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World Bank Group YPP (2024-2025) - Full Interview Preparation

Original price was: $ 435,55.Current price is: $ 429,00.

The World Bank YPP Full Interview Preparation includes:

The WBG YPP: The Essential Guide + Recorded Interview Preparation + Mock interview + Assessment Center Advice for the World Bank YPP selection process. With the purchase of this package, you will significantly increase your chances of passing the World Bank YPP selection process interview stage. A description of each product and service included in this package is provided on the side.

This package includes the following services and products:Quantity

WBG YPP - Mock Interview + Assessment Center Advice

The World Bank Group YPP selection cycle includes the Assessment Center and a Panel Interview. Our specialists will help you better understand this stage through a Mock Interview, qualifying you for this important phase and greatly increasing your chances of being selected.

995 in stock


WBG YPP - Recorded Interview Preparation

The World Bank YPP Recorded interview is the first round of the Interview Stage of this extensive selection process.

Our specialists will help you prepare for this step by giving feedback on your performance in a simulation video, qualifying you for this important phase, and greatly increasing your chances of being selected!


The World Bank Group YPP: The Essential Guide + 1 month support

This comprehensive eBook will help you perform successfully in the World Bank Group YPP selection process. Updated with a new essay sample for this year's edition. It will introduce you to the complex World Bank Group and its approach towards international development; it will teach you how to prepare each of the documents required in detail, and it will also get you ready for the interview and Assessment Center. Upon acquiring the eBook you will also receive 30 days of support to clarify any queries.


Get prepared for the WBG YPP (2024-2025) with our Packages! ⭐Satisfaction guaranteed or your money back!⭐

With this package, you will highly increase your chances of success in the interview stage of the WBG YPP 2024-2025! In addition, it’s the perfect opportunity to save some money by acquiring the WBG YPP: eBook + Recorded Interview Preparation +  Mock Interview + Assessment Center Advice with a special discount!

WBG YPP: The Essential Guide (eBook)
Chapter 1 – Introduction to the World Bank Group YPP
Chapter 2 – The World Bank Group (WBG): understanding the organization
Chapter 3 – Navigating through World Bank knowledge
Chapter 4 – The World Bank Group development model timeline
Chapter 5 – The foundations of New Institutionalism and New Public Management applied to World Bank public policies
Chapter 6 – Online application form
Chapter 7 – Curriculum Vitae (Presents a CV Sample of a Successful Candidate)
Chapter 8 – How to write good dissertation and thesis summaries
Chapter 9 – Writing an effective essay
Chapter 10 – Effective reference letters
Chapter 11 – The World Bank Group interviews
Chapter 12 -The World Bank YPP Assessment Center
Frequently Asked Questions

Recorded Interview Preparation

The World Bank YPP Recorded interview is the first round of the Interview Stage of this extensive selective process.

Our specialists will help you prepare for this step by giving feedback on your performance in a simulation video, qualifying you for this important phase, and greatly increasing your chances of being selected!

WBG YPP Mock Interview + Assessment Center Advice
The World Bank Group YPP selection cycle includes the Assessment Center and a Panel Interview. Our specialists will help you better understand this stage through a Mock Interview, qualifying you for this important phase and greatly increasing your chances of being selected.

OpenIGO overall services are extremely well-rated by those who bought them! These are some of the testimonials we’ve had for our products:

Get prepared for the World Bank Group YPP (2024-2025) with our Full Interview Pack! Satisfaction guaranteed or your money back!

The World Bank Young Professional Program (YPP) selection cycle includes an interview phase, whose main aim is to find out more about the candidate, and analyze their knowledge, competencies and experience. It is widely understood and disseminated by the World Bank that the WB YPP interview model is the behavioral event interview (BEI) but, in fact, it is mixed, combining this model with others: the traditional interview and the brain teaser interview (or puzzle interview).

Having a mock interview with a professional who has extensive experience and knowledge of the World Bank YPP interview model will help you be better prepared for this phase, greatly increasing your chances of being selected for the desired vacancy. World Bank YPP mock interviews are held via Skype (preferably), WhatsApp, Facetime or Hangouts, conducted by an interview specialist and last around 60 minutes. On average, the interviewer (a professor with a PhD who is a specialist in the WBG YPP) spends approximately two hours reading all your documents and preparing a script to be used in your interview. Every interview is personalized and unique.

Please note: We strongly recommend that you read the World Bank YPP interview in the eBook World Bank YPP: The Essential Guide before having a mock interview.

Recorded Interview Service Flow:

  1. Make the purchase on our store;
  2. Our team will send you 6 questions, based on previous editions of the YPP;
  3. Then, you will record yourself answering these questions and send the video to us (uploading it in a Dropbox folder that we will share with you), simulating the actual interview;
  4. Our team of Ph.D. professors and specialists on the WBG YPP will analyze this video minute by minute, and make suggestions for improvements within 1-2 business day(s);
  5. Then, we will send you their feedback in the e-mail you have used to access the shared Dropbox folder;
  6. After the service is completed, we will delete all the files from our system, as we do not keep the personal information of any of our clients.

Mock Interview Service flow:

  1. Make the purchase on our site.
  2. Following purchase, press the “Book Now” button on the “Order Received” page, which is located under “Order details”.
  3. Then, on the “Book Now” page, continue with the scheduling. You will see all the times available. Select one of these. Do not forget to advise us of your time zone when scheduling.
  4. If you are not sure of the date and time you wish to schedule your mock interview, this is not a problem. You can schedule it at any time by going to “Orders” and pressing the “Book now” button on this page.
  5. After scheduling on the site, you will receive a confirmation e-mail from OpenIGO with all the information on your mock interview;
  6. If you wish to change the time of your mock interview, this is no problem at all, as long as it is done with a minimum of 48 hours’ notice. You just need to go to the “My Account” page and press the “appointments” button on “My products and services”. Press the “Change” button on this page and make the alteration. Changes are not permitted with less than 48 hours’ notice;
  7. OpenIGO will send an e-mail 24 hours before your mock interview session, reminding you of the appointment details;
  8. If you do not appear for the scheduled mock interview session, you will not be entitled to a new appointment.
  9. Do not forget that in order to carry out the mock interview, you must be available via the agreed means of communication, such as Skype (preferably), WhatsApp, Hangouts or Facetime.

Service details:

  • Mock Interview Length:  60 (sixty) minutes
  • Mock Interview Language: English
  • Means of holding the mock interview: Skype (preferably), WhatsApp, Facetime or Hangouts
  • Re-scheduling: Is allowed up to 48 hours before the scheduled time.

Discover other WBG YPP Packages and Save Money! Choose the best offer for you!

Full Package (eBook + Application Review + Mock Interview)

Initial Package (eBook + Application Review)

Essential Package (Application Review + Mock Interview)

If you are still not convinced that OpenIGO is the best option for you, take a look at some of the universities that many of our satisfied clients come from:

United Nations YPP Universities


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