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Book Description:

The New Edition of the WBG YPP e-book has been released! This is your chance to be the next WBG Young Professional!

Get prepared with the New Edition of our comprehensive e-book: “The World Bank Group YPP: The Essential Guide”. Our e-book has been thoroughly updated with the most relevant information regarding the new edition of the WBG YPP. Check our brand new sample essay focused on the IFC & MIGA track!

Working for the World Bank Group (WBG) is a dream for many. Among the different ways of selecting staff, the Young Professionals Program (YPP) is known as the World Bank Group’s most important and prestigious selection process. The World Bank Group YPP is an extremely competitive selection process. Every year, more than 6,000 highly qualified young people from around the world apply for this program but only around 45 applicants are selected each year. Being selected for the World Bank Group YPP can change your life forever, but this is no easy task. In pursuit of its mission, the OpenIGO network has prepared the World Bank Group YPP Guide (PDF E-book) to help you perform successfully in the World Bank Group YPP, even if you do not have connections or previous experience at the Bank.

This book will introduce you to the complex World Bank Group and its approach towards international development; it will teach you how to prepare each of the documents required in detail, and will also get you ready for the interview and Assessment Center. It does not matter if you intend to apply now or in five years’ time, this eBook will help you qualify for this important program.

This eBook was written and revised by a team of Ph.D. professors, human resources specialists and intergovernmental organization staff with a great deal of diligence.

It is important to point out that when purchasing the eBook you are also acquiring 30 days of support to clarify any queries about its content through an exclusive channel available on the OpenIGO Store “My Account” page.

WBG YPP: The Essential Guide (PDF e-Book): Chapter Structure
Chapter 1 – Introduction to the World Bank Group YPP
Chapter 2 – The World Bank Group (WBG): understanding the organization
Chapter 3 – Navigating through World Bank knowledge
Chapter 4 – The World Bank Group development model timeline
Chapter 5 – The foundations of New Institutionalism and New Public Management applied to World Bank public policies
Chapter 6 – Online application form
Chapter 7 – Curriculum Vitae (presents a CV sample of a successful candidate)
Chapter 8 – How to write good dissertation and thesis summaries
Chapter 9 – Writing an effective essay (with newly updated essay samples for the WBG YPP, including the IFC & MIGA track)
Chapter 10 – Effective reference letters
Chapter 11 – The World Bank Group interviews
Chapter 12 – Preparing for the IFC Track Assessment Tests (with examples of questions)
Chapter 13 –The World Bank YPP Assessment Center (presents a case study sample)
Frequently Asked Questions

Chapter description:

This book is divided into 12 (twelve) chapters and one attachment.

Chapter 1 Introduction to the World Bank Group YPP – presents the World Bank Group YPP’s characteristics; its minimum application requirements; the different selection process rounds; and, work assignment features, such as salary, benefits, type of appointment and hierarchical level, among others.

Chapter 2 The World Bank Group (WBG): understanding the organization – presents the WBG through its administrative organizations, its history, the role of its agencies, its decision-making system and strategic activities. This chapter is essential since it is very common for candidates to have difficulties understanding this immense organization. Overcoming this difficulty is essential for those who wish to work there, since knowledge about the Bank and its strategies is required throughout the selection process.

Chapter 3 Navigating through World Bank knowledge – assists candidates to navigate through the different knowledge and information sources produced by the WBG. This knowledge is essential during the World Bank YPP selection process, helping candidates prepare their curriculum; to write an essay and to perform at the interview and Assessment Center. Some of the questions this chapter answers are as follows: What are the Bank’s main content repositories? How is the e-learning platform structured and how does it operate? and What are the Bank’s main publications and which should I read first?

Chapter 4 The history of World Bank Group development models and

Chapter 5 The essentials of New Institutionalism and New Public Management – are complementary. Throughout its history, the World Bank Group has been supported by different theoretical models to develop its international development strategies and policies. Knowledge of these models (particularly the current one) is essential for WBG candidates, since they must present solutions to the questions posed during the selection process, which are in line with the organization’s way of thinking. Therefore, Chapter 4 presents a summarized history of the Bank’s international development models, from its creation until the present day, while Chapter 5 explains the theoretical foundations of the current New Institutional Economics model, presenting its main premises and concepts and providing a study guide to help candidates gain a better understanding.  

