OpenIGO | International Careers Development Network
Developing a Theory of Change- Unlocking Complexity in Project Planning and Implementation


Developing a Theory of Change- Unlocking Complexity in Project Planning and Implementation

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Organization: Philantropia



Occupational Groups:


Closing Date: 2024-06-12

Join our webinar on “Developing a Theory of Change” where we look into the essential framework for effective project planning and evaluation. In today’s dynamic world, projects and programs are increasingly guided by Theories of Change (ToC) to address complexity while creating robust plans and monitoring strategies. Yet, many ToCs remain overly simplistic, reflecting linear thinking and leaving gaps in the logic of “if we do this, then that will happen.” Moreover, the practical application of ToCs often fails to enhance learning and adaptation during implementation.

This webinar is designed to move beyond these challenges, offering insights on developing more sound and effective Theories of Change. We will focus on understanding the key concepts, and provide a step-by-step guide for organizing a successful ToC development and implementation process.

The webinar will cover:
Understanding the Theory of Change

  • Definition and Key Concepts
    • Define the theory of change
    • Explain key concepts (inputs, activities, outputs, outcomes, impacts)
  • Why It Matters
    • Importance for planning, implementation, and evaluation
    • Benefits for NGOs (clarity, strategic alignment, donor communication)
  • Components of a Theory of Change
    • Detailed explanation of each component
    • Example of a simple theory of change model

Developing a Theory of Change

  • Step-by-Step Guide
    Steps to develop a theory of change:

    1. Identify long-term goals
    2. Backward mapping to identify preconditions
    3. Identify interventions
    4. Develop indicators
    5. Write a narrative

How to register

Date: 13 June 2024, Thursday

Time: 11:00 Am (CET)

Click here to register.

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