator, in close collaboration with Logistics department, that all international and internal movements in the Mission are properly managed (visas, tickets, per diem, when necessary, dates of arri-val/departure, etc.), and ensures proper accommodation conditions (i.e. room, food, etc.) by informing all relevant people/departments.
  • Participate in the selection and recruitment processes, as well as in the induction programmes and welcome brief-ings/sessions in order to recruit and prepare the most suitable candidates for the mission.
  • Participate in the identification of staff development, training needs / potential to promote the professional growth of people within the organization.
  • Report to the HR Coordinator on the implementation of HR policies in the field as well as of any incidents / prob-lems that may arise and make proposals to improve HR management in the field.
  • Support HR Coordinator in the overall administration of the Mission.
  • Represent MSF in meetings with Authorities and other NGOs for issues related to HR and Administration, at the request of the HRCo.
  • Support HRCo in all reporting tools under his/her responsibility.


  • Essential University degree or further specialization in HR management.
  • Essential experience in HR Management positions (minimum 2 years).
  • Desirable experience in MSF or another NGO’s (minimum 2 years).
  • Portuguese and English or French are essential. Spanish desirable.
  • Essential computer literacy (word, excel and internet)


  • Preparatory course before leaving to the field.
  • Legal contract for the duration of the mission.
  • L12 IRFFG and final salary based on MSF Rewards Policy.
  • The chance to develop professionally in an international organization. A profile manager from the HR department will monitor your professional development (career path, training, etc.) within the organization.
  • The opportunity to contribute to our objective of alleviating suffering and helping those most in need.
  • Starting date: October (negotiable).

How to apply


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