OpenIGO | International Careers Development Network
Session 5: Launch of the Accountability and Inclusion Helpdesk


Session 5: Launch of the Accountability and Inclusion Helpdesk

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Organization: Professionals in Humanitarian Assistance and Protection



Occupational Groups:


Closing Date: 1970-01-01

Although the basic principles for accountability and inclusion in humanitarian work are very straightforward, it can be challenging for organizations and practitioners to implement them in different operational contexts. Join us for a launch event for the Accountability and Inclusion Helpdesk, which provides technical support for anyone needing support in mainstreaming AAP commitments into their work. Expanding on its previous iteration, the new Helpdesk will be able to answer both rapid queries and – through its community of practice of technical experts – inquiries requiring a more in-depth response.


Q&A responses

During the event, participants posed many interesting questions, and the panelists responded in writing to many of the ones we did not have time to discuss during the event. You will find their responses below.

I would like to know about duplication with other similar platforms: CDAC’s website, the Community Engagement Hub (hosted by the British Red Cross), among others? What would you say is the main difference so we can all agree to share our guidelines and resources in the same place? [Rebeca Lucia Galindo]

  • Namita Rao: Hi Rebeca, I am also the coordinator of the Collective Service Helpdesk, we are closely connected to and use the BRC’s community engagement hub and same for the CDAC website. Working together with these services and portals is essential for us to highlight our strengths and ensure there is limited duplication.
  • Pedro Freire: Thank you very much for your question. In fact, merging the CDAC and IFRC CE Hub resources, together with other resources that existed at the time, including within ALNAP, was the starting point of the IASC A&I Portal. The possible duplication in this context is actually seen as an added value as it ensures that the resources are available to a wider audience, where someone that doesn’t know about the CE Hub will find the same resources on the A&I Portal, and vice-versa for all the other repositories.

In terms of the beneficiary accessibility regarding the project information and raise their concern, I think help desk will be have a less access to the project beneficiary compared to the hotline complain mechanism. So, it is advice to use both channels as the project accountability? [Abdinasir]

  • Namita Rao: That’s right. We don’t want to replace a hotline mechanism. This global level helpdesk is meant to build capacity of practitioners on areas that cannot me met at the country or regional levels. That’s why both would be relevant. If we do get a query from an affected person, we would refer them to the right channel once we have their informed consent.

How to register

Watch the recording at https://phap.org/PHAP/Events/OEV2023/OEV230420.aspx

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