OpenIGO | International Careers Development Network



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Organization: UN Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East

Location: Lebanon


Occupational Groups:

Program/Project Management

Closing Date: 2024-06-27

Duties and Responsibilities

• Performing psychiatric assessment/evaluation of mental disorders among Palestine Refugees.

• Prescribes medication to patients whenever needed.

• Develops patient specific care plan and coordinates such actions with UNRWA’s health care staff and /or other staff from the referring department: (Education, RRSD) therein.

• Support and supervise the PHC on the implementation of the mhGAP training.

• Report to the senior mental health advisor with whom coordination and meetings will take place to ensure the harmony of the work in different areas.

• Coordinates the referral system intra departmental as health, interdepartmental with Education and RSSD, and external referrals when exits in collaboration with the NGOs, international organizations, national organizations and /or other health care givers associations.

• Assist in Developing and conducting campaigns, and activities to raise the awareness in the community regarding mental health, psychosocial well-being, optimum development of children and adolescents.

• Assist in Developing and conducting training sessions for Medical Officers at UNRWA health centers that will enable them to identify, assess, diagnose, and treat common mental health diseases within the Primary Health Care setting.

• Assist in Developing and conducting training sessions for Nurses and Midwives that will enable them to identify and assess the patients with mental health disorders and to follow up on their treatment plan. • Assist in Developing and conducting training sessions to give necessary knowledge for UNRWA’s relief and social services staff as well as school staff on Mental health wellbeing and acquiring preliminary skills with tools to assist in screening activities to identify potential refugees who might be suffering from mental health problems.

• Advise caretakers of patients with mental health disorders and disabilities on the patients’ condition and treatments.

• Coordinates work with contracted NGOs.

• Prepares daily, monthly, and yearly reports, and participates in studies, and/or surveys that might be done in the PHC setting on the mental health program.

• Performs such other duties as may be assigned.

How to apply

Link: https://careers.un.org/jobSearchDescription/236380?language=en

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