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JIAF 2.0 Overview: Updated methods, tools, and processes for humanitarian needs analysis


JIAF 2.0 Overview: Updated methods, tools, and processes for humanitarian needs analysis

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Organization: Professionals in Humanitarian Assistance and Protection



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Closing Date: 1970-01-01

In the complex field of humanitarian needs analysis, how can we measure and understand ‘needs’ in a more people-centered way? To help address this and lay the groundwork for a coordinated and joined-up approach to humanitarian response among different actors, the Joint and Intersectoral Analysis Framework (JIAF) was recently revised.

The JIAF version 2.0 sets global standards for the estimation and analysis of humanitarian needs and protection risks. The JIAF analysis provides the foundational information for Humanitarian Needs Overviews (HNOs) that are conducted globally on an annual basis, estimating the magnitude and severity of humanitarian needs as well as building a narrative about the drivers, linkages, and overlap of sectoral needs.

Building on learning from the JIAF 1, version 2.0 has been developed by a partnership that includes some of the largest donors, UN agencies and global clusters, and specialized agencies under the auspices of Grand Bargain and will be rolled out for the first time in the Humanitarian Program Cycle 2024.

We are pleased to invite you to a webinar on 7 June (15:00-16:30 CEST), where we will be introducing the revised methodology of the JIAF 2.0 for conducting joint and intersectoral needs analysis within the humanitarian program cycle.

We warmly extend the invitation to all practitioners, noting that the session will be most relevant for OCHA and Cluster Information Management Officers (IMOs), Coordinators, Program staff, specialized assessment partners, and anyone involved in the humanitarian program cycle.

The presentation will be in English, with simultaneous interpretation in French and Spanish.

How to register

Watch the recording at https://phap.org/PHAP/Events/OEV2023/230607.aspx

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