OpenIGO | International Careers Development Network
Donor Research


Donor Research

Are you interested in this opportunity and want to land the job? We can help you with that! Check out our online store! There you will find ebooks and services that will help you in this endeavor.

Organization: Philantropia



Occupational Groups:


Closing Date: 1970-01-01

Are you having problems to identify new potential donors? Do you feel like the donor landscape for your field is overwhelming. Are you spending way too much time on research and have no real system to it? We have the solution for you!

Learn everything you need to know about donor research in this online course!

Donor research is essential to identify a good donor fit. Before you can start working on your proposal, you need to know where you can submit it. The more information you can gather about a potential donor, the better you can tailor the proposal to their needs. Sometimes the information available out there can be overwhelming though. Also, if you do not have a good system in place to organize the information, you will spend a lot of resources on research withouth being effective.

In this online course you will learn:

  • What is donor research?
  • Why do you need it?
  • Why is it so important?
  • What are the best ways to do donor research?
  • How can you organize your donor research?

This online course consists of:

  • A video with tips and tricks from our instructor Erik Detiger, where he shares his experiences from more than two decades of work in the fundraising field
  • Lectures that will give you crucial information
  • A quiz that will make sure you understood everything you need to know
  • A cheat sheet with all the important information for when you are in a hurry
  • A small workbook that will help you to implement the learned lessons in your organization

Don´t hesitate and learn how to do donor research for your organization today. With a strategic approach, you will see your fundraising taking a turn to the positive in no time!

Are you interested in this opportunity and want to land the job? We can help you with that!

OpenIGO has helped dozens of professionals from all around the world to kick-start their international careers with intergovernmental organizations. Our high-qualified team of professionals and human resources specialists have put together a series of products and services to help make your dream come true!

On our online store, you will find comprehensive eBooks, mock interviews, application reviews, and other related services, which have been prepared for you with the utmost care! What are you waiting for? Get started on your international career now!

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