Chapter 6 Online application form – presents and gives detailed explanations of the World Bank Group YPP online application form, which is essential for candidates to gather the information required in advance, prepare the requested documents and avoid making any mistakes.

Chapter 7 Curriculum Vitae – assists candidates to construct a quality curriculum vitae (CV), which is essential to increase their chances of success in this competitive selection process and ensure they stand out from the others. In this chapter, subjects such as the content and structure of an effective CV, visual aspects and common mistakes will be covered and various tips provided. A sample CV of a candidate who was successful in the World Bank YPP is also included.

Chapter 8 How to write good dissertation and thesis summaries – helps candidates prepare excellent thesis or dissertation summaries, which is no easy task.

Chapter 9 Writing an effective essay – assists candidates in the process of writing an effective essay for the WBG YPP. Writing an effective essay is a major challenge, since attention should be paid to its content, the logic presented to solve problems, the construction of coherent arguments, the vocabulary, the correct use of written language, its structure and organizing ideas. Additionally, this chapter also provides an example of an essay from a candidate who was successful in the selection process.

Chapter 10 Effective reference letters – helps candidates to obtain effective reference letters, which can significantly contribute towards their success in the selection process. In this chapter, the following questions are answered: What is a reference letter? How is it different to a letter of recommendation? Who should I ask for a reference letter? How do I request this letter? and What content should be included in a reference letter?

Chapter 11 The WBG YPP Interview – qualifies candidates, so that they perform successfully in the World Bank YPP interview. This chapter describes how the interview takes place at the World Bank YPP and what is expected during this process; it presents the different interview methods used in this selection (especially the Behavioral Event Interview) and gives tips and suggestions for candidates to be better prepared for this stage of the selection process.

Chapter 12 Preparing for the IFC Track Assessment Tests – presents the IFC Track Assessment Tests’ and Interviews’ characteristics and offer tips and suggestions for helping candidates to best prepare for this phase.

Chapter 13 The WBG YPP Assessment Center – prepares candidates to impress the assessor at the Assessment Center (AC), which takes place in the same round as the interview. This chapter gives a presentation on the Assessment Center model used on the World Bank Group YPP, but specifically the group case study, and gives tips on how candidates can be better prepared for this stage.

Lastly, Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) are provided in an attachment, with more than 100 questions and answers which aim to clarify candidates’ most common queries and help them throughout the World Bank Group YPP selection process. It is divided into four main areas: 1) Minimum requirements; 2) Selection Process; 3) Assignment Features; and, 4) Program Features.

The chapters of this book are logically structured, in line with the World Bank Group YPP selection phases and the knowledge required to be successful in them. However, there is no single, correct way to read the book. It could be read in sequence, chapter by chapter, or you could choose to read it according to your most immediate needs. For example, if you are preparing for the interview, you may choose to read Chapter 11 first. However, reading the first five chapters, which cover general questions about the World Bank, is important and essential for a good performance at any of the selection stages.

OpenIGO hopes that this publication will be of great assistance during the WBG YPP selection process and that you will soon become an international civil servant who is committed to a better world for everyone.

Product details:

  • File Size:  5,289 MB
  • File Format: PDF (Read on Any Device)
  • Print Length: 204 pages
  • Publisher: OpenIGO; 3rd edition
  • Publication Date (Updated): April 29, 2023
  • Language: English
  • Digital Rights Management: eBooks from OpenIGO use the DRM Social mode. This means that your personal information (such as name and e-mail) will appear in the top corner of every page of the eBook. You can read your file on any device (such as a Kindle, iPhone, iPad, cell phone or personal computer, etc.) or you can print it should you wish. However, you do not have the authorization to share your e-book with anyone, either in a digital format or printed copy, and you are subject to the penalties set out in international law if you do so.
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Get also:

The WBG YPP – Application Review

The WBG YPP – Mock Interview

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World Bank Group YPP Guide