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Organization: Croix-Rouge Française

Location: Romania


Occupational Groups:

Monitoring and Evaluation

Closing Date: 2024-08-23

Context :

As the armed conflict in Ukraine massively escalated on February 24, 2022, almost 14 million Ukrainians have been forced to leave their homes, seeking refuge in other countries. Among them, around 1,55,301 refugees have completed registrations for temporary protection in Romania till 18 March 2024.

The Regional Refugee Response plan (RRRP) designed in April 2022 and also the operational strategy developed by the IFRC (revised in May 2022) highlighted the importance and need of the health services for both Ukrainians fleeing their country and host communities welcoming them in neighboring countries. The need assessments in Romania, explored the need for strengthening the capacity of the national health system to deliver health services to refugees and other persons in need of emergency medical assistance, including the essentials medicines, vaccines, mental health and psychosocial support services (MHPSS).

In response to the surge, the Romanian Red Cross, in collaboration with the IFRC, ICRC, and different partner national societies such as the French Red Cross, plays a crucial role in providing temporary protection, healthcare, CASH assistance, MHPSS, and supplying essential needs for the affected population. Access to fundamental rights and services, such as healthcare, has been facilitated by the Romanian Red Cross in support of the French Red Cross. Measures have been implemented to integrate and protect individuals within national systems, particularly in the realms of health services.

The French Red Cross (FRC) is participating in the response of the Red Cross/Red Crescent Movement to the Ukraine crisis and its surrounding countries, by providing significant financial, technical and logistical support and by opening one delegation in Romania covering also Moldova, since April 2022. The French Red Cross is technically and financially supporting the Health Caravan project to the Romanian Red Cross (RRC) as part of the response to the ongoing Ukrainian crisis. The main implementer for the project is the Romanian Red Cross.

Project description:

Implementation dates : November 2022 to August 2024

The main goal of the project to be assessed is to contribute to the improvement of the global health of host communities and for people fleeing Ukraine through better access to care.

The project seeks two main outcomes:

Outcome 1. To participate in the prevention of major health problems affecting the target populations.

Outcome 2. To provide quality care as close as possible to the populations in need and ensure referral to appropriate services when necessary.


The FRC is committed to ensure quality standards and foster a culture of ongoing learning across its all projects and programs. As part of this commitment, the FRC undertakes comprehensive final evaluations of all its projects and programs to enhance service delivery and accountability to beneficiaries, donors, and other stakeholders.

These evaluations provide valuable insights for enhancing the FRC future projects, operation modality and overall continuous improvement efforts. As the Health Caravan Project is due to finish by the end of August 2024, FRC is planning to conduct this final external evaluation.

These final evaluations have a dual objective of accountability and learning towards the FRC, RRC, partners and stakeholders involved in the project. It aims at gathering lessons learned and recommendations for potential future phases of the project.

FRC is looking for an individual or consulting firm with the Health profile to carry out this final evaluation.

The consultant team should carry out the final evaluation of the Health Caravan project, hence requiring an expert in health with evaluation skills. The Health Caravan project is targeting the Ukrainian refugees and the vulnerable Romanian population around a large geographical area. The evaluation will be done based on the sampling of the implementation areas.

The main recipients of the findings of this evaluation are the FRC, the RRC and its branches. The secondary recipients are the actors/stakeholders working in Romania especially on health thematic.

The specific objectives of this final evaluation must be based on following evaluation criteria: relevance, coherence, effectiveness, efficiency, impact and sustainability. For the final evaluation, FRC suggests the following evaluation criteria and evaluation questions, that will be reviewed and re-structured by the selected consultant.

The evaluator’s focal point will be the project manager of RRC in close contact with the FRC delegation (Head of Delegation and Health & First Aid Delegate). The evaluation will be conducted through quantitative and qualitative data collection methods. The RRC/FRC expect a participative process.

A period of 25 days is envisaged for the completion of this evaluation. The consultancy is due to start in the last week of August 2024 and the final validated deliverables are to be submitted before the end of October 2024 at the latest.

The call is open to the national and international consultant with technical expertise on primary health programming and evaluation. The consultant should have comprehensive understanding of humanitarian interventions and possess the necessary skills to conduct a thorough evaluation of the Health Caravan Project in Romania.

With the complementary skill sets and deep understanding of humanitarian contexts, they are well-equipped to deliver insightful findings and actionable recommendations to enhance the project’s impact and sustainability

How to apply

We invite interested service providers to download the Terms of Reference via this link https://we.tl/t-6N0MQ263B3, or to request them by e-mail at the addresses below:


Files must be submitted to the French Red Cross HQ no later than August 23, 2024 with the following subject line: “FRC Romanian – Health CARAVAN PROJECT – Final Evaluation Consultancy.”

Récipient:Nicolas LE CARDUNER – Référent Logistique “Europe de l’Est”

Email address: nicolas.lecarduner@croix-rouge.fr

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