OpenIGO | International Careers Development Network
Webinar Episode on Disaster Risk Management in Nepal: Issues and Challenges


Webinar Episode on Disaster Risk Management in Nepal: Issues and Challenges

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Organization: Institute of Himalayan Risk Reduction



Occupational Groups:


Closing Date: 1970-01-01


Prof. Dr. Taranidhi Bhattarai, Professor at Department of Geology, Trichandra Campus TU,

Er. Rajan Pandey is a WASH expert and former joint secretary at MoWS.

Er. Anil Pokhrel is CEO at National Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Authority.


Dr. Bhattarai shared on management of Landslide-affected Settlements: Reconstruction Strategies and Lessons Learned from the 7.8 Mw Gorkha, Nepal Earthquakes-2015. Er. Pandey shared on DRM and climate change Adaptation guidelines for WASH sector. Er. Pokhrel shared on Nepal’s Disaster Risk and the Role of the Engineering Community in Reducing and Managing Risk.

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