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National Consultant to develop a provincial social directory template to improve the provincial referral pathway for survivors of violence, including


National Consultant to develop a provincial social directory template to improve the provincial referral pathway for survivors of violence, including

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Occupational Groups:

Closing Date: 1970-01-01

National Consultant to develop a provincial social directory template to improve the provincial referral pathway for survivors of violence, including those with disabilities. This consultancy is fell under the DFAT funded ANCP RECOVER project, which is being implemented in Rolea B’ier District of Kampong Chhnang Province in Cambodia.

LOCATION: Rolea B’ier District in Kampong Chhnang Province
Number of Positions: 1
Type of Contract: Agreement
Level 3: the role holder will have contact with children and/or young people either frequently (e.g. once a week or more) or intensively (e.g. four days in one month or more or overnight) because they work for country programs; or are visiting country programs; or because they are responsible for implementing the police checking/vetting process staff.
Consultancy Role: The objective of the consultancy is to support Save the Children International (SCI) to develop a social directory template in consultation with children, parents and caregivers, local authorities, MoWA, MoSVY, WCCC, CDPO and GADC to improve the provincial referral pathway for survivors of violence, including those with disabilities. This will help local authorities’ deliver better social services by clarifying roles, responsibilities and social services, especially important if as a result of the project, there is an increase of cases due to the awareness raising.
Save the Children (SCI) is the world’s largest independent child rights organization, working in more than 120 countries, including Cambodia. Save the Children in Cambodia implements its programmes in partnership with the Government, civil society and relevant research organizations. We work with communities, local NGO’s and community based organizations to deliver projects that help ensure children are protected, healthy and educated. We work with the Royal Government of Cambodia and civil society to ensure that our development efforts are sustainable. Save the Children in Cambodia works in the whole spectrum of child development through 5 programs: Education, Child Protection, Child Rights Governance, Health & Nutrition, and Child Poverty. Save the Children works in both development and emergency contexts, ensuring that cross-cutting areas such as gender, disability, resiliency, and remoteness are key considerations to achieve immediate and lasting change for the most marginalized and most disadvantaged.
SCI has previously implemented SCI’s Parenting without Violence (PwV) Common Approach under several projects, which have contributed to the improvement of caregivers’ knowledge, attitudes, and practices toward their children, namely implemented through positive parenting sessions. Moreover, a mid-line survey conducted in June 2020 showed positive improvements in decreasing violence against children (VAC). However, a persistent challenge has been increasing male caregiver’s engagement in positive parenting sessions and in their children upbringing more in general.
A second challenge this project aims to address is the intersection between VAC and violence against women (VAW). Experimental and correlational evidence demonstrate that alcohol consumption increases the risk of VAC and VAW. This is particularly evident in developing countries, where there are high rates of both alcohol use and VAC & VAW. Although experts have developed interventions that effectively reduce alcohol consumption, many of these haven’t been evaluated on their effectiveness at reducing violence. Interventions aimed at reducing violence, on the other hand, hardly ever account for or address the impact of men’s alcohol use on violence, particularly in developing countries like Cambodia.
This consultancy falls within a broader ANCP RECOVER project, which is a strategic partnership between Save the Children Cambodia and the Center for Utilizing Behavioural Insights for Children (CUBIC) at Save the Children, Gender and Development for Cambodia (GADC) and Cambodia Disability Persons Organisation (CDPO) to pilot new ways of engaging men and boys in exploring their ideas about fatherhood and respectful relationships.
The aim is to develop a social directory template to improve the provincial referral pathway for survivors of violence, including those with disabilities. This will help local authorities’ deliver better social services by clarifying roles, responsibilities and social services, especially important if as a result of the project, there is an increase of cases due to the awareness raising. In this context, the Save the Children Cambodia Country Office is looking for a qualitative consultant to undertake this task for the ANCP RECOVER project in Rolea B’ier District of Kampong Chhnang province in Cambodia. The social directory template will cover Kampong Chhnang province and outside if those services are not available in Kampong Chhnang province. This template will also serve as an exemplary resource for other provinces, under the leadership of MoWA. This was suggested in the initial consultation with relevant local stakeholders to gather inputs for the development of the social directory template, conducted by SCI in Rolea B’ier district of Kampong Chhnang province in early December 2021.
The Consultancy Period: 01 March– 30 May 2022
Report to:
• Man Phally, Child Protection and Child Rights Governance Program Manager
A. Develop detailed work plan.
B. Report of the consultation with relevant stakeholders
C. Draft social directory template for SCI and partners to review
D. Report of the consultation workshop with relevant key stakeholders to review the draft and receive their feedback
E. Final social directory template with feedback addressed.in Khmer and English versions
Payment schedule:
Save the Children will contract the consultant for up to a 3-month period, from beginning of March and ending in May 2022. Within this timeframe, the working hours of the consultant is flexible. The consultant should prepare a report including reference of work done to submit to Save the Children to process payments. Payment requests should be submitted at any time when the deliverables are done as above described.
The consultant will undergo performance evaluation, be expected to check in with the managing staff member (Child Protection and Child Rights Governance Program Manager), and be held to SCI policy standards and that of the consultancy contract.
Payment 1
Approved deliverable A, B & C
Payment 2
Approved deliverable D & E
Payment will be made according to achievement of agreed deliverables in the submitted work plan.
For all deliverables, payment is not contingent upon simple completion of activities associated with deliverables and payment schedule, but rather the completion of the activity and deliverable to the satisfaction of TSC. Payment will be made based on satisfactory passing of each deliverable, including successful completion of agreed follow up actions and tasks.
The Royal Government of Cambodia requires a 15% withholding tax for residential consultants. This withholding tax will be withheld from the consultant’s normal daily rate and is NOT the responsibility of SCI to compensate.
Role and Responsibilities

  1. Preparation
    • Meet and discuss with the SCI managing staff members about the tasks and work-plan.
    • Prepare a detailed consultancy plan to submit to SCI.
  2. Desk review
    • Conduct desk review to search for any existing or similar documents (if any) and how to build from those documents and address gaps. This may include existing documents available in and outside of Kampong Chhnang or documents from other countries with similar context with Cambodia.
  3. Organisation of consultations with relevant stakeholders
    • Identify relevant stakeholders to be consulted with for mapping out services and services providers for the survivors of violence against women and children, including those with disabilities. The stakeholders may include those at the district, provincial and national levels as stated in the Consultancy Role section.
  4. Drafting, submission and collection of feedback for the first draft
    • Seek and collect contact information in detail of services providers. This includes services available to provide by the local governments and civil society organizations in the district and province as well as at the national level where relevant.
    • Draft and design the social directory template based on the information collected.
    • Submit the first draft of the social directory template to SCI for feedback.
    • Organize a workshop to review the first daft of social directory template with local relevant key stakeholders and receive their feedback.
  5. Revision, submission and collection of feedback for the second draft
    • Revise on the first draft of social directory template based on feedback from SCI and from the workshop with local relevant stakeholders.
    • Submit the second draft to SCI for feedback.
  6. Finalisation and submission of the final draft
    • Revise and finalize the draft of social directory template based on feedback from SCI.
    • Submit the final draft of the social service directory template to SCI in Khmer and English.
    Save the Children:
  7. Provide all relevant project documents and information,
  8. Coordinate with partners (GADC, CDPO and CUBIC) and relevant stakeholders.
  9. Meet regularly with the consultant on the schedule and discuss progress/quality of deliverables.
  10. Review the first draft and the final draft of the social service directory template
  11. Approve payments for the consultancy according to payment schedule and completion of tasks to a high quality and satisfaction of Save the Children.
    SCI is committed to running a fair and transparent tender process, and ensuring that all bidders are treated and assessed equally during this process. Bidder quotation responses will be evaluated against three categories of criteria: Essential Criteria, Capability Criteria, Sustainability criteria and Commercial Criteria.
    These criteria have been especially created to help SCI determine which bidder is able to offer the best quality and most commercially competitive solution to meet our needs and deliver the most effective programming to our beneficiaries.
    These are criteria which bidders must meet in order to be successful and progress to the next round of evaluation. If a bidder does not meet any of the Essential Criteria, they will be excluded from the tender process. These criteria are scored as Pass or Fail and will not be evaluated against capability criteria, sustainability criteria and commercial criteria.
    These are criteria which bidders must meet in order to be successful and progress to the next round of evaluation. If a bidder does not meet any of the Essential Criteria, they will be excluded from the tender process. These criteria are scored as Pass or Fail and will not be evaluated against capability criteria, sustainability criteria and commercial criteria.
  13. CAPABILITY CRITERIA (Qualifications and requirements : Score 60 )
  14. Strong education background in Gender, Social Work, Social Sciences or similar. (8pt)
  15. Extensive experience in working with social work or violence against women and children. (10pt)
  16. Extensive experience in data collection. (9pt)
  17. Experience in the development of IEC materials is a plus. (8pt)
  18. Fluency in written and spoken Khmer and English. (6pt)
  19. Talent, dynamism and fast learner. (5pt)
  20. Excellent communication and facilitation skills. (5pt)
  21. Able to work independently with little supervision. (3pt)
  22. Able to travel to, and stay, in the province for the consultancy duration if required. (3pt)
  23. Strong commitment to achieve targets with high quality within a given timeframe. (3pt)
    Note: Only the proposal that passed a minimum of 70% of the capability assessment score (65 scores) will be considered for next evaluation of their financial proposal. The contract will be awarded to the proposal obtaining highest combined capability, sustainability and commercial score.
    Criteria used to evaluate the impact a supplier has on the environment, local economy and community. Bids will be evaluated against the same pre-agreed Criteria.
    Being SCI suppliers, you agree with the following statement:
    These criteria will be used to evaluate the commercial competitiveness of a bid. All bids which pass the Essential criteria will be evaluated against the same pre-agreed Commercial Criteria, which have been created by a committee of representatives from SCI.
    I will act against modern slavery, human trafficking, child labour, corruption and bribery while upholding ethics and law abiding behaviours.
    Yes / No
    I will actively support the localization of our supply base where possible and it makes sense to do so.
    Yes / No
    I will do my best to stop exploitation of nature, reduce waste and pollution and combat environmental inequality and injustice, thereby being better prepared for the consequences of environmental crisis.
    Yes / No
    SCI values are indicated below, and we expect all candidates to align with such values.

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